6 WILMETTE LIFE )anuary 1, 1926 sTATE sENAToR cuEsT HERE Mrs. C. R. Smith of 1728 Highland avenue has as her guest during the holidays, her sister, Miss Reba J. Hurn of Spokane, who has the distinction of being state senator from Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perry and their two children and Mrs. J. J. Hughe3 are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. James of 1304 Forest avenue over th e holidays. ! Rent It Real Food-Good Service DINERS who come to the Cen- . tral Cafeteria know they always find both in good measure. Fred Miller pledges the best of food and the best of service for all of 1926-and for years to come. A Happy New Year indeed if you eat at the Central Cafeteria-often! for a Day-- . . . Plans for gtvmg Wilmette a basketball league. 'i f there are a sufficient number of young men in the village who are interested. were discussed at a recent joint meeting of the srhool board, the playgrounds board and the park board, and as a result D. C. Stone, director of athletics in the Wilmette schools, will shortly begin the organiza. tion of several teams. It is planned to open the gymnasiums ot the various schools in the evenings for practice and league g:unes. Mr. ~tone hopes to organize six or eight teams, composed mostly of yottng men not in high school or college, who have no other chance to play the game. The teams will follow a schedule which will allow them a definite amount of practice and periods for regular games each week. This work will be in charge of :Mr. Stone, and further information regarding the league may be obtaind from him. His headquarters arc at the Howard -;chool. Plan Basketball ·· League For Young Men of Community· Open Sundays 12 to 5 CENTRAL ·CAFETER lA NELSON BUILDING 6/ectric floor Polisher Now you may have beautiful waxed floors without stooping, kneeling or soiling your hands. This marvelous :tew labor-saver burnishes W?.X on hardwood or linoleum to a brilliant 1ustre that is hard to mar and easy to clean. Ten times faster than hand methods. Runs itself- you just guide it. JOHNSO~WAX Joseph R. Campbell Taken by Death Here Joseph R. Campbell. 72. a resident of Omaha for 40 years and an employe of The Omaha Bee for all but fi\·e years of that period, died Thursday, December 17, at the home of his rlaughtrr, ~Irs. Ralph \Y. :\I oody, 1235 Ashland a\'enue. ~I r. Campbell \\'a s employed in the commissioner's oftice at the county courthouse for two n~ars before he ;.md his wife left Oma.ha !-C\'t.'ll month s ago. to make their home with their daughter. He was an actin~ member 0£ the \Vestminister Prc..;hytcrian church of Omaha . His \\'ife and daugbtcr arc his only survi\'ors. Funeral services \\'ere held Saturday afternoon, December 19, at 2:30 o'clock, from the ).f Qody home. with ht,rial at }.f emorial Park. BUYS WILMETTE PROPERTY . The E. E. Stults real C!-tate company has recentlv sold a building lot on Driftwood ·lane, belonging to John Rowen, to H. H. Coffey. of Chicago. Mr. Coffey will build a brick home Ot! the lot in the ncar future. it is understood. He is associated with the Com. rnonwealth Edison company. Central Ave., East of Wilmette Ave. WILMETTE Rent It for $2.00 a Day Gleaming hardwood floors and polished linoleum reflect good taste. Finish all your floors yourself at a trifling cost. Phone us now and reserve jOHNSON'S WAX ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHER for any day you wish. Watch lorthe Announce~nent ol the opening or our new Sales and Serviee Building e Terminal Hardware "Oriole" Radio It's a bird 4 I 5 y; 4th St. Opposite "L" Terminal Phone 2843 Your clothes wubed fne if you rin1 ua Electrical Repairing Radio Sets and Suppliet Eveready "B" Battert-s Music Master Loud Speakers Base Plugs Installed Fine Line of Li&htiq Fixtures ' ..,., EA5 - · WASHER VacWimElectriC: ~ Phone Wilmette UMO Adams Electric Shop Fourth Street LET US HELP YOU EVANSTON MOTOR SALES W. D. Reagan, Mgr. Temporary Quarters 1 o 1 7 Davis Street Phone Univ. t!:=:=====" 2 2 77 INSURANCE RENTS SALES LOANS Phone 1304 Wilmette A.·J. WOODCOCK 35 YEARS' EXPERIENCE