26 WILMETTE LIFE October 2, 1925 . · Will Give Concert in Evansto'n as a Rockford Benefit Rollin Pease, well known baritone, and Mrs. Emily Parson Hunt, both of Evanston, will give a conc~rt for the Jane Addams Social Service chair of Rockford college, at the Orrington hotel, at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon, October 24. Margery B. \Yindes, 873 Spruce street, \Yinnetka, chairman of the North Shore branch of the Chicago Rockford College assoc1at10n, Mrs. Arthur L. Aldrich. 835 Seward street, Evanston; :Mr . Harold Newton, 348 \Vashington avenue, \ i\Tilm ette; Mrs. Logan T. :McMenemy, 300 \ Visconsin avenue, Lake Forest; and ~irs. Herbert M. Lautmann, 834 Linden avenue, Highland Park, will serv~ as associate chairmen for the north· shore vi llages on behalf of the North Shore branch of the Rockford association, which is sponsoring the recital, and will have charge of the tickets. More than 60 members of the Chicago association live on the north shore, including Mrs.· Andrew MacLeish of Glencoe and ·M rs. Catherine \Vaugh McCulloch of Evanston. · JOHN M. SMYTH, Preaident THOMAS A. SMYTH, Vice-Preaident · · ALL REED GO-BASKET, $13.00 This is a baby carriage that easily finds its place on street cars. 1 f you choose to have the It pulls very lightly on baby with you, you save the inconvenience of carrying in your arms. the street and is a comfo.rtable conveyance. FORTY (40) DIFFERENT M 0 D E L S OF 8 A 8 Y CARRIAGES DISPLAYED ON OUR FIFTH FLOOR. GO EAST FOR CONVENTIONS Mr. and 1\frs. George C. Lowell 900 Ashland avenue, leave October 11 , for Atlantic City, where Mr. Lowell will attend t!1e National Ga association convention. They will spend a few days in Boston visiting their daughter, : M ary, at Simmons college. -0- Mr. and ~frs. T. B. MacRae, 518 Linden avenue, leave Friday for the convention of the American Electrical association. ~1rs. ~1acRae and her . ister, ~1r . Roderick McGregor: of Oak Park, will spend a few days 111 New York ana Boston. ' Crowsfeet and Eyestrain Nothing can be more ageing to your appearance than crow sfeet-the wrinkles caused by eyestrain. Unconsciously you may pucker your brows and squint a thousand times a day in an effort to overcome defective eyesight · . Face the truth before it's too late. TRUTH IN ADVERTISING Have Your Eyes Examined 15 }"cars SUC(('SS[Hl ENGLISH PERAMBULATOR $39.75 Wood body ~ith coa~h hnish of dark blue, gold line trimming. Padded upholstery throughout~ lined in imitation leather. Four Bow. water·proof hood. The ~tear is English coach type. The wheels are 16 inches in height and have 1~-inch cushion rubber tires. The body is 40 inches when back is in reclining position. T is 15 inches wide. 4 practice DR. 0. H. BERSCH Optometrist 1177 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette For AJtpolntm~nt I .. lwne '\\' 11. 2766 Store open Every Saturday Night untill 0 o'clock