Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jan 1926, p. 25

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ranuary 22, 1926 WILMETTE results of the forms of r eligion without the spirit. You are very cordially invited to attend. Holy Communion will again be cel;brated on the first Sunday in February in the 11 o'clock service. This is the last communion service before lent, which begins on February 17. As usual the midweek lenten services at St. John's will be held every Wednesday evening at 7:45 o'clock. A regular seri e s of lenten addresses will be given in these servic es, to which every is cordially invited. On Sunday afternoon and evening, F e bruary 7, the North Shore Zon e ot the Walth e r league will have its quarterly meeting at Trinity Luth e ran church, Glencoe. Pastor Guido Sch~ ess ler, pastor of Redeemer Luth ran Church, Chicago, is the main sp ea k e r. The usual busin ess meeting is on th e prog-ram for the at'ternoon, during which fiv e minute speeches will b e deliver('d on various phases of Young PeOJ>le's work. Th e District of Korthern Ill iiHJis of the \Valth f·r 1 ·ag- u e will conv ·ne at St. Paul's Luth eran church, Elgin, Illinois, on Saturday and Sunday February 13-14. Earl Estes and Erwin :\fc icrhoff will represent th l.: Senior Society of St. John's . and a larg- e r dt=>lf'g:ttion will prohn.hl y go as visitor!:> to the con\'cntion. Last- . 't. who hav" its la,vn to tlw futur·<·. .John's kiwll \' as ks thos e mad<· it a habit t o cross n·frain from d oing this in l'lease! LIFE 25 St. Augustine's Church Sunday, January 24, will be the third Sunday after the Epiphany. There will be Holy Communion at 8 o'clock, Church schools at 9:45 and Morning prayer with address at 11 a. m. Monday, January 25, being the day set apart by the Universal church to honor the memory of St. Paul, there will be Holy (" Jmmunion at St. Augustine's at 8 a. m. l 'l 1· . The Mcilvaine Oil for Burn~r \II li J /U The Annual meeting of St. Augustine's congregation will be held next W e dnesday, January 27, at 8 p, m. in the Parish House. At this meeting brief reports of the year's work will be made by the officers of the various organizations, the Wardens and Vestry for 1926 will be elected and the five delegates to be sent by the parish to the Annual Conv e ntion of the Diocese of Chicago to be h e ld in Chicago the following week. Preceding the annual meeting n ex t \Ve dnesday evening th ere will be a Parish dinner, served in St. Augustine's Club House at 6:15 p. m. A l e tter has been sent to th(~ families of the congregation containing blank tickets on which r eservations can be made. Tickets can also l> e secured from the rector and church officials. Following the dinner there will be a half-hour recital on the tH·w org-an in the church by Thomas H . Fullerton. This will be follow e (l by th e annual meeting in th e J ·'arish How-;0. Hot Water .. Steam,. Hot Air SIMPLE .. ECONOMICAL .. FAITHFUL CONTINUOUS OPERATION EVEN HEAT )11 ill ·r , 1 <'. I IJ, Heats your home on a business basis at !h 'II I' :f 1- At the annual m(·eti ng of th(· women of the Associat (· d Guilds, 1\Irs. Jay R. Brown was (·leC't<·u pr esi d ent, 1\frs. Lest e r G. \Voou, first vice-president, 11rs. A. \\. Schaedler of 301 SherMrs. I. K. Sto\'er, st~l'ond vice-pr esi- idan road entertained the third link in dent, Mrs. Ri<'haru \Vilson, secretary, the chain of "vanishing luncheons" and Mrs. A. E. Logi c, tr ·asurer. H e ports show that although tlu: \Vednesday, January 20. The United wonwn of tlH· Uu i lei had lwcom1 · rc·- Charities and the \Voman's City club sponsihle for the raising of a g-ooll deal of money during In5 to pay for are benefited by these luncheons. reconstructing the H~:ctory and otht'r things, they had mort=> than t·noug-h funds in hand to discharg· · all th ·ir obliga tions. Afternoon t a was St: rv ed at the close of the m l.!ting. The worn n or the Associat l·d Guilds meet each Thursday in the <.'lub l-ious' for an all-da.y me e ting with a light I uncheon servl.!d at no on. All , ..·omen of the parish are urg-1·d to attend th··s ·! meetings. Friday f·Vt'ning, January 2!1, the :tnnual nwding- of th·· F ·de ration of \\'ilmC'tt P (' hUrdH·s will he h e ld in St . . \ ug·ust int·'s <. 'lub Hous· ·, pn·cedt·<l by dinnt·r· at G o'dock. MciLVAINE OIL BuRNER SALES Phone Winn. 147 788 Elm St. \' , WINNET · KA Is ~· - )- II At the ·t a. St. John's Lutheran · \'\'ilmettt· and Park an·l\UI'S, \VilnH!tt e JIPrtnan \\' . ~l Pyt.: l' :\1. A . past or . 4lJt) Pr·airit.· a\'t.·nut·. Tdl·phon · 13!)6 . Chur·ch tl'l ·phont· :n 11. !'Eit ~ ·::W ' f( ' E~ Olde Bay .L olt Under the persona! direction of Thin1 .'unuay aftt·r Epiphan~· : a. Ill. ~l!ll(}tl\' S('hool and ni!J} e t.·las~ws. · !1:-l:i a. 111. First spn·i<.·t· and sermon. 11 :on a . n1. ~l't:OJHl ser Yi C"l~ anti s~.;rmon . l'UEE'l'l~t~~ :\Tonda.v and Friday at -t: C'hildrt·n·~ a new shop is coming to Evanston FRINT GEORGE Cor. Grove and Sherman EVANSTON Phone Greenleaf 140 The pastor will (} livt·r th1· m on ~wcond of a st· rh·s of sermons on Old T<.·sta111 n t tt·xts twxt Sunday m orning-. Th e Sf'rw i 11 d e a 1 w i t h t lw q u t· s t ion of ~\.' p f'r ficial r C' lig-ion, and th. uisflstrous MOTHS! A .single piece of infested overstuffed furniture may keep your home well-stocked with moths for Y.ears. DINNER-$1.00 Served from 6:30 untilB:OO p.m. Speeial EntertainiDent During_ Dinner Hours THIS WEEK-THURS. FRI. and SAT. The · S treatments cannot and will not rid upholstering of these p es ts. Our method of treating awl fumig-ating in our specially con~tructed chambers by our XTERMX 1n·oct·ss will positively exterminate all Yermin in overstuffed furniture and furnishings. Your furniture returned to you guaranteed free from infestation, entirely odorless and thoroughly yacuumed. StteclallzJng In Ridding Overstuffed J·'urniturt" of lloth Life and Vermin UHF ACE "Bell Trio" Exclusive WIBO Radio Stars Dance Music Furnished by Frint George's "Seven Barn Swallows" during NooAday luncheon, I I :30 till 2 :oo, and ' Evenings 8:30 till 1 :oo A. M. Sat. I 2 :oo P. M. XTIRMX FUMIGATORS 3257-3250 N. WESTERN AVE. TEL. BUCKINGHAM 1409

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