Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Nov 1924, p. 13

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WILMETTE LI FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 1924 1J U!s' Play th~ ch!ldren's Christ~ ro e gtven December 11 dent pla_Yers of the N~ ege: M t s Clara Btllt thts ch~rming story at nances w1ll be given ~t 2 o'clock. · Ollt :o,me on th~ north short n s entertatnments. 1'ht 1 appy to present them · lch will be added to t~ at Chandler's, or at eo111· ! inger's Wedding ng given for Miss Char· was gtven by Mrs. Carl On Friday, November is having a bridge party [cCullin of Maple a r inger. On Tuesday, t the home of Mrs. Hope ednesday evening is t~t ~ take ~lace December 4. ecember 3 e hours of church women Guild of St. Augustine's day, December 5, in tht the remembrance boot~ to send a gift to the ba· at those in the making, e clubhouse at 6 and at h Mrs. A. E. Logie, lim evening. Parsha ll of 121 e avenue is spending the with her cousins at Green· nois. dward S. Band of 934 Oak· enue will have the Crescent her home on December 2 11-day meeting. Luncheon erved at noon . It is hoped embers will attend this im· ession. Mrs. W. D. Lawrence, 520 Lake Mrs. I. K. Stover was hostess at Mr. and Mrs. Edward ]. Bradley of 234 Doyle court spent Thanksgiv- avenue, chaperoned sevt>ral girls on luncheon and bridge Tuesday at the ing with Felix Press! of Chicago. 1'h ~ nksgiving Day at St. Alban's North Shore Coif club. Mrs. Tillie Barshaw of Toledo was -othe guest of the Bradleys on Monday. school at Sycamore, Illinois. Elizabeth De Berard, Jane Cornell and Mrs. M. H. Bickham of 4Z9 Ninth -()Miss Gertrude Ingersoll, who is at- Dorothy Lawrence accompanied her. street is convalescinc from her illnaa. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Parker of tending Sweet Briar college, is spendE last few weeks before Christ- 435 Tenth street and their son, Robert, ing the Thanksgiving recess in New John's Military .York. 1113 , are cr<?wded with sales of motored up to St. attractive gtfts needed to com- academy where Charles Parker is at -o-the lists of busy shoppers. The school, and spent the week-end at M iss Betty Rice, a student at Smith r for these varies. On Tuesday, "Mill Stream Inn." college, went to Barre, Massachusetts, ht·r 2, the Vocational Society ~ for Thanksgiving and the week-end. ·INC· .ius will hold a sale in KenilMr. and Mrs .. JSarl Steinkamp of -o-CHILDR.EN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS .ll the home . of Mrs. Harry Evanston are recetvtng congratulations Mrs. J. B. Bartholomew of 104 ing. 257 Kentlworth avenue. upon the birth of a daughter on Fri- Ninth street entertained 18 relatives an nually, this affair provides day, November 21, at the Evanston from Valpraiso, Indiana, ThanksgivJortunity for the sale of lovely hospital. Mrs. Steinkamp was former- ing Day. · c' made by handicapped men ly Miss Ruth Risley. --<>women who desire to aid in their -oMrs. A. W. Osborn of J06 Park ,upport. From 10 o'clock ill the Mrs. I P. Bartlett of Diamond street has her n" ~IRABLE DARK CHOCOL.\T& e phew, Bartlett Dobn!!" until S in the evening, a Lake, I1linois, is spending a week or berthein of Benton Harbor, as her i<f ,('!ection ?f hand~ade gifts, two with Mrs. L. E. Blunt of 1008 Oak- guest over the Thanksgiving holidays. WASHABLE ELK.SKIN hin l! for babtes, cushtons. foot- wood avenue. Mr. Blunt is in northern -(). and rugs will ?e on display w · NON-SCUFFABLE Mrs. H. J. Wrightson of 1006 Linre side nts of our vtllafes. Those tsconsin on a business trip. den avenue entertained Spoke 12 of LONG-WEARING know of the work 0 these men Mary VeronicaMcArdle had as her the Presbyterian church for luncheon women consider it as fine as any house guest last week Mildred Dwyer on Tuesday. hited at a Woman's exchange. SHOP IN EVANSTON -oSlzPs 8~ to 11 ....... S4.M \ 'ocationa& <I!OCiety is the of Stevington. Miss Dwyer came in AKPI...~ PAlUUNO J'AC1LtTd£S Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kloepper anfor the Notre-Dame Northwestern "'"-'-" u~ to 1 ........ 