Residents to Relate Earliest Views of Village K event of particular_. interest for next week is the annual dinner of the Kenilworth Historical society will be held Wednesday evening o'clock at the Kenilworth Asly hall. It will be a genuine refor many of the old residents and fa r-o ff members are planning to a special effort to attend. Invihave been sent to eevryone known ve been a resident of Kenilworth 20 years or over and if anyone has 0 ,·erlooked he is requested to conhimself invited and send his reserat once to the secretary, Clive }. , 310 Cumnor road. The program be an interesting and varied one. Aene ral topic " The First Time I Kenilworth" will be the therr.e of e,ening and there will be additional rtainment which is still the secret of committee. Mrs. Caroline Ellsh and Mrs. \Villiam Taylor are in of the dinner and rumors of turand savory accompaniments are about. It is hoped that all mem'"i ll show their loyalty and devot·· Kenilworth by their presence. --o)[j, , Eleanor r. and Mrs. A. Tucker of Lak 1rned home Tuesday e whom she had been past three weeks. w. --o- -ond Mrs. Albert K re returning Su~da id~ing trip .abroad. tetr home m Evanston. -<>ay afternoon Mrs. Warrt~~ as ·hostess to the members admg club at her home Ttey "Freloha,',' the:_ K~nilworth group of ca_ mpfire gtrls, gave a Th ... .·'<sgiving masquerade Wednesday evening in the Sunday s_chool room of the Kenilworth Com~umty center. The room was espectally decorated for the occasion to re~reset?t the i_nterior of a log cabin and m _thts settmg the girls partook of a deh$'htful supper, following which the evemng was given over to revelry and games. · -<>-Mr. and Mrs. Craig B. Ketcham, 611 _Abbot:tsford road, entertained with ~ dmner party Tuesday night precedmg the formal dance at the Kenilworth clu.b. The Craig Ketchams, together wtth the Frank Ketchams of Devonshire lane, entertained also with a family dinner at the Indian Hill country club on Thanksgiving. File Bonus Application, Library Haa Suageationa Women Voten Will Heu' Legion Urges Service Men ' for Xmu Book Praenta State W omui Lqialator [1. .LFARE CONFERENCE ld Welfare conference is ednesday from 2 to 4 Grosse Point Health e and Ridge A child specialist is ~ and examinations are cost to a 11 children of ship. res fire e statemenl e Monthly Ojfer 1 new de.vel· , producing rays of the ly. Positivemfortable. Eckhart, daughter of Percy B. Eckhart of Cum berland a\·enue, is one of the ·est young hostesses hereabouts c days and is manifesting the ay spirit by giving a number of for out of town visitors come share in the fall festivities. Last ~I iss Eckhart had as her guests :\atalie Shipman of Hartford, ~I iss Elizabeth Drew and Miss Crews of New York City. Miss entertained at a dinner party her guests on Tuesday ni~ht at Tiptop Inn followed by a theatre at "The Goose Hangs High." Elizabeth Hannah entertained a luncheon 1t the Chicago Athclub Wednesday followed hy a ee party at "Applesauce." Wedevening Mrs. Bernard A. Eckcnterta ined the visitors with a party at the Opera. This week Eckhart's fiance, Mr. Walter L. of Duluth, Minn., is visiting her there will be a dinner in his Tuesday evening preceding- the people's dance at the Kenilclub. Out of approximately 4,500,000 men The Wilmette Free Public library has The December meeting of the Wileligible for the national bonus ~ss than on hand some lists of gift books ap- mette League of Women Voters will 1',500,000 have applied, it was stated by be held in the Wilmette Woman's a merr.ber of the Wilmette Post of the propriate to the holiday season. These clubhouse, Thursday afternoon, Delists suggest books ·suitable for the kid- cember 4, at 3:30 o'clock. American Legion this week. Mrs. Lottie Holman O'NeiiJ, mem· "In the interests of economical gov- dies, for the older youngsters, for the ernment administration every service boys and girls in their teens, for sports- ber of the House of Representatives man should apply .at once," the meR men, the lovers of the real literary type of the Illinois General Assembly, from the 41st district, wilt speak on legiseligible for bonus are informed. "The bureau employs about 2,500 clerks and of reading. In fact, gift books suitable lative measures of interest to women. The meeting will also be the occaonly handles about 3,000 claims a Jay . for all types of readers will be on exWhere they could handle ten times that hibition at the library beginning next sion of reports by delegates to the recent Illinoi Voters league convenamount or more. Furthermore, every week and continuing until Christmas tion in Chic:aflO and the Tri-State day that you wait, you are getting older, day. meeting in Winnetka. which effects the convers:on ratio on Further than this, the Librarian, Miss the insurance policy. Should you die, ON THE MEND your family or benificiary will receive Anne L. Whitmack, announces that Rev. Ste_phen A. Lloyd ,pastor of about one-third of the amount you would either she or her assistant, Miss Wini-othe First Congregational church, was Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cresap and Miss r~eive had you applied during your life fred Bright, will be glad to assist anyreported much improved early this Helen Cresap are home after a sev- ttme. "Get right after thi s matter," the one in making up their holiday list of week, following a severe attack of la eral weeks' visit in New York City gift books. grippe. where Miss Cresap was the guest of service men are urged. "It is vitally her fiance's family, the Walter S. .mportant. You will in