5, 1926 January 15, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE TOURS FLORIDA 23 January Investments When considering the investments that you will make this month be sure and weigh well the stability of the issues offered. The firms whose advertisements appear on this page are ready and anxious to serve you and ask that you write for circulars or communicate with them by telephone. II,___K_e_n_,_·t_w_o__r_t_h __ N_e_w_s_,__. I E rd d ) A post card or telephone call will bring you a copy of our circular of ~ JANUARY INVESTMENTS containing brief descriptions of more than forty issues cf 1- MUNICIPAL BONDS PAYABLE FROM TAXES ~ c- YIELDING 4.50% to 6.00% Exempt from all F!deral Income Tax M u 'n i c i p a 1 Bonds have been called "The Aristocrats of the Investment Field" Next · to Government B o n d s they are the safest investment Incorporated 1 9 1o MUNICIPAL BONDS 39 So. La Salle St. CHICAGO Telephone Central 4532 New York Detroit St. Louis Henry C. Schultz, member of the firm of Schultz and Nord, tailors, will leave Wilmette Monday of next week to spend about a month in Florida. ENTERTAIN FOR VISITOR He will be accompanied by Carl Mrs. Hugh G. Peterson, 212 War- Schwall. Mr. Schultz will stay for a wick ro;td, has as her guest this week, time at Arcadia, Fla., visiting friends and relatives and will later make an Mrs. Sidney Russell of Detroit. A din- automobile tour of the boom state. ner is being given this evening at the EVENTS CLASS MEETS home of Mrs. Hugh Peterson in honor The Current Events class conducted of her guest. The party will adjourn to a dance at the Kenilworth club later .under the auspices of the education de.partment of the Neighbors by R. E. in the evening. Mrs. Jute Peterson, Pattison Kline, held its first meeting 222 Cumberland avenue, Kenilworth, is Tuesday morning at the home of Mrs. entertaining at a luncheon and bridge W. W. Wheelock of 132 Oxford road, today in honor of Mrs. Sidney Russell. Kenilworth. -oD_ r. and Mrs. Albert Mansbridge of Harold F. Tideman, lJg Abingdon London, England, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cresap road, Kenilworth, has returned from of 239 Essex road. Dr. Mansbridge a trip to New York. Mrs. Tideman's lectured Saturday afternoon at the mother, Mrs. R. G. Marriner, of MenEnglish Speaking Union which gave a ominee, Mi~h., spent the hoHdays with luncheon in his honor at the Palmer her daughter and expects to go South in a week or two. House. --o-oRobert Danly, 336 Essex road, Kenil:M r. and Mrs. Merritt H. Dement. worth, and Joseph Joyce, 531 Essex 337 Abbottsford road. Kenilworth, and road, have motored to Florida where ~~ r. and Mrs. Fred L. Workman, 222 their wives and families will meet them. Leicester road. leave Friday by way They expect to be away the remainder of Florida, for Havana. Cuba, where of the winter. they will . ta.r a month. -o-oMr. and Mrs. John C. Carpenter of F . E. ~L Cole. 315 Essex road, has 422 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth, engone to Xew York to be with his tertained at dinner and bridge Saturfather who is very i11 at New Rochelle. da~· night. ~{ r . Cole and Miss Bernice Cole have --oheen spending a few days at the Ev~1 r. and Mrs. Huber Blocker, fornaan~hire hotel during his abseace. erlv ~fi~s Ruth \V()odward, have left -oCh-ambersburg, Pa .. t1o live in Portland, ~[iss Teanette Chern·. 