Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Oct 1924, p. 13

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~~======~~======~~~~~======~~~~~IL~~~IfE~T~T~EdL~I~F~E;·~F~R~IDg.~\Y~,O~C~Tgo~B~E~R=l~O~.J1~~~4~==============?=========~========~Il TXTedtJ· Mis.s Lucille.West, 811 Forest aveMrs. B. W. Lynch of 827 Ashland [ f r. 'lng t0 !lu~, 1s Knoxville, Illinois, where she av nue has i sued invitations for a 1s m charge of the domestic science ham Kerr A!J~az·r t Be a La ¥-ge Ciome 1 .J ~ Wedding enin will marr R?~ers Park, a~ htltp Huguen· f Highland Pa~~ race l\IcLaffert utler and l\1:' Y l . ISS tguemn, matron tring the Week. ·er for the brid rle of Deerfield ·e gave a dinner was hostess at the bridal party aft~rnoon the g l\Itss Virginia rn.oon Miss Vir. er. A bachelor completed the lpens the winter · dinner parties Mahan of Elmnut avenue will w the 7 o'clock s. Seabury, jug. ttsts, ha ,.e been ight. e date of the vember 8. An r 25. are arty at Skokie en primarily to he !eague, and fnends. bled the league that the scope ·t Home n's league from all along the will be gue ts Saturda,· evening, October 11, at rh< marna;.:e t~f 11iss Mildred Latham, daul!h· tr ,,j . ~[r. and Mrs. Carl Ray I ;t hal11 ,,j l ·. ,·?n~ ton , t Al~en Kerr. Jr . oi J ~ ,·anston., IS takmg place ar he. horne of the bnde s p~rents, 11 1 ~ Shc ndan road, at 8 :30 o clock. T h~ HrL 9eorge Craig Ste.wart of St. 1 rkc's Ep1scopal church w11l read the ·.~, 1cr. A list of the members of the ~'cddinl' party includes Mrs. Norman Tmk ham o f Jamestown, ew Yo~k, t ho~or: M1ss Marga~et W1l: 111atnm ·> hanh and 111ss C~arlotte Sprmger or ll'i hnl'trc. bridcsrna1des: Lowell Stewart !\err , ,j Philadelphia, his brother's best rn:nr. .l!l d John Brody of Pittsburgh, C··rdnn ~fcK !din and Whipple Jacobs, u·lwr-. .\ mongo the hosteesses for Miss I.arham and h r attendants appear the 11 .t nll" ni Mrs. Bert C. Hardenbrook and lw r daughter, 1frs. George Murch c> i \\' nrnrtka, who gave a dance Tuesda' c1ening at the Drake; Miss Marga.rtl \\'illiarns who entertained the hridal party at dinner at the Chicago CollL"ge club Wednesday night; and r>. Landon Hoyt of Winnetka, who ~ivin!-: a luncheon today at her horne ,\'innctka. The Latharns are especially well knn11n in Wilmette where they lived inr many years. -o-A vrry pretty home wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mlrs. Frederick H. Haines, 823 Greenleaf avenue on Thursday evening, October 2. Their daughter, \'irginia, was married to Edwin L. Heckler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Heckler, 1109 Greenwood an:nue. The Rev. Hubert Carleton of St. Augustine's Episcopal church read till' .;en·icl'. They were atended by the hndc's cnu.;in. :\fi~, Ethel Ashley of Evan,ton. a11d "-illis Horn of St. Paul. ..\I r. and Mrs. Heckler will reside in 11 , 1r1h ~hore .\\\' M n·sident Mn. Charles A. Lundberg of 1538 \Valnut avenue ha as her guests for the week-end. Mrs. E. \V. Carlc;on, Mrs. ~lhert Hoge and Mrs. Thomas Wilhams~n of Morris, Illinois, ~vho came to Ch :cago to attend the Kational Home Missi nary convention. ~ :M rs. Russel H . ' Boyd of Cleveland Heights is visiting her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. ~lymyer of 626 Lake avenue. She will be in ~ 7 ilmette for another week. Mrs. Blymycr also ha as her g-uest her mother, Mrs. S. J. Siddall of Chi~ago. -oMrs. Paul L. Barrett oi 801 Greenwood avenue leaves today for Cincinnati where she will meet her husband who is returning from a business trip to New York and South 'arolina. Mr. and ~[rs. Barrett will remain in Cincinnati a week. --o- Mrs George Butler and her sister, -o-Mrs. T. ]. Gillespie, whom she has Mr. and Mrs.· harles Ostrom ·and been visiting at her home in Pittshurgh left this week for a two weeks' their son, 719 Washington avenue. stay at the 1Iarlborough, Atlantic ha,·e returned from their summer's outing at Buckatoban Lake, WisconCity. in. luncheon and bridge at the North department of t. Mary's Episcopal Shore Golf club on Tuesday, Ocschool. Mi Janice West has return- tober 21. ed to Mi ' s Wheelock\ chool in Bos-a-ton. Announcement has been received -o-from Los Angeles of the marriage of ~r rs. Frank Flanner and her family Miss Louise Mueller, formerly of arc exl?ected to arrive today from their Wilmette, and M. ]. Reinhart of Elko, home 111 Blackwell, Wisconsin for a Ncnda, on August 30. -oseveral months' visit with Mrs' FlanMrs.W. F. Crawford of 1415 Gregory's parents, Mr. and Mrs.