Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jan 1926, p. 1

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' WILMETTE LIFE A Weekly News-Magazine for Wilmette and Kenilworth \VIL1fETTE. ILLINOIS, JANUARY 22, 1926 VOL. XV, NO. 17 PRICE FIVE CENTS GIVE R ECITAL SERIES F AR WEST DRAINAGE H. Barnes to Offer First of PLAN GETS HEARINGWilliam Five Organ Recitals at Wilmette Village Sets February 2 as Date for Consideration of $123.000 Improvement Baptist Church New Temple Club Is Organized; Plans to Have Social Affairs \\.edne sday evening, January I WINS HIGHEST HONOR AT NORTHWESTERN U_ Elected to Beta Gamma Sigma 13, a Wallace W. Muehlberg Senio.r, , (' ·' f gtven. by \Vtll~am Harnson Bar!1es on met at the home of 11r. and 1irs. R. Honorary Fratemity the 1\cw Austm organ of the \VIlmette D. Schuettge, 804 Greenwood ave. . Baptist church, is scheduled for Sun- nue, and organized the Wilmette The highest honor which may be won The next ;~gular meetu~g of the VII- 1 day a_ f ternoon at 4 o'clock. The fol- Temple club) thus making a permanent lage board, 1 ucsday evcnt~1g, Febru~ry jtowing recitals will be given on the organization of a small club started last by students attending the School of 2, promise s to be one of unu sual m- last Sundav afternoon of each month vcar. The object oi this club is to Commerce of Northwestern university, terest, as it will be on this date that including May, at the same hour. ' promote interest and enthusiasm in the has been bestowed upon Walla.c e W. a public hearing will he held on the The program this Sunday will be new :Masonic Temple building now M uehlherg of 1135 Oak~vood a,venue, matter of the expenditure of an esti- in charge of .:\{r. Barne s, organist at being erected on Central avenue. The \Vilmette, who was re<;ently elected mated $213,468 for laying water main s the Baptist church, and president of club has adopted as its motto, "If to membership of the honorary fraterand placing fire hydrants in that sec- the Chicago Artist's association. Mr. cven·one works a little, no one \vill be nity, Beta Gamma Sigma, which elect the' three men standing highest in the tion of 'Vilmctte lying we st of Ridge Barnes is a na tiona} figure in pipe pr;._>;an over. worked." senior class. avenue, formerly known as Gro ·s circles. being regarded not only as one Those elected to hold office this year The announcement of this worthy Portlt. of the Chicago's foremost organists but are R. D. Schuettge, president; Mrs. achievement should be particularly inThe date for the hearing was decided also as an authoritv on the construe- Samuel Wilson, vice-president; Mrs. teresting to relatives and friends of upon at a meeting of the Board of tion and care of organs. He has in Frank ]. Venton, secretary; Mrs. Ro- young :Mr. Muehlberg, because t~e L~,cal Impr<?vem~nts !a~t Tuesday eve- his home in Evanston an organ of his land ~fillen, treasurer; Mrs. Elizabeth award not only speaks of high scholasttc !ung, at \\-l.uch t~me, tt was ~lso ~!ated own con struction with 40 stops that Rand, sergeant at arms; Mr. and Mrs. standing, but it also conveys the m .connectiOn \nth the rca~lmg ot the ha s been the growing center of in- Charles Ellis, executive committee. knowledge that such winners must be estunate, that of the foregotng amount. terest for manv vcars on the part of Plans for the future include a num- possessed of good -moral character, to$9,500 would be engineering costs. \organ experh th;oug·hout the country. her of social affairs. The first of these gether with recognition for interest in Discuss Engineer's Fee At the time the Baptist church organ will be the card party held at the Lin- other college activities. . During the discussion of the fee cost, ~,·as ins~alled, Mr. B.arnes sup.ervised den Crest apartments, 506 Fifth street, Fine New T rier R ecord