422 Abbotts- ~f aine. ford road. Kenilworth: is entertaining -o. ome college friends at bridge Friday ~fr. and 1Irs. Mark Cresap, 239 Esafternoon in honor of her societv sis- sex road. Kenilworth, wiH. leave Tuestcr. ~[iss ~fargaret Touslim, who- is to daY for a short stay in New York City. he married. 1 -o-o~Jrs. Carl Keith. 310 Warwick road. ~f rs . H. B. Tavlor of 634 Abbotts- Kenilworth, entertained at dinner and f0rd road. was luncheon hostess last bridg-e Saturday evening. Frida,- to a group of Evanston friends -o0f ~f rs. Fred E. Beckstein of New ~f r-.. \V. 0. Belt of 202 Abingdon York. formerly of Evanston. avenue .. left Kenilworth Wednesday -ofor ~fiami. Fla .. to spend three or four ~{ r. and ~[ r . . \V. W. \Vher lock and weeks. ~f is:- Florence \ \'heelock. 132 Oxford --oroad. Kenilworth, leave Friday, Jan~r r. and ~[ rs.· Henry Taylor, Jr., 231 uan· 15. i()r a two \\"l'l'k . . · trip to F> sPx road. entertained the evening ~fiami. Fla. bridge club at dinner Monday evening. -0- Isah II Cline. 30-f Cumnor road. Kenih,·orth. left Tuesda~- morning for Kew York Cit,- to continue her studv of music. -oMr. and ~~ rs. J. S. Cline. 304 Cum nor road. Kenilworth. entertained at dinner last Friday evening before the card party at the Kenilworth club. ~fis:-. -oXadine Xellis. who is here from Pasadena. was the i!ttest of Miss Bettv Darling- of 256 Kenilworth avenue. Kenilworth. last week-end. -o~frs. John O'Connor. l..f9 Kcnihvorth avemH·, Kenilworth. was hostes . at a large luncheon and bridge \\. edne. day '~t the Drake hotel. -o~Jiss Carl B. Korradv. 537 Ahbottsford road. Kenilworth: left Saturday for ::\ e\\· York "·here she wilt visit her "ister for a fr,,· weeks. ]\,.(tlllC.--··································"··············· ~f rs. and ~f rs. Irving B. Babcock, 220 Essex road. Kenilworth. are leaving this week for a trip to California. -oJ ohn ~IcKeighan of 1025 Greenleaf avenue spent a few days last week in Peoria. Ill. -o~f r. and ~f r . . G. H. Redding of 1516 Elmwood avenue had as house guests last week, ~fr. and Mrs. Frank E. 'Redding of \Varren. Pa. -oOn Tanuary 5. Mrs. W. A. Richardsc.n of 1233 Lake avenue entertained a g-roup of friends from Chicago and Oak Park at luncheon and bridge. -o~fr. and 1tfrs. W. S. Brown, who ha Ye he en vi~iting- their oarents. Mr. and 'Mrs. L. ]. Brown of the Linden Crest apartments. have returrred to their home in Pittsburgh. -0- ~r r. --o- ·:~:~:::::::::.:~:::............... State......................... ..................... Mrs. E. W. Williams of 1229 Lake and ~f rs. Charlt s Howe, 240 K<'nih,·orth avenue. entertained their avenue. entertained her aftern~on bridge club at dinner Saturday night. bridge club on Tuesday, January L. ~~ r. r.('()rfl'(" E. \Valk of 1240 Lake avenue of South Bend. Ind .. is damrhter. 1frs. Frank recentlv left for the West on a busine5s Sherritt of 330 Oxford road. Kenil- trip. He will be away several week~. ,,-orth. --o-oMrs. Charles Sanborn Clarke of 526 ~frs. Hf'rhert 1fesick. 331 Essex road. Vi T::~c;l,irw·ton avPntte wa~ hostess to her Kenilworth. entertained her sewing Tn"c;rlav club this week at luncheon club at luncheon Monday. and bridge. -o- -o- -o- ~{ rs. \Vilcox n-.ltllH! her Cocbran&M'Ouu Co. 40NorthDramom ~trctt U.trtll 'I'~~ __ ....t.. ~ 1109 Bryn Mawr Aftlnle -o- -o- .4622 N. W·tera Aveaae 09JO Hu{Yh Foresman. 515 Essex road, reEdward H. ~olegrove of 7~5 Ten.th turned home Sunday from a trip to J street en~ertamed the Mens . Wht;;t I Atlantic City. · club at hts home Monday evenmg.