WILMETTE LIFE Novemh cr 27, '1925 LeRoy Moran, who is atten ,'i ng the Don1econ Girls Visit Famous Cheese Plant on Inspection Tour METHODISTS TO BANQUET I == tJovrm ==~ The Domecon club of New Trier high school, under the chaperonage of Miss Irma Moschel and Miss E.egina Weinman, made its first excursion trip of the year to the Kraft Cheese company Friday afternoon. Hazel Kraft, of the sophomore class, secured permission to go through the factory because of her father's connection with the firm. The 40 girls who went were divided into four groups and were taken through the factory by guides. The complicated machinery especially impressed them. They followed the cheese from its molten stage th.rough the canning and boxing. As a souvenir of the trip each girl was given a sample box of cheese. Previous trips made by · the club in former years include the Hydrox N.Y. -oplan_ t. Mrs. Snyder's candy company, Mr. and Mrs. George Edwin Fouts the Ring Ting Candy company, and of 530 Greenleaf avenue, announce the the Zion lace factory. engagement of their daughter, Helen -o-Mrs. John D. Small, 411 Maple ave- Agnes, to Hubert H. Gray of Wheanue, returned Sunday evening from ton, Ill. -oMoline, Ill., where she was the guest Mr. and Mrs. Albert ]. Nystrom of of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Merle C. Nutt. While there 714 Central avenue spent Thanksgivshe attended a luncheon and bridge ing in Wheaton as the gue sts of their for eighty guests given at the Elks' daughter and her family. club by her daughter. · -oMrs. Daniel Stecker of 423 Eighth street made a Thank Offering address for the W . o man's Home Missionary society at the First Methodist church at Delavan, Wis., last Sunday. Mrs. Stecker is a member of the National Board of Trustees of the Woman's Home Missionary society. Prominent Methodists of the north ,e oungl h ld Thanksgiving shore will attend the Social Union seph s schoo e a .tinner and celebration Tuesd.ay evebanquet to be held at the Sherman u. t the school. Followmg the hotel, Chicago, Mond<,iy evening, No- nmg a d h · 't hle ·.30 o'clock. B.ishop dinner, which inclt!de ttl ehm~fivt .a' " Vember 30, at 6 turkey, cranberries and a t e . xm s Edwin Holt Hughes of .the Ch1ca&"o there was a program of entertamment. Area, whose home is in Wilmette, wtll -obe one of the principal speakers at the ~fr. and Urs. John Prescott of cunner. Harry Mons of Kenilwortt Fort Lauderdale, Fla., ann.ounce the is in charge of reservations for north birth of a son, ·Miles McMtllen Presshore Methodists. cott, Tue sday, November 24. Mrs. -o-.. Prescott's mother, ~Irs. 1L H. M~Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Taylor of 83.1 11 illen of lOlO Li'nden avenue,. who. ts Central avenue, left the latter part of with her daughter, will rcmam wtth last week for a short trip to California her until after the holidays. where Mrs. Taylor is accompanying -oher husband on business. They will Miss Mary Louise Rcnneckar of return for Christmas. . Napoleon, Ohio, is ~he guest of her -o-brother and sistcr-m-law, Mr. and Henry D. Shedd, who has been the Mrs. Carl Renncckar of 1014 Green guest of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Roodhouse of 427 Laurel avenue, has leaf avenue. departed for his home in Rochester. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;~ CELEBRATE TH.ANKSGifVS JNGJ 0 - St. Thomas Military acadclll _ at St. Th y Peoples club o t. Paul, returned to Wilmette to spend Thanksgiving with his fatl " r and mother, Mr. and 'M rs. John J. ~ loran of 924 Greenleaf avenue. Phone W.ilmeue 2H · ·+ Genther' Market for DR. ARTHUR H. TUTTLE DR. ALICE D. TUTTLE Osteopathic Phyaiciana Residence and Office 913 Central Aven~e Phone 300 Quality Meats Courteous Service. Prompt Delivery 1145 Wilmette A' e. Opposite Post Off i(·c ~~~~~~~~~ Flowers for All Occasions Cut Flowers We specialize in ! \VJ Potted Plants are e ma v st yles fine Ir ish Funeral Designs and Bouquets VILLAGE FLORAL SUO Village Theatre Building 1150 Wilmette Ave. Phone 3676 -o-Mrs. E. D. Lyon of 1504 Elmwood avenue who has been at the North Chicago hospital for the past seven weeks, is convalescing at her home now and hopes to be able to be out before very long. . ---o-Mr. and Mrs. Emil Nord of 829 Park avenue left Monday for Rochester, Minn., where Mrs. Nord will be under observation at the :Mavo Brothers hospital. Mr. Nord expects to be away about a week. -o-Miss Priscilla Lloyd, who is teachiug school in Coldwater, Mich., returned to Wilmette to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with her father and mother, Dr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Lloyd of 1035 Lake avenue. --oBenjamin Gage returned to his· home in Wilmette Thanl<zsgiving morning after a stay in Florida. WOLi'i'·GRii'PIS, lne . AI NT works wonders in a bedroom. · Just the tone and tint you desire and you can make an old bed look like a new piece of furniture. A woman wielding a paint brush is posing for the statue of the Goddess of Economy. · P GENERAL HARD"' ARE TIN SMITHING HARDWARE GUTTERS, SPOUTS AND ROOFING TOYS STORF~ AT 11 R5- 7 \VIL:\IETT E ·\ \'E. Opposite Villa~ ' ·id l FURNACES PHONE 158 Stoves, also Oil and Electric Heaters Metal, Wood and Felt Weathe· Stl'ips COMPLETE LINE OF FIREPLACE GRATES, ANDIRONS, FIRE SETS AND SCREENS · Our paint stickcth closer than a. brother HOOVER VACUUM CLEANERS TERMS Christmas Greeting Card Make your selection of Christmas Cards Now while our stock is fresh and complete 0 11 ' Patterson Bros. · 816-818 Church Tel. UniT. 654 Street. Evanstou WUmette IS26 Open Tues., Thurs. & Sat. Evenings LET US HELP YOU INSURANCE RENTS SALES Popular Copyright Books 75c Phone Your Druggist is more than a Merchant (U ! I , ne. w ,,,' fo · SCI LOANS A. J. WOODCOCK 1304 Wilmette RIDGE AVENUE PHARMACr · C.C.RENNECKAR Opposite St. Joseph School 35 YEARS' ~XPERIENCE Ridge and Lake Aves. Phone Wil. 316