it was brought out that the Village Jts erectiOn and contnhuted to .1ts stop \\"ednesday afternoon, January 27. Mrs. It has been said by individuals who engineer i~ legally . entitled to five per- ensemble ~ Fret~ch 1-Iorn . which .has F. J. V en ton is in charge. Refreshments have been watching Mr. Muehlberg's cent and that he is not disposed to g.reatly ~ennched tts ha:mom~ combma- will he served. Everyone interested in career while at Northwestern, that his do this \vork at any less rate. Trustee 1 tHlllS. ~ext mo.nth he IS to Install as a the Temple is cordially invited to at- ability to accomplish what he has Paul A. Hoffman suggested that in view mcmonal t~ hts uncle, Albert R. Bar- tend. done since entering the university, may · of the vast amount of impron~ment s ne~. head ot the firm of A. R ..Barn~s be partly credited to the splendid recof the foregoing nature ,,·hich are soon and company, a harp celeste, whtch wlll ord he made while attending New Trier to be started in that sec tion oi the vii- round out a very complete ensemble High school, where he graduated in lage west of Ridge aventtl', it ,,·ould that will place th~ Baptist organ 1922 after being selected as a member be advisable to engage an engineer by amc ng the foremost Instruments along of the Honor society and T. N. T. the year for thi:-. work. He expressed t_ h ·.· north shore. \Vhile not being possessed of physithe opinion that a competent official ( n Sunday afternoon 'Mr. Barnes ()J,je,·li(Jn ..... ~~nearly unanimous. to que which might have warranted sucof this nature may he procured l>y tht· "ill he assisted by :M r. Vilas Johnson, the p;n-ing oi ~ectiuns of twu alleys, were cess in athletics, Mr. Muehlberg de,·illage for $5.000 or $(),000 a year. \Yhn l ha..,..,-baritone of the First 1fethodist m<Hie to the \ \.ilmettc Board of Local Yoted a considerable part of his time would not only scn·e in the matter church, EYanston, and 11adame Gil- Jmpron·ments by interested property in other directions: acting as service <,i the \\·ate r main impron·nH·nt:-. hut dero~· Scott contralto, director of the owners at a mt:cting of the Board; manager of the Purple Parrot, and adals<, in the other impron.'men ts \\-hich Bapti:-.t choir and associated with the TuesdaY evening, that that body voted vertising manager of the Scrawl, two will iollo,,·, such as se,,·er. pa,·ing, side- i\Yilliam Shakespeare Studio in Chicago. unanim.ou~h· to abandon the projects. \\·ell kno\Yn college publications. He is abo a member of the Purple wal~~· :-. t reet etc.. which . in 1 The program is as follows: The alleY -sections embraced in the Kc,·. the honorary Junior organization add It 1011 t~l the. cst11nated $213A()8 lOr ~~ - 1 ~t .::\ToYt·nwnt (rnfinishe(l re:-.olutiOt1 for .the comtemplated !m,,-a ter mams wlll reach :-.eycral more Symphony) ........... ~chuht·rt to -which 25 Junior men are elected prm·e ments \Yere as follows : thottS'ItHl · of tlolhr" Hi t>lan he t·:n·nillg Son~- ........... Bairstow each year. · · · ~ · c · · :-. · · I ::\lr. narl11-'!" The first allev southwest oi Park pomted out, \\'Ill mean a great saYmg I :!. :-:ong-i' Active in Dramatics an·nue t·xtending frotH the northwestto the village. It ,,-a. abo :-.tre:-.sed · ::\[t·. JohnRon Soon after entering the university, erh· lit;e of Central ayenuc to a line that the fi\·e percent fee for se n·ice :{. Hondo Francaii'<> ........ Boellmann he became a member of the Monacoan < 'hristmas in ~iC'il:-· . .......... Yon 500 ieet north\\·est of and parallel with of this nature i in exct·..,:-, of the :\£1'. Barne~ the north\\·cst line of \Vashington ave- fraternity, and later made the Glee club amount which was paid on the $325.