any event Le required to file claim or reject it in Comeleys. Miss Elizabeth Moore of San Francisco arrived Wednesday to writing, so, whatever your feelings may be a guest of Miss Cresap for the be in the matter, you will be called upon. Do it now and keep the bureau busy! Thanksgiving holidays. Blanks can be had at the Wilmette State -obank or from the American legion at Mr. and Mr s. ]'rank J. Maginn of Wilmette, Ill. 1113 Wilmette An. St. Louis, Mo., motored to Kenilworth 1002 Greenleaf avenue, Wilmette. At Tenth St. -d Central An. Hours: this week to spend Thanksgiving and either place you will be given assistance the proper exeshould you require it in Services: the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Sunday at 11 A. M. Daily (except Wednesday and Thomas C. White of 310 Richmond cution of the application. Do it now I" Wednesday Testimonial Meeting Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. road . Mrs . Maginn is Mrs. White's at 8 P . M. 'N ednesday: 9 A. M. to 7 :45 P. M. CHIMNEY FIRE sister. Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. Saturday: 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. -0A chimney fire in the residence of Subje-ct of the Lesson Sermon Mr and Mrs. W . W. Wheelock and James Philltps, 600 Maple avPnue. Ken8 ,l_~~ ~~bJ; :~: ~o~~erb"au~~!. NoY. 31, "Ancient and Modern lzed Christian Science Llteratu ... familv. 132 Oxford road, accompanied ilworth, brought out the Wilmette Fire Necromancy, aliaa Meameriam and may be read, borrowed or pur· hy Miss Doris Frazer, motored to dtpartment and the Kenilworth volunHypnotiam, Denounced cbaaed. Lake Geneva over Thanksgiving to teer fire men last Sunday shortly after The Public: i1 cordially in-ritecl to attend the Churc:h SerYicea aacf spend the holiday with Ralph Whee- noon. Damages were not in excess of ·iait the Readina R-m. lock, who is attending the Northwest- $ZOO, as reported by the Kenilworth ern Military academy. police. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Christian Science Reading Room I --o- Mr. and Mrs. George C. Richards, 530 Essex road, entertained a party at the Thanksgiving dinner dance at the North Shore Golf club on Wednesday night. -oMr. and Mrs. W. H. Smythe, 443 Kenilworth avenue , entertained a group of their intimate friends at a delightful Thanksgiving dinner at their home on Thursday. -oMrs. E. L. Essley, 234 Warwick road, and Mrs. Theodore Moritz, 226 Warwick road. were hostesses at a lovely luncheon at the homt of Mrs. Essley on Tuesday. An Oriental Rug for Christtnas Christmas Shopping Days will soon be here, and even now thoughtful buyers are considering the question of suitable gifts. There's one gift that everybody will be glad to receive, and that is a fine Oriental Rug. -oMr. 0. C. Owen, 205 Essex road, left last Thursday for Florida for a short stay. -oThe Vocational Society of Shut-ins is ng a sale of the handwork of inmen and women at the home of Harry Vissering, 257 Kenilworth Tuesday, December 2, from 10 5 o'clock. Mrs. Vissering and Mrs. Hedrick are Kenilworth directors society. A fine assortment of arsuitable for Christmas gifts will sale. A more complete notice this sale apears on the SoPage of the WILMt'l'Tit Lit£. --or. A. R. Hulbert and son, Bruce, Abbottsford road, and Mr. Dick ton attended the Michigan-Iowa at Ann Arbor over the weekd. Mr. James Prentiss also visited Ann Arbor Saturday with his sons, mes and Robert. --oTh e Reading club met Wednesday the home of Mrs. Harry P. Har, 307 Abbottsford road . The prom was a discussion of three books 0 car Wilde. Mr. R. Y. Cooke, 331 Cumnor road, returned Sunday from a week's business trip to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Taylor are spending Thanksgiving with the An-I drew Taylors in Indianapolis. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII · -o- -<>- Oriental Rugs are an ornament to any home. As a present to an entire family nothing could be more fitting. Come in and see our splendid assortment. Aram K. Mestjian North Shore's Leadiq Rue Oeanen Wilmette lMI EYaaeton 51St WILMETTE 511 MAIN· STREET ---- Read tlae Want-Ad· IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIII DR. C. E. GEISSE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN ireplace fit any fired variety of Electro-Therapy Villagt Tbtatrt Building Phont Wilmtttt ~051 Dr. Arthur H. Tuttle Dr. Allee D. Tuttle Oateopatbic Phyaiciana Residence and Office . t13 Central AYenue Phone 300 -o~lrs. Edgar Burchard, 310 Oxfc.rd entertained her bridge club at eon Tuesday. Be Kind to Your Bands t ff W laundry or bathruom it diii801HS quickly, making till water .oft u rainwater. Soft water is noted by experts u heine a big aid in keepinf the lkin soft, flexible and beautiul. Strong_ soaps dry up the skin. Use PI::.NSAL for washing diahee ORDER TODAY without aoap. The quickneaa and ease with which a pan of greaty HENEVER PENSAL is added to the water in kitchen, PANY A. S. VAN OEUSEN WM.BRINKMAN&CO. KLINGE & WHIT.E WILMETTE GROCERY & MARKET NIC BLESER BEN GERSCHEFSKE HOFFMANN BROS. J. W. KEREVAN diehee are washed clean and luetrous will be a distinct surprise. co the tub ol water. It -'·" · dellllhtfull)' In the taundr)', P£NSAL In the w·ter bccaka tiM ~ and protec:ta your hande. PBNSAL · · · eoap. mU. whiter clothee Jn~ t1ma. Harml- to 6nnt fabdca. Let PBNSAL do the - " .-1 handa. ~ deeneina beth, ·nd r ..... · c:._ tub with no hllh w·ter mark. For the beth edd · tablapoon of PENSAL ·ve ,_.. J. W. SCHI..OESSER &CO. Pennsylvania Salt Mfr. Co. run··uw.UHIA. P.L PENSAL Cl