-------- --------- .Llllt1zc!J Dr·{z111a Seaso11 ":\ P.11r of ()u l' ,' IH." ftr'\l of th t ~ \·' .1~on ' \ Oprra and DrJm.l club produc l to n' .lttr.lct<'d l.l\or .1 bk .Htrntton Jt tb,, BHon C Stolp auditorium last wr~k . \\·n good " ".1\ tlH· romnhnt on thl tnttt.ll work of tht'> cntcrpnsing group ol .Ht l'>t~ Rodtn~ I rom ll'l 1 1o ri~hl 1n 1h1' \Ccnl.' from "A P .1ir of Queen ·' we hav~ : H \VJrfl'll Sh.l\\ \\' l- \\.HI Coo~ . l· dtlh \Vhttrhill Rol1l'rl r l'O[ICl' . EdT . \\'tn/l' ll EHh n Port . G \ ' tr >! tl l ,.,," Rtrh.nJ Sh.tnJbJn N.1om1 Hamilton 1nd GrJc,· Burrou g h,