. . Formerly The Lake Shore News SON VoL. XIV, NO. 3 WILMETT Poor Dicky Given A Fine Burial, But Show& Up Too Soon A Clean Newapapfr lor a Clean Community WILMEITE, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1924 ub 23 "11 give a petter Wl- residing In dettor- romtandocate en- ~ey Two hund<ed ;;;;;b., of th< No"h · Shore Zone of the Walther league. comprising societies in Lutheran parA tightly sealed bottle, containing ishes of Evanston, Wilmette, Glencoe, Vlllage Spuma Truce Offer Regretable Lack of Interest the remains of a deceased canary and Candidate for State's At- Glenview, Highland Park, Waukegan a bit of verse dedicated to the deof "No Man'· Land" I.ibertyville, will hold a conv~n Shown in Symphony torney to Speak at Open and parted member of the feathered kingtion in St. John's Lutheran church, Interests Afternoon Concerts dom was found on the sands at the Meeting Next Thursday Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilfoot of Lake avenue late last week. mette, Sunday afternoon and evening, October 19. Rev. William Dallmann, Joseph Swan, 932 Lake avenue, pastor of Redeemer Lutheran church, PLAN W &. D TO FINISH upon the object as he was stroll- . HAS PLEAD WITH PARENTS came STRONG BACKING Milwaukee, will be the principal Aft ing along the heach and, following speaker. an inquisitive bent, discovered this Sessions of the conference will bemessage "interred with the bones"gin at 3 :30 o'clock with an introduc- Go Throuth With Water Supervisors Launch Drive Makes Fearless Attack Upon tory p~;ogram in which represent"Our little dicky died today. Robert E. Crowe atives of the various societies will Battles in Courts \\' e'rc lonesome since he went to Save Venture participate. · away. A devotional service will follow at And now for his sweet mem'ry's 4 o'clock, which will close with a sake, business discussion. A "fiilht to the finish" is indicated Hope Thompson, Independent canIs it going to be necessary to abandon We will confine him to the lake. Supper will be served in the parlors · in the time-worn battle be,tween th~ didate for state's attorney of Cook the Little Symphony afternoon childof the church at 6 o'clock. Village of Wilmette and the owners "When you find him, far or near, county, will hold the center of the dren's concerts in New Trier township The principal service will begin at of the Gage estate, more fa~iliarly political stage in l1is home community Send us a little note of cheer. this season ? Tell us where his journey ended. Thursday evening, October 23, when 7:30 o'clock when Rev. Dallmann, well known as that stretch of uno man's This is the question that has set Our broken hearts will then be he speaks at an open meeting at the known author an dlecturer, will give land" situated betwun Wilmette and every music lover in the four villages Kenilworth and bordering on Lake Wilmette Woman's club. Dean the convention address. mended. of the township "by the ears" this week. An offering at the evening service Michigan. Thomas W. Holgate of 1\orthwe>tern From an outstanding position in the Above quoted battle cry was sound· university, will preside, and another will go into the coffers of the Chicago Helen Swygard, entire L"nited States, due to the heretoLutheran Hospice. ed at the last village board meeting 1340 Greenleaf avenue, Chicago." speaker will be Frederick W. Joh, atfore great popularity of the children's when it became known that the O.ge torney for the Employers' association, interests were prepared to compromusic movement, the villages have who will ,rive a resume of Mr. Thomphncstigation disclosed that Helen mise and bring peace where ~stwhile slumped until now the promoters of son's efforts to bring about a better grim war had raged. these concerts are desperately making was not, as expected, a bit of a understanding between capital and Strange as it may have seemed to e,·cry endeavor to arouse parents to the school girl, but, rather, quite a grown- labor. The meeting will begin promptthe Ga,re people, our Vitlage authordanger of losing all the ground that UJ) person. In fact, she and her hus- ly at 8 o'clock. ities failed to read any indication of has hcen made in the past three years. band, it was learned, had performed Actively supporting the candidacy the obsequies for the late lamented . pt>ace in the proffered "compromise." La ~t week Mrs. Homer E. Cotton, Dicky and had also collaborated on of Mr. Thompson in his own com"Compromise? Incleecll Compromise munity are such outstanding leaders ~upen·i~or of music at New Trier high the touching burial song. ~ on what and for what reason?" the as Mrs. John B. Boddie, Mrs. A. W. sduJol, addressed the Wilmette Woman's Mrs. Swygard admitted disappoint- Boyleston, S. ]. Duncan-Clark, Axel Trustees and Zone Commis- trustees demanded to know. cluh on the absolute necessity of par· Well-the owners of the Gage ent cooperation with the movement if it ment in the fact that the floating bier Lonnquist, Ralph H. Rice. Mrs. Shelby tion to Confer properties outside the village it aphad so soon been washed ashore. M. Singleton, Mrs. E. F. Snydacker i' to be kept alive. Last Monday she adpears are als? ?wners of the G~ge "I expected, some day in the dis- and John F. Weedon. A host of dressed the Glencoe Parent-Teacher asproperties . w1thm the ~orl?oratton sociation on the same subject. Tues- tant future, to hear that Dicky had friends and acquaintances on the limits and Just now constituting theFinal consideration of the plan to principal source of objection in courb day Mrs. Stella Maher, supervisor of been found may hundred miles away," north shore are assisting the committee in furthering Mr. Thompson's zone the recently annexed portion of to the proposed municipal electric music of the Wilmette public schools, she ~ighed. ·Mr. Swygard, somewhat less dis- vigorous campaign based on the prin- the village west of Ridge avenue ·is street lighting project. met with the two Parent-Teacher asso· ciations of Wilmette, who volunteered turbed about Dicky's untimely demise, ciple of strict law enforcement and scheduled by the Wilmette Zoning "Give us water for our properties workers to canvass the parents of the explained the unusual procedure as less politics in the state attorney's commission for Tuesday evening, Oct- outside the village," the Ga~e people ober 21, when the commission will dis- are said to have proposed, 'and we'll children in every school room in Wil- an experiment such as he had made office. No Political Ambition· cuss the proposition in conjunction withdraw objection to the street lightmette. Similar action is : p!Jnned in when but a boy in a small town on Mr. Thompson, his backers em- with the Village board. a tributary of the Mississippi. other villages. project entered i_n cour~ ~n the Difference of opin\on among of- ing On that occasion. he asserted, the phasize, has never held a public ofinterests of our holdangs wsthm the Need Parent.' '\fe)p hottle and its enclosed message was fice, is not a politician and has no ficials as to the most feasible zoning village. ..,.._ . Thus far the soliciting for the sale found a year later at the mouth of political ambitions. He is a lawyer arrangements for the Ridge avenue See "Another Sch···" (li afternoon tickets has devolved en- the "Father of Waters." with 19 years of unquestioned practice business district, particularly with "Just another scheme-another tirely upon the music supervisors. Withand has always been an advocate of, reference to possible extensions, has out adequate assistance, they have not and has worked for, strict law en- made it advisable to have another ruse." declared a trustee when the proffered compromise was read before been able to secure even one-third the forcement. He possesses just the general discussion of the plan before board session. "Never 1 I'd have necessary number of · subscribers to <Jualities needed in state's attorney. the Zoning commission formulates a the Hope Thompson was born fifty-one definite scheme. The zoning project our town dark forever. rather than carry out the contract made with the years ago and raised on a farm in has been the subject of discussion at vive in one whit to the Gage interests. Littlf' Symphony. The contracts for Butler County, Kansas. His ancestry two previous public hearings. Officials They have tried to dictate to constiboth afternoon and evening concerts was irom the mountains of Tennessee also have surveyed and investigated tuted authority in this village too l1ave always been made with the two and Georgia. After graduating from the situation and will be prepared to long. I declare a fight to the finish." series taken as a unit, and on the asSo the village will continue its high school, he taught country school advise the Zoning commission of their sumption that the capacity of the high fi~ht in the courts, having already won school auditorium would be sold out for Women Voters' League Calla for several years. He worked his way findings. two decisive victories in the Circuit through the University of Chicago, At the public hearings there was both series. The .::vening concerts have against the Gage'$ de.mancLt.h.ai._ Candidates to Forum 1Zraduatin2 with honors in 1899; was considerable difference . of opinion courts been so popular that every seat is taken ~\.., ....