· E. P. avenue entertained fifteen children at I· atch, 611 ·washington avenue. her home, on Monday, in celebration of -o-The marriage has been announced her daughter, Mary May's, fourth of Mi s Vera Helen Bogash, daughter birthday. -oof Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bogash of ChiM iss Marian Reese, daughter of Dr. cago, to Elmer William Lutter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Lutter of 1122 and Mrs. Charles N. Reese of Forest Sheridan road. avenue, has gone to Pine Manor, Vj ellesley, Massachusetts. -o---o:Mrs. Lester G. Wood 707 WashA Christmas bazaar and dinner will ington avenue, has issued invitations for a large luncheon and bridge which be given at the Methodist church in she is giving at the Guilmette Coun- December. try club on Friday, October 17. --0A few friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Henry Pope, 910 Lake avenue, Tuesday afternoon to celebrate the ninety-second birthday of her mother, Mrs. Kenyon. A soaa ia efti'J' ...._ A story in ..ery ........_ At aD Leadina Dealen Packed by Wilmette Bird H01Ue -o- ).femhers of the ~' ilmctte Arden Shore board gathered together at 10 o'clock Thursday at the home of Mrs. Louis S. Becker, 105 Fifth street, for an all-day meeting to sew and to discuss business. -oMrs. John Boylston and Mrs. Hollis G. Gleason will be hostesses at luncheon and bridge Wednesday at the home of the former on Chestnut avenue. -oJames D. Swan, Jr., has returned to Princeton university where he will graduate next June. He and a number of Princeton men drove from Chicago to Princeton. rrrr rrrr ,. .. , r~r rr rr ..... rl'~ -oDr. and Mrs. Charles B. Blake and their baby boy, Tommy, 1009 Chestnut avenue, have returned to Wilmette after spending the week-end with Dr. Blake's father and mother in Kewanee, Illinois. Wofftf Gritl If he can get enough entries for a contest) HEWJS will offer a cllampionship belt to the holder of tile large.1·t waffle record. Belt will be made of elastic. -oMrs. Byron Smith has rented her home on Ashland avenue for the winter and is livin« at the L. P. Sykes residence, 825 Lake avenue. --oMr. and Mrs William Schult of Elkhart. Indiana, are spending the week-end as the guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Hively, 424 Lake avenue. / -o- r Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Drayer, their daughter, Ruth, and Mrs. Claude Fitch, of Elmwood avenue, motored to Beloit and Janesville last weekend. ~ ing, ~fichigan. Mrs. C. C. Mitchell, 814 Linden ave-o-nue, has come back from attending :\lrs. H. J . Newton of 348 Washing- a state convention of the D. A. R. ton avenue will have the directors Mrs. Mitchell went as a delegate of of the Town club at her home on Fri- her home chapter in Michigan. clay evening for a short business meet-oing and social gathering. The club Mr. and Mrs. William Balhatchet ha.; dancing as its main pursuit. and of 725 Tenth street are leaving Satmeets once a month at the Woman's urday for a fortnight's trip to Bosclub. ton, New York and Washington. 616 Church St. "Opposite the Library" What Kitchen Aid Does /fW' You Mixes deugh for bread, cakea. pte, .-.nger-bread, doughnuta, rolla, etc. Mashes potatoea-two or two doaen, to a wondroue ftufflneea. Makea mayonnalee (dropa the oil gradually), one cup, or aa many u yow like. Beata egge and lcln~ra; batter for pall· cakee, waffles, etc. Whlpe cream or evaporated mtllr. merlnguee, lclnga, etc. Creams varloua other lncredlentL Beats and creama fudge, fondanta, eto. With attachment, It freeaea Ice creama. aherbete, mouaaee, or any frosen deuert. It grlnde coffee.' chlpa Ice, chopa meat. nuta, ralslna, etc. It strains eoups, purees, through a ftne aleve. Strains apple aauce. It Ia not neceeaary to pare or core the apples. Thla adda Immeasurably to the flavor. It allcea potatoea (to any dealred thiD· neu). Cute ehortenlntr In paatry. And It retains the temperature (either hot or eold) of whatever product It Ia mixing. All of this It doea-and more! I recently been an. --o- atherine Whitne-; Mrs. Eloise Whit· netka, and James of Mr. and Mrs. Daytona, Florida. s made