No vember 27, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE 21 ANNOUN. C EMENT We have been fortunate in obtaining the franchise for the famous Haag Vortex Washing Machines on the North Shore. With every machine sold between now and December 1st, 1925, we are furnishing FB~E . OF CHARGE HAMPER A BEAUTIFUL WICKER CLOTHES Otir liberal budget plan permits the placing of this fatnous \Vasher in your home for a very small down payment. Safety, Durability and Freedom from Repairs! .I The HAAG VORTEX is made by people \Yho fully appreciate the importance of cleansing without \Year and tear. They have made good washers for 15 years and have a reputation une:xcelled by anyone. The HAAG BROTHERS have never allowed cheapness to enter into a product of theirs- a fact that means freedom from repairs and "service" for owner~ of HAAG washers. This VORTEX is their latest development- it washes \Vithout "rubbing" because the load rests on top of the aluminum. "vortex." It can be fitted with a · g as burner if desired. Let us demonstrate it in your own home. ~I t1 lr ,, I. ·' !t /I ;. I II ,, : . HART OIL BURNER 1514 Shertnan Avenue · Greenleaf 1752 Evanston, Illinois ·co. 744 Eltn Street Winnetka 1146 Winnetka, Ill.