~~,...., .... \.te ...orcea'"'tO' ffipply-·waur principal of the Presbytenan Acaaem, atnons intcrc~tcO VtUpctty uwners. to the so-called "no man's land' teragain for this season. But such a great at Geneseo, Illinois. five years. Ad- One group expressed the opinion that ~mount of talent is given at these even. .. mitter to the bar in 1905, he has an it would not be advisable to zone a ritory. It is the behef of the authont1es that mg concerts that there is no surplus in Wilmette will have its first taste of extensive p~actice, both civil and part of the district at Wilmette and the Gage interests seek a compromise the treasury to support the afternoon the current political campaign Thurs- criminal. Ridge avenues commercial and then in order to evade further lellal proconcerts without an adequate sale of day, October 23, when a group of part of Ridge avenue residential and, ceedings on the water issue. Appeals. Friend of Labor tickets. For some unknown reason, the candidates will appear at the Woman's During the past ten years he has again, the neighborhood at Lake and in the names of Mary B. Gage and children, left to thir own initiative have club, under auspices of the Wilmette lliven special attention to the law af- Ridge avenues, commercial. An opno~ purchased. Hence the danger of League of Women Voters, to tell the fecting industrial relations and in- posite opinion, which appeared to be Stanley K. Gage, from the decision of lo mg the afternoon series entirely. citizenry of the village just why they junctions in labor disputes. A dozen shared by a fairly representative the Circuit court are to be heard soon in the Appelate court. Another case From the point of view of the music believe they are best qualified to oc- or more labor unions arc now among group considered the zoning as com- involving the villa~e and one John supervisors and of the officers of the cupy the positions they are seeking. his clients. He has handled many mercial of the entire district on Ridge S. Gage is also due for an early hearThe hour of the meeting will be important cases in both State and avenue from Wilmette avenue to a ing in the Superior court oi Cook ~e~ Trier Township Orchestral assoCiation, any such eventuality would be 2:30 o'clock and the League is glad Federal courts: is a member of the point just south of the convent, inad- county, it is explained. to announce that it has been success- Chicago, the Illinois, and the Amer- visable since, they pointed out, such a calamity. Goinc on With Ficht "We're going through with the ~ince the concerts were begun, four ful in securing the three candidates ican Bar associations, Hamilton club, an arrangement would giYe the westpnzes have been won in the township for the office of states attorney- City club, Loyal Order of Moose, and ern section of Wilmette a more ex- fight," village authorities decl~red this Hope Thompson, Independent, of ~'il the Masonic fraternity; also of the tensive commercial area than that ob- week. We shall not cons1der any m the celebrated music memory contests. mette; Robert E. Crowe, incumbent Guilmette Country club and North taining in the center of the village, compromise. The Gage i!lte~ests h~ve Moreover the interest by pupils in the and thus curbing a potentially large and maintained an obstructlomst pohcy regular Republican candidate: Shore Golf club. He is married and school bands and orchestra has mounted lives with his wife and two daugh- attractive residential area. toward constituted authority in this greatly. What is most important-a real 11nd Michael L. Igoe . .candidate of the ters Th~ trustees, at their regular meet- village for many. years and. we're de· at 1219 Ashland avenue, Wilmette. Democratic party. s~art has been achieved in the appreciaing last week, indicated favor of the termined to see 1t through m earnest Other speakers will he Lewis B Urpcl to s-k Oflice tion of fine orchestral music. Springer and Howard Castle. incumMr. Thompson has become a c.ln- proposition to have separate business in the courts." Before the supervisors started the bents and Republican candidates for sections on Ridge avenue. It was tContinued on page 21) The village a few vears ago refused pre~ent movement, only a small squad of reelection to the General assembly thought tbat the board would disap- to supply w~h" to the ~ag_e terr\lOTY puplls from the several villages went from the local district: Henry R. prove of a commercia\ area extending outside the corporate hm1ts on the mto the city to attend the children's Rathbone, of Kenilworth, Congressfrom the convent on the north to W il- grounds that the water supply was concerts given by the Chicago Symphony man-at-larR'e and candidate for remette aYCnue on the south. sufficient only for the n~:eds of the orchestra. . In all