WI L METTE LIFE Jan uary 1, 1921i. For a Prosperous 1926 A (,r\IN, in 1926, the Wiln1ettc State IJank is at the serYice of the entit·e con1rnunity. If you arc plant1ing a budget, either a personal one or· an appr·opriation fot.. your business, \\'C shall he glad to he of assistance to you. If you pI an to a cc un1 u Iat c g rca t e r savings in the ne\Y year, our savings dcpartt11cnt offers its c\·cry facility for· your conYcnicncc. secure the benefit of the guiJancc your hanker· al\vays stands ··cady to giYc. I .~ct this l~ank help you tnakc 1926 a t t·uiY happy and pt·ospct·ous year·. If you seck profitable in,· cstn1cnt~, WILMETTE Ce 1tral Avet1ue 7 " STATE BANK t:lt T ""Telfth Street our Honte B(tnk" ,.. . -- - . - -" ' .