School Drama l1zaugural North shore pl.:tvgoers bv the New Trier Dram.l' _ the c.1st of "A Thous.1nd 'iupcrvisor of drJmJtics in SeJtcd ' left to right McGill : Sr.1nJ1ng left to will witness tontght the first production of the season club. This bright group represents the principals in Ye.1rs Ago." din~crcd bv Mis~ E1iz.lbrth StJnwood . the high school. Bob English. VirginiJ H.1ighr. VirginiJ Br.1dford . DQn right Bob Kcnvon . G.1il Southwell. WJrrcns Seibold. 0.1 \'C Rum '>C\' . L. Frida)', Not'Clnhcr 1 3, 192 5 FIVE CENTS ··