= =J=a=nu=a=ry~l=5,=1~~=6~~============================~W;;I~L~M~E~T~T~E~~L~I~F~E~========================================~19 each f.~ . Gauze Wo. m en 's Silk Hose Women's pure silk hose, all sizes, in four popular colors- beige, nude, sunset, and atmosphere. The slight misweaves are not noticeable and will in no way affect their excellent wearing qualities. Sale price, Ladies' Coats All women's cloth coats must be cleared from our stock. They are being offered at onehalf price or less. Two distinctive groups are priced at g~uze U.Jld only in five yard lt IS. soft~sb that is especially clustln~ a.y,olishing, both furors. Pnce~uring this sale. Yds.-)~ 39c 69c Pair Skating Sweaters Heavy Jumbo weave, coat style, in white, tan, and red. A fine quality all-wool garment. priced, while a limited number last, at Flanale-tte Silk . and Woo'/ Frocks Everyo~ expects dresses to be reduced in January, but we are sure no one expected such reductions as th;s sale offers. Silk or cloth frocks are in each lot. Three groups are priced at in a vari, of light patterns and is 36-iJl~s in width. This is weight a·~nish. A somewhat lty is otfe~ at 22cfard LING SALE aliv Nainsook ) Bed Spreads Truly a beautiful spread, cream colored with large blue, rose, orchid or gold stripes. 80x I 0 8 inches in size, it is large enough for even full size beds. Priced during this sale at nly WO\\ this nainsook is suitny usesa nd especially timely durinpanuary, with Spring ahead. riced by the yard at , Y ds~·or $2.95 $ 2:.!.! Pillows Large size bed pillows, filled with new, selected feathers, and covered in good quality fancy ticking. Sold regularly at $2.75 pair. Priced during this sale at BEGINNING SATURDAY JANUARY 16th Children's Coats Only a limited number of children's coats remain to be cleared out. These have been radically reduced, and groupd in one lot at Wot Bla·n kets ts are oven from the finest ns, car . ¥ selected and dyed. II bed-!:, and are offered in a tty pit:. Sale price $7.~.Pair Each 98c ApJ?on Dresses Made from fast color cotton foulards, in a variety of new and attractive patterns. They are extremely attractive as bouse frocks - even "dressy" enough to wear shopping. Choice of the lot $7.95 ttonllankets ~ of cottot>lankets, sizes 66x80 nches iize, have been grouped ne price Values up to $4.50, ranee . Children's Dresses These dresses were formerly priced at $5.95, $6.75 and even as much as $8.50. Some balbriggan and velvet materials are in the lot, and both two-piece and one-piece styles are represented at $2.95 BRASSIERES-Odd garments, all sizes, 39c egulaize, box of doz., 39c . HEN CARRICO ilm~e 1146-48 Wilmette Avenue .., 588 Four Deliveries Daily f · - COMPANY