Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Oct 1924, p. 12

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. . . ... iO" S"'E ;flb'( ;i""' :'9 """"'""'"'"""'""'"""' 't :;i"""l - - - - - - - - -The Norlh Shore's Greatest Stor, . - 12 \VIL\IETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 192-l ~ fi!IN SOCIETY_ Honze Provides Setting for A u tumn Wedding ill~ ne 11 i11 g at 8:30 o'clock, :Miss Sara. H.uguenin "".itt marry 0. \\'illiam L()wry, son of Charles D. Lo" ry of R?~ers Park, at the home ·>f h er iather and mother, Mr. and l\Ir s. Phtl!P Huguenin, 506 Lake avenue. the Rev. John Herbert Edward of Htghland Park officiating. The bride will be attended b_Y Lucy Grace McLafferty uf Hoger~ 1'ark. flower girl, : Mi ss Elt~<;theth Cutler .and Miss Doroth,· Y on ker ~. bridesmaids, and .M rs. Stdney Huguemn, matron of h onor. . . ~!any pre-nuptial affairs. have been gtven durmg the we~k. ~I r:-;. Clarence \\' right of Austm gave ate~ and shower for the bnde ~unda\'. On Monday afternoon Mrs. Rtchard Boyle of Deerfield gave ;t -.hower, and in the evening Miss Ethel Flentye gave a dinner ~)art,· at her home. Tuesday afternoon Miss Cutler was hostess at ~ sh~wer and bridge, and in the evening a dinner for the bridal party fo ll o \\'ed at the Yonkers' home. Wednesday afternoon the Huguenins gave a trousseau tea, and in the evening Miss Yirgi~ia Smith of Evanston gave a shower. Thursday afternoon Mtss Vtr· ginia Thompson was hostess at a bridge and sh~wer. A bachelor dinner at the Lowry re sidence on Thur day evenmg completed the :-;ocial events. T .\\\' M p\;~CC 1\1 ~ <tl. 11 ,,nl un\:1 I 10 ,1rna~ lll (\;u1cht< r ~ " La h,nn ·ll ~err. Jr · (; ~hl·r h~ Th~ ,;·piCC luke's J·.ptl A weddin!! P~ Tinkham _11 luatr<lll o>t Rc'·: . Ji;tnl' ;t nd \\'dmctte. 1 !(err ,,i P ul;lll. (; ·· rcloln ~r ;uul u-hvr, . \11111 11 ~ t.atha111 ll.tilll'S <~l Ill ;mol lll'r c (ll thll ~a·r~t \\' il hriual Co\l~g~ \\' 11111~( c \t·nl~ pa ~ Formal Dinner-dance at Country Club Tomorrow r;. Opening the A Greater Rosenberg's on our Beginning Thursday October 16th Anniversary Activities \Ve are going to celebrate this memorable occasion with a merchandise event the like of which has ne\·er been seen. Thou:-ands of exceptional values att over the ~tore. !'reparations have been going on for the past four months and now on next Thursday morning at 8:30 "·e will open the doors .o f the Creater Ro~enherg\ for the greate!:lt Anni\·ersary Sale. The moment you enter the store you'll be impressed with the spirit of celebration in every section. The store is being beautifu1ly decorated and we want you to especially notice the windows t hey will convey a real story. Then we want you to attend the Gala Corset Revue on the Second Floor, \\'est Room. " ·here living models will convey the story of correct corsetry. DINNER-DANCE tomorrow evening formally opens the winter season at the Ouilmette Country club. l\Iany dinner parties will be given on this occasion. Mr. and l\Irs. \V. R. Mahan of Elmwood avenue and l\Ir . and Mrs. Max Zabel of Chestnut avenue will entertain the largest number of guests. Next Saturday a special entertainment will follow the 7 o'clock dinner. Tom Corwine, imitator and humorist, Amos Seabury, juggler and magician, and the Triangle Trio. banjo artists, have been selected to furnish the program. It will be guest night. The entertainment committee has changed the date of the Harvest Home dinner-dance from October 25 to November 8. An informal dinner and dance will be given on October 25. North Shore Support Asked to Benefit Home EMBERS of the North Shore Catholic Woman' league are working very earnestly to make the card party at Skokie club. November 5, a great success. This affair is given primarily to raise funds for the social service department of the league, and deserves the united support of all members and their friends. Last year the funds of a similar card party enabled the league to cover a wide territory, and this year it is hoped that the scope of the work will be greatly increased. § M in~ a ha-; d meets club. The October luncheon of the north shore alumnae of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college will be held at 12 o'clock on Saturday of this week in the sun parlor of the North Shore hotel. President Edna Dean Parker and the new officers for the ensuing year will be the guests of honor. Mrs. Florence S. Capron, who has been the North Shore Alumnae association president for the past two years. will give a rc ume of the summer :.c~t vities of the association. Mrs . Harry G. Phillips. her successor, will present plans for this year's alumnae activties. The new officers elected for the year ~1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ are: H. G. Phillips, president; Mrs. Alfred R. Bates, first vice president; ~[rs. Lillian Griffin, second vice pre ident; Mrs. Charles H. Lloyd, third vice president; Mrs. Florence S. Capron, executive secretary; Miss Celia Sargent, recording secretary; Miss Virginia Solberry. corresponding secretary ; Mrs. Rc hert R. Jarvie, treasurer. -oOn September 23, at the American Cathedral in Paris, the marriage took place of Whitman Taylor, eldest son of the late Mr. D. L. Tavlor and Mrs. Taylor. to l\fiss Phyllis Stevenson. dauR'hter of the late ~[r . C. omBOYS' JERSEY LTIT wallis Stevenson and Mrs. Stevenson. Ellsworth Taylor, brother of thl· Ages 3 t,o 8 groom. \vas ln:st man. The ceremony was performed hy Dean Beekman. AttPr spending- their hon eymoon in $8.50 the Ri,·itTa, .