- lO . \YILME-m· LIFE-~RIDA Y, DECEMBER 19; .1924 Captain La Gonda 's Ghost By SCOUT JAN E LYONS Editor's 11olc : The stor~· ·writing coliIrs/ of the Wilmrltr Girl Scouts wa.r -.:·rrv sru-ccssful, 1101 ill tire mmwer ' of .rlo;ics trmrrd ;,,, but i11 tire origi11ality displwycd by tlrose u·lro wrote the s/orics. !alii' J. yous, a fourteen year old Scout nf Troop II n'(ls !Jit·m first placr. lfrr ston. as rrprodr~ced hernt>ith. is so u11usrwl ; , idra a11d so careful/.\' thought out tlrul it ra.ril\' n·o11 this distir~etio11. "Alice's Good ·Turn," b3· Margflrct flirklwm. a len year old Scout, wrrs gir·rn srcorrd p/acr. and "A Girl G11ide of Prance." hy ,\! arjnri,· Braymer, look tl~ 'rd. ,'\'ext Tursda\' the Scouts lrm·e their C hristmas part.i· witlr a trrr, Sa11/a arrd all tlrr rrst of lfrl' Christmas tlrilrgs. Each Sroul t<·i/1 brin!J gifts, not for eaclr othrr, but for tlrr Seoul family. Tirey 'lmnt to prm·idc just the IJappiesl Christmas possible Oil({ et~c/1 Scout tvi/1 sacrifice somclhing so tlrat somroru rl.rl' uwy Jw;·,· Chl-islmas jo~·. Pirate Bill McKee leaned against the rail and, lifting his binoculars, sighed. Finally his mate, turning his one good eye to Bill said, "You por' landlubber, whatcha sigh in' about now?" "Oh nothin'," replied the pirate. Then, excitedly, "Eh, what's that? Ain't thct the merchant ship?" Before he received an answer he hobhied off on his wooden leg. When he reached the foot of the rickety companion-way which led to the captain's cabin, he shouted, "Ship, merchant ship." At these words a mob of pirates. heedless of the captain who wanted to lead . rushed down the companionway shouting at the top of their voices, "Where?" "Over there," answered Bill, pointing to a pood sized vessel. "Forward boys I" cried .the captain. "Aw shet up," answered Bully Boy. fairly 'smashing tht> captain's face in' as Bill told One Eye later. was their's. One flew just o\·er his head and jumping up he brought down with him , not the bird, but most of its tail. He burst , out laughing. as he held it there. then stuffing the red, blue and yellow plumes in hi s pocket. resumed the hunt. It was u eJess. At · nqon they all returned to the appointed place. disgusted and discouraged. and one hy one they decided to go back to the ship. But Bill was firm. "I'm agonna git thct hird, and I'il holler whin I get him. Thin you ki11 come fer me." And with that he left the jeering mockin'l' cr'owd who were growing tired of Bill's temperamental disposition. The first thing Bill did was to watch the birds and discover what food thev ate the most of. It was a bluish red berry off some hanging ,·inc . He dug a deep hole. After putting limbs. twig s, grass and dead lea,·es over it he climbed a tree and plucked the best of the berries he could find which were entwined from branch to branch. Then, strewing them across the unsafe twigs. he hid behind some hushes nearby. It was fully an hour before his chance came. Then, pouncing upon the bird which had fallen into the hole, he lifted it triumphantly and gleefully above his head. The bird fought gallantly, in fact when the men came for Bill they found him pretty badly scratched up. (Continued on page 11) 31 R f 10 to " ro fo f;:arroU Toys, Game., Dolls, Books, Scarf Set., Sweater., Mitten· Rid1wa~, lae. Tiea, Blouaea, Go., Sox, Party Slippera, Storm Boota, Galo.bea (Boy or Girl) "The' Store for Children" Just a reminder that only a few days remain in which to make your Christmas Purchases Infanta Dreaae., Bonnell, Rattlea, Sweatera Come in and ee Santa Clatts Houra: 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. a t our Wilmette atore only EVANSTON flt Da·i· Street Uni...enity 3511 TWO STORES WILMETTE 1111 Wilmette Annue W ilmette 3,11 to Gift It was evcnin2'. Jffd tl~e sun was l~wer_i~g - it~c it qt;ickly as though to h1d_e ;, shocked face from all it had The little vessel just ;vitnessed. around the Mediterranean Bend also was sinking hastily, In the rush and fury of the pirate's raid it had sprung a leak. Now, it was doomed. The pirates, who were sitting around their newly possessed merchandise. fighting over who should get this and who that, were ignorant of this fact, and hat1 they known, lt would 1Jave made no difference to them. What was a life or two to a bunch of water thieves? Nothing; nothing what so ever. As tht>v quarreled one of them noticed Bill was not with them and turning he saw One Eye's pal, hack to the rail, gazing to shore. "Bill!" he shouted. Bill jumped, than gasped, laughin'!', "Oh, vou ~reasy sea dog. You skert me stiff." Then he hobbled toward the circle who watched their favorite mate curiously. Suddenly. Shrimp, the important captain, said in his thin voice, "Bill, you ain't croakin' about thim birds a~in, are ye ?" Bi1l hat£ laughed and shifting uneasily said, "I guess I am. You must think I'm a baby, hut,-I'd love ter ha\!e one. Ther so beautiful." "I move," said Bully Bo\', rising to his feet, straightening his ragged jacket and then clearing his voice as he had seen an orator in one of England's public squares-, "I move thet we strike fer shore and git Bill a bird.· Bill then smilingly left the group; when he was out of hearing distance they counseled together. · Bill was not the kind to be trifled with. His father had been a pirate, as had his grandfather, and he was temperamental. The beautiful birds which had taken his eye were nothingmore than what we call parrots. They had taken his eye because of their great beauty. Pirates loved color and here on the coast of Africa . the parrots were the most beautiful in existence. The next oi"" the.. pi.cuaa strue\c tor Shore. On landing they went in opposite directions to search for the birds. Bill wandered along the edge of the island mimicking the call which he was so accustomed to and which he knew so well and knew Gift Shop Gifts for Everybody 11 ,. I d 0 s is Gifts for Gifts for Her 'd Him SUGGESTIOI~S that will solve The Gift Problem Leather Bill Folds Gold Vest Pocket and Purses Knives Stationery Desk Lamps . Thermos Bottles Book Ends Memo Tablet· Desk Calendars Bridge Sets Fancy Candles Metal Traya Pin Trees Ornaments w s Radios lor ldMitiD. . z-illa. Atwater Kent ........, hper HeterCMbae Northwestern Jewelry Chrutmas Card· Our selection this year is extraordinary. We suggest you buy now . . ......wick ~ Radio Co. Denniaon'· XMAS TAGS, SEALS, BELLS, ETC.