14 WILMETTE ~irs. M. C. Hecht, 1042 Greenwood avenue, will be hostess at luncheon and bridge today in honor of Mrs. J. Walter Nelson of 815 Elmwood avenue, who is planning to leave next week for a visit with her sister in Dallas, Texas. LIFE J a nuar y 22, 192G JUST IN! big \Ve have just received a assortment of the very latest ~pring Hats, also a large shipment of the vt:'ry latest dresses in all th e newest styles and colors, priced at $15.00 and up. Our Women Voters I "rf'he time ha~ come," . the .~va lru 3 sai~. "to peak ot many tlungs! One of the "many" is the fact that the League 'd ues are due again. 'Tis only a dollar, you know. . \V c have more than 300 members on our lists and as one of the most flourishing young members of a large and gro,,·ing body, we arc anticipating not merely a complete renewal but a substantial increase in our mcntl)er~hip. It's up to the \VOmtn, you know, to look after details, for "'vVe want good government, and we want good schools; \Yc ,,·ant to be ~ ure that the be st man rules , So \\'C need your dollar. and \\T n red you, too, To hell) us make all the c things come true!" Send all dues to the trl'a surcr, ~1 rs. Fred R. Horton, 1034 Linden avenue . -BY member, \Vilmctte League of Women· Voters IClasses in Rhythm ,A ttract Attention at Howard School --o-11r. and Mrs. Albert Loth of the Evanshire hotel have taken an apartment in \Vilmette. Mr. Loth returned recently from an extended European trip. UNIQUE STYLE SHOP B. COPLAN, Proprietor 1126 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 2403 -o11rs. Robert Swaim of 701 Laurel avenue is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Stanley G. Olmsted, at Danville, Ill. PUEL·OIL The correct grade for any make oil burner. Deliveries Made Promptly to All North Shore Users fr0m our new EVANSTON STATION. The Largest fuel oil Distributors in the Middle West. Lynch-Clarisey Company From the North Shore phone our Evanston Station Greenleaf 1206 From Chicago phone our Main Office Lafayette 3200 Lynch Clariaey F·1el Oils are Thoroughly filtered and atra;ned "More Heat per Dollar" Owing to the recently cstabli:-.ht d Hhyt hm work for children being ca ,._ ricd on Thursday afternoons at t l. . Howard school, the Logan-How ;m' Parent-Teacher association, re-..p(ln 1 hle for it, is considered one of them, ,,, progressive groups of women along- t ], north s.hore, for the work is t>t:rh ;~, the latest and most scientific in t l, world of physical education today . Kno\vn as the Alys E. Bl·n t lt . Rhythm work, this fundamental ba -..: for dancing has for its techniqu e relaxation. And, in this day of ru ,l and extreme ncn·ous ten . ion, a gn·.t need is felt for just that. Leadi n: physician~. ncrn· speciali:-.ts, educat<Jr and scicnti:-,ts arc constantly procla in , ing the ncce ·s ity of it. \Vould th tr' be as man\· sudden deaths from h ear t disease, as- many ncn·otb and men t.t 1 hrcakclo,,·ns - if we \\'ere al,)c to reb :-..· Science say not. So, here i~ your opportunity, ·ay t h· Logan-Ho\\·ard mot her:-.. Let vou , c hildrcn come out and rc 1 ax Th u r~-..d~t ·. Mrs. D. I.. Taylor of 849 Michigan · avenue will entertain the Reading- cir- afternoon.., at the Howard sciHHd. :Mabel Katherine Pcar :-,e i. . , tht cle Monday afternoon, January 25. t('achcr. Cla:-.s hours ha\·c been a1 ranged as follows: Children of the Ki ndergart ·n, li r.., t second and third grade s, 3:15 o 'c lock. Children of the iourth, tiith, :- ixt h se,·cnth and eighth . !.!.ra(k-... -l u\·lork. -0- and Mrs. G. Edv.·ard Reid of 921 Twelfth street announce the cnrrap·emcnt of th eir daughter. Grace Georgia, to Raymond D. Stephens of Hubbard Wood. ~Ir. TAYLOR'S Red Ticket Sale Leather Goods Reduced tn price from 20%to33lf 3% Discontinued numbers and pieces that were used for display purposes. N£W YORK · EST. 1859 CHic.II:JO