perhaps, there were election· Martin Finneran, Democratic community proper. The contention not 250 children from the township. It C'Ondidate for representative in the put forth that a municipality could reHearing Next W eclneaclay was a long trip, especially hard in in- \..eneral Assembly; John T. Reed, serve the rillht to deny water supply clement winter weather. When the Democratic candidate for representon Main Zone Petition to localities beyond its limits, was upplayers were brought to our doors the ative in Congre~s; and AuQ"ust Miller. A 1>ublic hearing will be held Wed- held when the Gage interests appealfirst yea~ it was a genuine accomplish- candidate for Sanitary District trusnesday evening, October 22, at the ed to the coruts. Those properti~s ment ha1led by parents with delight. tee. Village hall by the Wilmette Board outside the village do not share 1.n That first year 1100 children enjoyed Special interest. of course, is at- FOH SALE-WOODLAND KNOLL, of Appeals on Zoning, to discu.ss. a the tax burdens and. consequently, 1t the, concerts. The price then, as now, tached to the appearance of the three petition signed by 200 persons hvmg is unfair to the taxpayers who pay f_or THE INDIAN HILL of to-mor, was only $1.50 for the season of five candidates for states attorney. Hope rov.·. Heavily wooeed acre and and owning improved property on and the maintenance of the water disconcerts. hatr-acre home sites overlooking ncar Main street which was zoned tributing system to permit theq~ O\ltThompson, who is in the fight. ag~inst the North Shore Golf Club. Prop· "B" commercial last year and which side interests to share equally 10 the There i~ still a good chance to save the two regular party orgamzahons, t>rh· restricted. $28 to $38 per the petitioners want re-zoned "A" benefits from that improvt>ment, v\1t~ day, If the parents in the villages is a well known resident of the comtoot, includin&" Improvements, water, ·ewer, streets, electricity. ,a~e authorities contend. Wl come forward and aasilt. But the munity altd is conducting a vigorous residential. Loirge lots t1·om 185 to 230 ft. In The property in question is bounded And, o the battle rages on. date of the first concert scheduled for campaign in which he charges States clt·pth, 100 tt. or more frontage. by the north si<le of Lake avem~e ~~~day ~fternoon, November 3, is Attorney Cro~e -:vith gross JneffiOn Wagne·· road betwet>n Lake stretching northwe terly along Mam a\\a :ted With great concern. ciencv and denlect1on of duty 111 ofAVt' . and Glen View Rd. Optimiata Will Work to street. parallel with the Chicago and fice. -The three condidates are expecel,41RE, UUDI:SGER & SltiTH Get out 100 Percent Vote Northwestern railroad. to the northed to give the villa~ers a thre~ Exclusive Agentll Appoint Health Director ern Yillage limits; and the property The Wilmette Optimist club has cornered debate that w1ll long remam Phone \\"llmette 1 7:i0 on Main street extending from the caught the s~irit of the '_'100 percent the minds of thf' local electorate. For Girls at Hiah School in In ~outh side of Oakwood avenu~ stretch- vote" campa1gn, now 111 progress calling next Thursday's meeting 1177 Wilmette Ave. Mrs. ~ary Simmonson has joined the the League of Women Voters seeks ing southeasterly along ~fam street throughout the country, and has Opposite Village Hall New Tne_r Township high school fac- to bring the candida~es b~fore t_he to Isabella street. pledged its m~mbers. to a . urn! an as director of health work for electorate and has no mtent1o!l of mactive interest 111 getting the1r fr1ends Mrs. ' Simmonson has received fluencing the voters for or aga1!'st a~v and neighbors out on prt'sidential elecINFANT SON DIES .M. A. degree- from Columbia uni- particular candidate. The sesston wtll WANT ADS OFFER The infant son of ~fr. and Mrs. tion day. . L" ~rs1ty and has been aupervi!ling health be in the nature of an open forum for The club voted. at 1t luncheon halt William D. ~orris, 1527 Walnut ave..-ork in New York. week, to make a determined effort ha the · .::andidates and entirely no~ FINE HOME SITES nue, died last Thursday. The funeral Miss Margaret Furrey has been en- partis:ln in character. Every voter 1n was held Tuesday, October 14, and hehalf of the 100 percent vote ~ gaged as part time instructor in the the q>mmunity is _invited and urged burial was at North Chicago. ment. mathematics department. to at nd the meetsng. CHILDREN FACE CONCERT LOSS OPEN THOMPSON CAMPAIGN HEREj urru:~~:Ws NO COMPROMISE IN GAGE FIGHT THIRTY -TWO PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS DISCUSS RIDGE ZONING TUESDAY POUTICAL POT WILL BOIL HERE You'll find a BETTER HOME on Woodland Knoll 1