20 WILMETTE L Basement Can Be Excellent Playroom For Winter Months Keeps Children Safe and Comfortable u Well u Out of Mischief By ELSIE WEST Kenilworth Scouts Take in Clus of Tenderfeet If your basement is dry and well ventilated it can hold many things besides a furnace, a storeroom, a coal'bin and a laundry. If it is damp. I 'guess that it is hopeless unless that dampness is remedic,P, for it would l>e unhealthful for you to use the basement for anything at all, and, in fact. it really endangers the healthfulness of the whole hoiuse. But there are many good light basements that are going to waste when with a little trouble they could be fixed up and made into real additions to the house . The walls could be painted with some Health Director Comments light color, hut not white. as that is on Statistics too glaring, and it is a simple matter to put up a few partitions, if they are not already there. One small space might be fitted up as a workroom for Every other school child in Illinois the man who loves to "putter" around, has at least one bad tooth, declared Dr. or even if he doesn't love it there are Isaac D. Rawlings, state health director, often little things which must bt mended and that is a convenient place who bases the estimates on surveys reto do it, and he will not be cluttering cently conducted in this and other states. up some other part of the house. And This condition is a serious reflection uphow the growing boy would revel in on the ability of parents to choose for such a room I A place where he can themselves and their children the proper have his own tools and an experi- kinds of foods. the director adds, bement to his heart's content, with no cause faulty diet causes dental decay more frequently than does the lack of one to bother him. Speaking of puttering-and I really a toothbrush. "When children eat from one-third to .bad no intention of making a punif there is a "golf bug" in the family half a pound of sugar daily, drink coffee and complete their diet with meat his winters and rainy Sundays may again be made livable by installing and potatoes, the wonder is that teeth an indoor golf stand by which he can are not worse than they really are," measure his different shots on a put- Dr. Rawlings asserted. "Hard, durable ting clock. This may be played in teeth are made of material rich in calthe largest part of the basement, cium, phosphorus and vitamins and the which can be well fixed into a gym- chief source of these ingredients is milk,. nasium, with a few horizontal bars leafy vegetables, fruits and cereals. "What the prospective mother eats deaf!d other things. A billiard table always brings about great fun for the termines very largely the character of the primary teeth of her child, while the whole family. diet of ahc infant up to six years of Fiae for the Children age largely determines the character of Then what more perfect place could the children have to frolic than in a his permanent teeth. "A toothbrush is a good thing when playroom of their own in the basement? In it they would feel almost properly used, but it canot make a hard as free as they would out of doors tooth out of a soft one. Neither can and the problem of keeping them in it take the place of diet in giving to a during inclement weather would be person a durable tooth .. Proper diet is greatly lessened. The noise would not no more expensive than poor diet. It pervade the rest of the house, and yet is a matter of choice and not cost. A the.. mother will know wbera u.- ....u ha 1'1 d d' _will Qat, QJ\b( ..ai'JI't the are and -tliilt they are not in mischief right 'foundatiOn tor good teeth, but it -or she is as sure of that as it is will help prevent a lot of such disever possible to be. The playroom eased conditions as diabetes, cancer and must be fitted up in an attractive and tuberculosis. inviting manner, and yet the simplest "Parents should consult their family th;ngs will do-the simpl~t and sturd- physician relative to proper djet for iest. making sound, hard teeth and should By the use of lamps you can prob- visit the family dentist twice a year for ably light the basement sufficiently advice and preventative treatment." ~ith the outlets that you have, but tf you are not able to do this it is best to have some more put in, for Read tlae Want-Ada that is one important thing in the making of your basement into a part e Dudley Marshall, Hunter Hicks, ] unior Owen, Robert Richardson, ~red Bright, William Schmus, George Kmgsley, Charles Southward and Mac~ Macof your home. It must be light and Intosh were initiated into the Kemlworth cheerful and not let one semblance remain of the natural basement gloom. To keep away from the hardness and ha reness in appearance the floors sho uld be covered. This should he done also from the standpoint _of health. Old rugs that have been dtscarded for use upstairs may be cal~ed into service here. A straw matt~n.g grass rug wou:d be fitting and here Js at;other place where the old standby linoleum may be put into use. Boy Scouts at a meeting held recently. Last week Friday night a large number of parents attended the gathering held by the Boy Scouts in their honor at the Joseph Sears school. The boys expressed a desire to complete their tests for advanc~ badges before the New Year. FIND BAD DIET INJURES TEETH More Coaalort lor Le· Money traveL . The Ford Coupe ie the lowat pricedda.edcaron thei!W'ketyet one of t_be IDOIC ·tielactory. Coldnc Je. to buy aDd maintaia. every c:lollar lDvelted brmp pem.t ntume iD c:ombtabJ.. dependable ·s2s ,._..,. ...... ,,.lJ ....... . , The Coupe Sturdy, lonc·lived and adapad to aD ClODCiidODI oi I'OIIdt and weather-it meec. w.rr ued of a two~car. Toun.., Oar Tudor s.dMa · .165 590 29$ ...... ,........... .w. ........ __ a...-.we.._.. . . atm. St.dily powinl demand and tbetaOUI'CeeandiiiCilltia of the Ford McMor Company have made JM*ible a cloeed car, at a price millioaa can dord, rilhdy cleaiped, carefully built and b.dted by an efficient aerv1ce orpnizati011 in. every neichborhoocl of the natioD. - This gas and oiling station is just across the street from our garage, and is under our management. Winter Comforts {§:Jfl:e A ton You should be as comfortable driving your machine in cold weather as you are in your home. You probably need one or more .of the following "Winter Comforts." A Temme Heater Pi.... Wiater Froat Weed DeLasa CIWaa Aato...tlc WW.W.I.I Wlpw Better drive in at once and let us equip y,our car with whatever you need to make your winter driving comfortable and safe. I Fync Spot Li·lat A GeM S..,. Tire (SUvertowa) AleoW u ...... Oil .... GNu. "Moom:h .. the only cx&e we ever had 10 buy iD taD Iota." DWSH BROS., a..aOtocen, HUBBARD WOODS GARAGE 1010 Tow· Road WINNETICA, IUJNOIS ~Mich. "Service With A Smile." PHONES: 'WINNETKA 617-18~4