\[r. and l\frs. Taylor will ~ail for home October 10. on the S. S. .\nd onia. In I ;::;:~:le~::;s;:l ~a~:Ie~~;:dainis/ I Carroll Ridgway, Inc. "The Store for Children " The engagement has recently been announced of Miss Katherine \Vhitne:; Wortley, daught'!:r of Mrs. Eloise Whit · ney Wortley of \Vinnetka, and James Gamble Rogers II. son of Mr . and Mrs. John A. Rogers of Daytona, Florida. The announcement was made at a tea l!'iven for fi s \Vortley by Mrs. Horace Binsrham of Evanston, Thursday, October 9. Miss ·wortlev is a graduate of 1\orthwestern univer.sity, in the class of '24, and a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. Mrs. Rogers attended Dartmouth college. and is a member of the Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity. -oOn \\'ednc..;da,· morning- at 9 o'clock 1fi,s 1\Iargaret · Schaefgen and Nicholas Ludovice of Kenilworth were married at St. Jo ~ep h' s church, the Rev. J, A. Neuman officiating. Attendinl! the hricle as maid of honor was Mi . s Helen Ludo,·ice. and as bridesmaid. 11iss Irene Steiner. Emmet Ki Yiand acted as best man, and Anthony Ludovice was ushPr . A wedding breakfast was se rved after the ceremonY at the home of the bride's father. ·Peter Schacf~en. of Bloom street. -0- BOYS' SUITS Linen or Poplin \\'aist Jersey or Serge Trou~cr s Age::. 2 to 8 -0- $6.75 to $8.50 J UN TOR ~ RFOLKS Fancy Mixture or l3lue Serge Ages 5 to 10 $10.00 to $15.00 TWO STORES Evanston 619 DAVIS STREET University l511 Wilmette 1160 WILMETTE AVE. Wilmette 311 I!::=:=:=:=:;===~~=====~=~~======~========================~ ~fr s. \\'illiam Sherman Hav of Winnetka has issued ill\·itations · for a tea which she is giving from 3 until 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon, October lR at the \\'oman's Athletic cluh for the members of the Chicago \Vellesley c!uh on the occasion of "All \VellesJr ,. D a ,·" ).f rs .. Hay. who was recently apThe Central venue circle of the pointed ahPl'll"l trmt c of \Velleslev Cong-regational church met for luuch- colleg-e. is the first woman in the west con on Fri<lay with ~Irs . Frank \Vi\- to rrccive that honor. >011. lu the afternoon the 24 mem-0bers pn·s(·nt wrre entt·rtained at the :\fr. and ~fr E. M. Langemo (lf home oi ~[rs . Groq~e C. Hughes to ~[inneapolis. and 1Ir. and :\Irs. E. B. celebrate the hirthday of three of the Kuncltson of 112f) Ashland aYentte. reI!Uests. ~Irs. Betts, Mrs. Pierce and turned Sund'lv from a motor trip to ~rr . Hughes. After the social hour Sault Sait1t Marie. Ontario, and other a business meeting was called. points. Mr. and Mrs. Langemo, who -ohave been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A series of teas. classified as A, B, Knudt on for two weeks. returned to an<l C teas, have been given by memtheir. home in ~finncapoli Monday bers of the Presbyterian church, pri- e\·cmng. marily to furnish a room. Mrs. C . A. --oKeller i~ entertaining about 24 guests . Miss Etta Lee Gowdy, who for some at a C tea at her home, 820 Greenwood t1me has made her home with her avenue, this afternoon. cousi'ns. Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Hender--<>-son of 744 Eleventh street has left The J. B. Greiners returned to their for South Bend, Indiana, ~here she fa home at !!pent Lake last week after has taken up her work as Superin~mnm~ inavenue Michigan. tendent of the Children's hospital. 0n October 18 ~[is s Rua \'an Horn and l\[i s Irma Moschel will be hoste~..,cs at ka in the Pompeiian room of the Orrington hotel in honor of .\[j-., ~fathil<la Bertrams whose marri:·l!l' tn \\'illiam Honer of Jack son. ~~ irhig-an. will take place in -hicago in :\o1 em her. l\li ss Van Horn. 1li~s ~lt·,chel. ancl .\fbs Dertrams arc all teaching dom e.,tic science at :Xew Trier. .\[ r. Honer will take his hri<le to Jack~on to live. The College C'on11·r \Vork shop continues to meet each Monday from 2 o'clock in the afternoon until 6 with ).[r'l. Florence S. Capron. 1414 Hinman a,·entte. Evan. ton. The College Corner is located at SOR Davis street. Evan~ton. where infant wear and nurscn· accessories made in the "'ork ~hoo :1re . old for the colle~e building fund. Preceding these afternoon Jl'atherinjl~. the <'"<ecutive hoard meets for luncheon at 12:30 o'clock at the Purple Oak. -o- 631

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