38 WILMETTE cago office and looked over the c.ampaign for several days, then dectded to place the books in Omaha and to suggest to other cities of Ne?ra~ka that they try a year of campatgnmg to end the slaughter of children by automobiles. Several smaller cities ha ·;e campaigns in futt swing. LIFE Child Safety Campaign Spreads Throughout U.S. ~~~~Patterson Brothers~~~ Easy Payment House The Chicago and Cook County Citizens Child Safety campaign has been made national in its scope, 0. G. Tern · me, general chairman, announced this week after being informed of plans for placing A-B-C (always be careful) visual education books into the hands HEAD TEACHERS' GROUP of several million school children in other cities. Miss Laura F. Ullrich, instructor at · · S · New Trier High school, has recently T he camQ_atgn was taken up m an b d 'd t f th State As · h T A T · · · een rna e prest en o e F ranctSC_? w ere . . omasmt IS ?en- sociation of High School Teachers eral. chatrman and Senator Sl!ortnd~e, of History and Social Science. This is ~aJOr Rolph and o~her promment ctt- a large organization which includes tzens honorary chat~men. They plan member:-; from nearly all high schools to extend the campa1gn to all the ter- in the state. ritory along . the coast and will organize a Pacific coast division with San Mr. and Mrs. ]. G. Tawse of 730 Francisco. Los Angeles and Seattle as Greenwood avenue, had as their house the large branches. guests recently, Mis. William AtherSt. Louis school children ~robably ton and her daughter, Mary, of Dewill receive A-B-C books through the tt oit. Mich. agency of the St. Louis chamber of -oThe ~Ianuka club is meeting thi~ commerce. A citizens chilti safety committee was organized there and the afternoon with Mrs. Foster Fike at chamber of commerce examined the 1241 Forest a venue to pack hoxes for visual education plan with the idea of the Old People's home, and Monday putting it to a vote of directors and the cltth will meet for luncheon and expanding the campaign. sewing with :Mrs. George Law son of Omaha business men visited the Chi- 1218 Forest a venue. RADIO Plano· and Pla-,.era Sonoraa, Columbia Edl·on P·ono~rraphA AdJu·tlng, Repalrlu,;, 'l'unln". Singer Sewiu,; lluchlnea \Va·hlng "llnd·lneH und .Hoover, Ho.,.,.llton Bt-n<-h, and Eurek.· Vacuum t:leanera ltt"palrlng anti Suppllt"· 816-818 CHURCH STREET Between "L" and Po11t OfBce Tel. Unlveralt7 M4 Tel. Wilmette ~26 CHICAGO STORE& ltmO In· ln~r Park Boule,·ard,Tel. Graceland 49GO No smoky gas to burn off When you replenish your fire · with Chicago Sol~ay Coke you don't need to stand around while the smoky gases burn off. You don't have to wait to make several adjustments of dampers. Firing with Chicago Solvay Coke consists sim· ply of putting in more coke- \Vith your drafts properly set to produce the desired heat. Chicago Solvay Coke contains more heat- ton for ton-· than hard coal and costs you 30% less. It has almost double the heat of soft coal, yet it costs less per ton. There are few ashes, no smoke and no destructive soot when you use Chicago Solvay Coke. Your fuel merchant will send a Service Man to look over your hot air furnace, boiler or stove and show you how easily and economically you can burn Chicago Solvay Coke. The established dealer deserves your business- telephone him and place your order. AGAIN, this winter, the season's stnartest events of the social calendar will take placeas a tnatter of course-at Solvay Coke Buy it, Bum it You'll Lilce it Sold exclusively by · CHICAGO HOFFMANN BROTHERS WILMETTE Phone 131