1M NO NOISE OB OOliOUTlON ium th roogh. which these inval!ds game on Saturday. nounce the marriage of their daugh th r;r handtwork to the outstde ~ ter, Rose, to Jacob Trom, Jr. , of WilThe socie ty. is par~ly sup- . Mrs. Charles Ray McCallum, 930 mette, on November 26. 1608 Chieaso A venUf', at Davi· Street . I" sma ll donahons, by tis mem- Oakwood avenue, and her little son, -o-M iss Christine Bauer of 1619 IJCh~~~g~y a!;t~h~al~~rt:Vo~en Charles. left Saturday for a visit wit.h 5 ore her father, Mr. E. L. Worden at hts Washington avenue has returned from . . . ntccr t h etr servtces to mstruct the hom 111 · Cl R' d N J an extended visit in New York City -ins in their work. e en ~ ew ersey. with her brother, John. rs .. H.~ rry Vf isseri·. ng and Mrs. EdMrs. George L. Martin of 1046 Elm-o-Hldr rck o Ken lwort.h are mem - wood avenue was expected home for M rs. George C. Kroll, 1033 Green of. the board of dtrectors, the Thanksgiving from St Luke's hospital wood avenue, is recovering from a Ill. charge of the sale to be~e- where she underwent. an operation ·a recent illness. Only [a use, so well W<?rth whtle. little over two weeks ago. -athem Tuesday wtll be sev-oMrs . T. B. Gibson of 429 Tenth Twent'J Minutea ho~rd members from. Oak Park Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Scarborough of street gave a "Spoke" luncheon on TuesChrcaj!o.· and Mrs. Stdney East- 227 Ninth street entertained Mr. Lam- day at her home. by Motor . ~lr> John P. Oleson, Mrs. Harry born of the Orrington and Mr. H . -()arrrson: Mrs. Charles Ware, Mrs. Scarborough of Milwaukee over Mrs. Charles Bailey Blake enter'D. Brt~!ht, Mrs. B. C. Hawkes, Thanksgiving. from tained at tea Sunday evening at her John C. Carpenter. Mrs. Mark home on Chestnut avenue. -oand Mrs. Otto C. Owen. -()Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bowman of the North Shore --o-Dr. Hubert Carleton has been ill for 428 Ninth street have returned · from . and Mrs. Harold White. 630 the coast, where they visited Port- se\'eral days at his home on Forest Buaineu District· tral arenue. are in the east. They land, and various places in California. avehue. Steak 6- Chiclten to 1pend Thanksgiving with their They were away about three weeks. LUNCfiiON 111\VaO AT 110011 . Miss Gladys. who attends -ahall. Wellesley. Massachusetts. Invitations are out for the dance The Pet er Jensen . a recent bride. will Isabel Macalister and Marjorie Mead charge of the household during are giving from 7 until 9 o'clock FriOUILMETIE ab~;ence. day evening, December 5, at the WilCOUNTRY -o-mette Woman's club. Seventy-6ve Cents -oKorth Shore Vassar club will CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Belknap Hawkes aron Tuesday, -December 2, at 3 at the home of Mrs. Ralph H . rived to spend Thanksgiving and the is available for 2606 Central street, Evans- week-end with Mr. Hawkes' father is will be the last meeting and mother. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Dances. Club Meetings, Dinners, Hawkes of Kenilworth. the club until after the holidays. Receptions and All Kinds ot Gt.·t away from business by taking time off at noon andii!Jork of Shut-ins to on Sale Sale in Kenilworth P<DL & PIPE~ CHILDREN'S PLAY SHOES EVANSTON, ILUNOIS Djnntrl Business Men's Lunch -o- -o- 11 Mrs. A. L. Meyet o\ \~ a venue had as their guestJ sgiving, Mr. and Mrs. feli d Mr. and Mr s. ] . A. Meys s Park. ~d Mrs. Clifford Mason d 1. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. owners Grove, and on of Chicago are the s of Mr. and Mrs. Roy of 218 Woodbine avenue. r. and Mrs. George W. Guetzow Chicago. Miss Bernice Cresap and ss Elsie Markle, nurses in the .Reese hospital. Chicago, arc week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Bidamon of 238 Catalpa place. M iss Dorothy Smith of 419 Ninth street, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Hays and their son, at the Thanksgiving dinner Public Gatherings. For Information regarding rentals. telephone Miss Winters, Wilmette 625. for a run out into the country. the Sovereign hotel. and dance at ~ --o- rth Shore Golf club dinner and dance 1ng in celebration of out 200 guests were irriam Metzel, Mrs. E. B. Metzel o ~ I be formally presented ~n Thursday, December ~ e at th~rington hotel. Mrs. Waltrr T . Mead, 1040 Forest avenue, and her daughter, Marjorie, Jordan. son of Mr. and Mrs. are leaving today to spend the weekrd W. Jordan of the Linden- end with Mrs. Mead's father and apartments, did not return mother in Kalamazoo, Michigan. college for Thanksgiving, but -othe holiday with friends in Mr. and Mrs. George Panushka, who paign. have been spending their honeymoon --<>-in touring the eastern states and and Mrs. H. K. Snider who have Canada, have returned to Wilmette their home at 730 Washington and are living at 1041 Forest avenue. ue, have returned from East Den-o-Cape Cod. where they spent the Mrs. Ross Hodgkinson of Long . and are now located at 1405 Beach, California, is the guest of the avenue, Evanston. Fred A. Barkers, 431 Eighth street. -a- -()- eople of the village will hear of the death of Ashendon, M. P., of gland, brother of Ed 1 of Winnetka, and un . Kavanaugh. Henry many friends in both l.'ery prominent in the ons during the war. --o-. D. Edwin of Van fhe houseguest of Mrs. ~ of 110 Fifth street. { has returned from rhere, he, as a singer in club, went last Tuesday Thomas Beadnelt, 1028 ElmMr. and Mrs. George Browning of a,·enue, entertained her sister, 423 Ninth street entertained several outCharles Everett of Racine, the of-town relatives on Thanksgiving. week-end. Mrs. Everett left for · around the world with Mr. It November 27. -o- -o-and Mrs. Otho W. Stephens will rate their golden wedding anniary Sunday, November 30, by giva dinner in the afternoon for 40 sts who wilt include their children their intimate friends. ~ ry -o-. Hiram H. Edgerton of RochesNew York, is visiting her daughMrs. Benjamin Roodhouse of 427 avenue. -()- tephen A. Lloyd is improving illness that has confined him for about 10 days. Niaht and Mominl to keep them Clean, Uear and Healthy Write for Free ··£,e COTe" or ··E,e Balldy" Boc* · WelcornQ lo Toyland Come all you boys and girls to Happyland. Let's all get that magical anything-might-happen feeling. It's here in Toyland. First look at the beautiful window of toys-then take Rosenberg's magic carpet (the elevators) to the Third Floor. Whee-more fun than a barrel of monkeys. ...... c... De... B. S~9L OllleSt.,Qicqe --oelson McElvey is the infaa: . and Mrs. Clifford Me on, who was born on mber 8, on the bi father, Mr. · ood avenue. Mrs. Gerda Nelson. Things of Beauty Which Endure SANTA IS HERE Yes siree, Mr. S. Claus (familiarly known as Santa) has installed his own North Pole Workshop on the Third Floor. Saturday he will give a little gift to every boy and girl who calls on him. --oetty Mulvey, who is a Gulf Park college, at sissippi, did not come Thanksgiving holidays. orne for Christmas. evening Mr~. M DIAMONDS N O ~O~MODITY on earth-:-well bought-depreciat~ so li~tle wtth ttme and wear as dtamonds. You may enJOy-wtth pride-the intimate possession .and ~se ?f nature's masterRl'm for a generation or more, at whtch ttme tts value may h~ve en.hanced. Do you know of anC?ther article of luxury of whach thts may be said? Come and See Santa s Circus The most marvellou Shore. 1t's Wonderful ! mechanical attraction ever shown on the North f ~urday --o- ~ kwood avenue will bers of her sewing clu rbands. -()- [elen Haack, daughter of H. J. Haack came home to visit her parents ovet and to see the game, We have been diamond merchants for 67 years. The experience a!ld judgment gained therein are a_t yol!r service today. Everl dtamond that we offer is worthy of tb prtce and of your approva · Hinky Dinky Tht> ·world's smaflest /rained elephant Honk Honk Du Du JVnrld-famorls Orir11tal Ba.'a1Jcing Artist Glorio11s To:y/a,.d-TIIird Floor Kid Bozo A frrocious yotuJg.sltr dirat from tht jtHtglcs of Bontto ~ Mrs. Otto Schumacher ~mprecth of Milwaukee ~ing with Mr. and Mrs. f 204 Wood court. -o-- CHARLES E. GRAVES & COMPANY Diamoad Merclumta aad Jewelers MADISON STREET AT WABASH AVENUE, CHICAc;.o Eatab1iahed 1117 ·ood avenue will spend T~ ith Mrs. M3ry Band of d Mrs. -()-Edward S. Band' ;,;._~

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