at a tea y hy Mrs. Horace Thursday, Octo- Dr. F. Arthur Karst of 1215 Forest avenue sailed Ia t Saturday for Europe he expects to spend'the winter in at the Universities of Vienna and His sisters, the Misses Elsa rtrude Karst, who returned scv1. weeks ago from their summer's traYcl m Europe, accompnaied him to New York. -o-- raduate of t\orththe class of '24, e Kappa Kappa · Rogers attended is a member of a fraternity. ning- at 9 o'clock fgen and Nichenilworth were It's church the officiating. ' Atmaid of honor dovice, and as Steiner. Embest man, and usher. A wedn·ed after the of the bride's -en. of Bloom Hcnry Jus tin Smith, formerly of 806 qa~woo.d avenue, has moved- to 5533 Cmvers1.t:y: avenue, Hyde Park, where he JOIIl d .the faculty of the Uni\ crsrty of Ch1cago. Mr. Smith ex-1 pn·sseu regret at leaving Wilmette 1fr. Smith is the author of "Dead~ lines" and "Josslyn." -o-).[iss Clementine Eastman has cards out for a kitchen shower at her home 1027 Elmwood avenue, on Wednesda; afternoon, qctoher 15, at 3 o'clock. in honor of Mtss Betty Bacon of Highland Park, who will be married in the n(·ar iuture. " 'ord ha ' co~--;o Wilmette recently irom the ]. Melville Browns who arc making a trip around the world that \he conditions in China ha1·e made it necessary for them to gn L' up their visits to Peking. ~!r' . ]. H. Dvon. 1310 Ashland avenue. leit Thur day to spend a week or ten rl~y;; with her on and his family in Rocktord. -0- I Vorkshop conMonday from 2 until 6 with n. 1414 HinThe College Davis street, nt wear and made in the r the colle~e g- these after· ecutive board 12:30 o'clock How You Can Try 1Qt~h!91id 1ion Business Mens Lunch£on 75~ Langemo of Mrs. E. B. a venue, reotor trip to , and other ngemo, who r. and Mrs. returned to is Monday That Kitchen-Aid i an important and permanent addi· to modern kitchen equipment is established by its use in the teaching of Domestic Science in the following uni· vcrsities and chools: Uni\'crsity of Chicago (School of Domestic Science), Chicago. C'olurnbw C'nivcrsity (Teachers' College), .t\ew York. Pratt In~titute (Dept. of Ilou eho1d Science), Brooklyn, New York. . . Elmira College (Dept. of DomestiC Sctence), Elmira, J'.<ew York. Ohio State "Gniversity, Columbus, Ohio. L'nivcr ity of Oklahoma, 'nrman, Okla. University of Washington, Seattle, \Vash. Indiana State .t\ormal School, Terre Haute, Ind. Mi s Farmer's School of Cookery, Boston M;ass. Home Bureau, U. S. Department of Agriculture, \Vashington, D. C. When such favorably known authorities as the Ladies' Home Journal Test Kitchen, Good Housekeeping Institute, New York Tribune Institute, Modern Priscilla Proviug Plant, House Beautiful Magazine, Charm Magazine -wht·n such authorities as these, after complete and thorough investigation, ndorse a new electrical device as a time and labor saver in the kitchen, is it any wonder women want to know all about the innovation? Don't you want to know more about Kitchen .\id, this almost magical electrical machine that does o much in a new and better way-what it is-what it does-how it solves your problems? Let us give a demonstration in your kitchen, so that you can see for yourself how it works. A postal card r the coupon below will bring Kitchen-Aid to your home at a time convenient to you. It costs you nothing nor place you under any obligation. Send the coupon today. Send this Coupon for Duc:riptive Circular· : TROY METAL PRODUCTS CO.· Troy, Ohio. Gentlemen: Please send me descriptive circulars and reprints of the editorial article on Kitchen-Aid from Tribune Institute. Name ............·.·...·..·.·..·........·....··..·..·.· Street ...............·......·. _....................... . City .·..·· , ··.·.············ , ·· , . · State ............. . Send tJU. Coapon for Fr· Demoutrataa 7111 N. Pauli- St., Chicaao. Ill. Gentlemen : Please show me the Kitchen-Aid at work in my kitchen with the undentandinc that this demonstratiaa place me under no obliption whattoever. Name Street City . . · . · · · · · · · · · · · · State . . . . . . · . . Phone No. ········ ····-------------------------··--------~---·-······························-···· KITCHEN-AID SALES AGENCY, ............ ..................................... . · t»J WAUKEGAN ROAD a:t NORTHBROOK

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