Z4 WILMETTE LIFE No ve mber Zl, Plt. ... ' · ,01 . PLAN UNIQUE BAZAAR New Trier Girls Club Invites Residents to Christmas Sale December 6; Arrange Many Novelties The Girl ' club bf K ew Trier will sponsor a Christmas bazaar to be given Saturday, December 6, at the New Trier mess hall. The affair will open in t he early afternoon and continue until the evening. The p u rpose of such a project is to raise funds to swe ll their scholarship and loan fund which ID ergarten 0 ege the club maintains every year. Holds Annual Festival Among the features of the bazaar Tuesday afternoon the students of wi ll be a number of booths, each selling the Nationa l Kindergarten and Elesome . pecial artic;: le, such as the French mentary coll ege he ld in the College boudoir booth, which will specialize in hall the last Thanksgiving festival to linens, fancy work and such frilly fol- be celebrated in its present location. d e-rols so d ear to eyery girl-or Before anot h er Thanksgiving it will grown woman, for that matter. Then b e located on its new campus, 2770 there wi ll b e the Du tch Oven, whose Sheridan road, Evanston. w a res a r e perfectly obvious; the Xm a s The outstanding feature of the festree booth and the doll and tov booth for the youngste rs, and many- others. tival was the procession of 400 students with their gifts of fruit and One of the most unusual of th~ je ll ies and jams, cereals and vegebooths will he the Chinese Hand tah les. and other more substantial arLaundn-, So-Slo's Laundn·. Thi:-. bo·.)th ticles of ch ildren's diet. to he sent to w ill be 'as nearly like that the typical the littlr ch ilrlren of ~fan· Crane nurC hinese peop le as a large group uf ::-en·. Hu ll House. clen~r girls, under the guidance ~)1 t ,,.1) At the request nf Student Council, skillful teachers, can make it. Tile a committee of thr student" vi-;ited booth \\·ill represl'nt that part uf thv the nursery and their report resulted laundn- into which a customer enters in a gcnt'rou-; gift from C\'tT~- .... tudent to r<.'c~·in· his iresh linen. The --l11·ives for thC' Thanksgi,·i nl!' happitH·:-.·· oi tl!l· will be filled with packages oi ""sortt-d little children u\·er then·. sizes. interestingly wrapped itt crack!\ hrmn1 paper. The rl'markahle tl'aturl' ~ about this laundrv is its very low rate:; I ~fts" Dorothy Glm·rr and _l1er r():1111 ior all kinds of- ,,·ork. ,,·hetltt·r hand j lllate. LuretH' Hartl'llllan ol Gknrn~·. donl' or machine clone. Each package n-~·.re an:on~ _t lw-.e who att{ 11ded tlw will contain ~onH.· article fully -,,·ortl! \_\ J-.constn - ( htc_ago football . !..!anw la-.t the price paid for rcdeellling it a 11 ,J ~aturd;~y . ?\fbs . (,10\·er _had, a-. hl'r the nature oi \Yhirh ,,ill he h()tlt 1111 _ !..!tte:-.h lor the week -e nd :\f~-..., r,vrtrndc· expected and ag-reeable. Still lllll!"(· llil - Thil' lllan and ~li-.,s ~I iriam l lahn oi usual. tlw"l' in attendance will he h~eed-.,lntrg-. \\'is. Chinamen as ~iknt and tn\·..,teriou:-. ;1.., -n. the countn- oi \Yhirh the,: are natin· ~I r. and :\fr.... C. F. J~(' tllll'C kar oi <)3 .:: ~on~ . Thi~ booth prc,tlliSl;:-. to h~· Otll' 1 l·:lnl\rood an·nuv han· a~ tlH:ir gnv-..t. which will he a .-, iun-gi,·ing· a-. lll(lllt.'_\'- 1 \1 r .... 1\. H. II irk~ oi .\-,bland, Ohio . produc ing, fo r the Gi rls' club. S t ill other feat u res of the cvenl are the one-act play to be presented in the afternoon and again in the e\·rning and the dancing for the evening also. 'fh~ p lay wi ll be presented by a group ot the New Trier Dramatic club, called t he "Players." They will offe!' Morley's "Thursday Evening." The bazaar is to be a lively and happy u ndertaking from the beginning in _the afternoon to the close of the eYentng. The Name of ., PARISIAN CLEANERS means something when you talk of 'f. K· d C II Dry Cleaning. u 1 flzt' IIOrth s!zt,rt' J>arisiaJI (~ft'<lllt'_n:' Jlamr .· l/o 1 has ilt'COJI/t' S.\'11011 _\' IIIDIIS i.l·iflz lJIILiflf _\'. }tllr draf111.< / and <"Ollrft'tlltS trco!JJlt'llf. 1 llll tlu 1 \\ ll of ~uperior rltaning 1 and repairing on Carpd:-- and Rug:-> 1 ~RISIJ\?.1 J"J cLEANERS I, n c.) ( 1 l)hunc.., \\ .illllt'ttt' 721 \\ innetka -· \ t ·I.e ! ! I( I ',\It t !J' llh ~'llllllll?,llllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllll:ltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1111111111111111111111 1 11111111i rat I ' Iii IIIII I I II ! t'l ]JJII A GOOD CHRISTMAS HUNCH I for DAD! MAGINE, if you can, the delight and glee of the whole family when Dad proudly presents his one great big Christmas package- A Brand New Chrysler Automobile. Arrangements can be made for early Christmas morning delivery and you can rest assured that we wouldn' t breathe a word about the secret to a soul. Now don' t wait too long, Dad, to place your order because we need plenty of time to help you put this surprise over. Any one of the CHRYSLER LINE of cars w ould make a wonderful Christmas present, from the 4-cylinder touring at $1110, to the 6 -c·y tinder C rown Imperial at $ 233 5 Delivered Equipped. ~· , ·r it1v ;il ! C ( ir )c\1,1 d :t TWQ ..DOOR 6 SEDAN $16 55 Delivered Complete including all accessories and Fire and Theft Insurance. tL EVANSTON MOTOR SALES W . D. Reagan, Mgr. CHRYSLER SIX- FOUR ~ 10 I~~~! St. U~~?~~7 SERVICE 1840 Ridge Ave. ::;lll llllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ll l ll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l llllllllllllllllllllllllll ll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllll ll llllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllll lllllllllllll llllllll;llll l llll lll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll '·