1\oyember 13, 19~5 WILMETTE LIFE 23 Phone Winnetka 734 .. 5 .. 6 Earl Weinstock, Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr. SELECTED COAL LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL WINNETKA. COAL..LUMBER COMPANY 823 SPRUCE STREET COMPETENT PERSONAL SERVICE =:IOCIOc= WINNETKA, ILL. ' GUARANTEED SATISFACTION Nlr. I~""uel User: \Vith the Anthracite n1ines closed si11ce Septen1ber 1st stocks of hard coal are practicall~- gone, but tl1e coal consumer need not he alarn1ed, as \Ye ha , .e an unlin1ited suppl~· of ChiL cago Koppers Coke \Yhich a great n1any use in preference to hard coa1, also A'rkansas Anthracite. This coal is not as hard . iri texture as the Penns·ylvani a Anthracite bttt burns \Yith a nice hlue fla111e , and \Terv fe\Y ashes. \Vhere heing used It is ~ ,· giv,ing perfect satisfaction. \Ve also have large stocks of high grade Pocahontas and \' l~ Frank lin Coun~~T' Illinois, coal. With Cannel Coal and Maple \Vood for the Jireplace there tleed -he no \Vorry. Just call Winnetka 734. r ll Winnetka Coal-Lumber Co. R. H. Browning, Mgr. Coal Dept.