- ·L Pie Lot'l' h·i . ................. Liszt nue. The estimated cost was $8,1~6. ,,·ith which organization he has sung 000 lighting contract. \\-hich ,,-as a" lo\\ Tht· ::\lonoton.. . .......... Cornf'lius during the past three years. This year The other resolution referred to the he took the leading role in the college ThP Sht.'e p ancl th<> Lambs .. Horner as 2 percent. l't·o plt' Vietoriou~ (Horn. first alley north of Lake avenue, ex:'\ovissima) ..... . .. Parker tending from Seventh street to Lake f arcc given under the name of "StuFurther Discussion dent Quince," which was produced by :\Tme . ··eott 1\o definite action was taken on the .· _ < "han~on ................... Candlyn an·nue. except the intersections with the "'Spotlighters" men's musical organ~uggestion of Trustee Hoffman, other said aile,· at Fifth and Sixth streets, ization. A.thlgio ) :-:<:her.zo 5 than a general discussion of the matlying between the cast and \\"est lines l\Ir. Muehlberg, 1135 Oakwood ave:ith Sonata. · .Gulimant of :-.aid streets. which are already pa ·ed. ter, \Yhich from all indications will nue, \Vilmette, will graduate in June The public is cordiallv invited to The estimated cost was $9,794-. have further consideration at future these recitals, which are. given in no Trustee John C. Baker suggested the of this year. meetings. 1· · en:-.e for the Baptist church alone, hut 1 · 1 ·1· f · · 1 a< vtsa )J tt,· o a provtston w lereuy Royal Arch Masons to i or the entire community, it is ex- property ·owners desiring improveKnocked Unconscious ptained. mcnts. as in the foregoing, should be Hold Special Meeting required to petition for the same, by a C N 5 R oya1 When H I·t by M ach. tne D r. aro IDe H e d ger t 0 . t \\'ilmette hapter o. 2 3 ' majorit.'· oi those tnterestec · A..rch l\fasons. will hold a special meet .. Miss Cathleen Kalmes, 127 Central Add p T A M f ing this evening, at which time there Park ·a venue, was struck and knocked ress . . . ee Ing D E Ch e I will he a big dinner and entertainment. unconscious by a motor car driven hy Dr. Caroline Hedger. famous authorr. ugene an Y S The \vomen of the Eastern Star chapJohn Schwall, 995 Spr~ce street, Win- ity on educational matters, will he the Physicians' Club Head ter will serve the dinner. which wilt netka. last Sunday mght. The ac- ~nt·aker at the regular meeting of the begin at 6:45 o'clock. The proceeds cidcnt occurred on Wilmette avenue. Central-Laurel Parent-Teacher associAt the annual meeting of the \Vil- are to go to the fund which the Eastbetween Sixteenth street and Central ation Tuesdav afternoon. February 9. mette Phvsicians' cluh, held January ert.1 Star is rai::>ing for the organ to Park avenue, as Miss Kalmcs was Her suhiect ~vill he "What the Com- l-1-, at the Lake Shore Terrace the he installed in the new ~fa sonic temple walkit~g with her sister. S~hwall took munitv Owes the Child." bllowing officers were elected: PI e.;;- no\v under construction. the gtrl to Dr. H. 0. We1shaar, ~vho Dr. -Hedger was secured by the as- ident, Dr. Eugene Chaney of the North _ _ _ __ treated her. and after she had rcvn:ed sociation only after considerable per- Sho~e Health Resort. Winnetka; vi~e ARRANGE ICE M E E T she was taken to. her .home. ~er m- ~ uasion, . ince her services as a speaker prestdent. Dr. Floyd L. McGrath, WtlThe Howard school of \Vilmette and juries arc not senous, tt was satd. are almost constantly in demand. Every and secretary-tre.asurer, Dr. the Joseph -.chool of Kenilworth will resident of the community is invited \\!Illtam A. l\[~nn. Jr. ~Ilmette .. Dr. hold a dual skating meet sometime durWINTER IN FLORIDA to hear the lecture. B. ~[. c~!lley IS the r~t!nn!f prestdent. ing Fehrnary. it \\':1"' <tnnounced th~s The. \\ tl~ette Physictans was week. The exact datP has not yet ]._ Fred McGuire, Sr., of the real T O OPEN SHOP organtzed m 1905 as an associatwn of been arramred. and it will dPnend partestate firm of 1fcGuire & Orr, accomAlfred J. Ruby of 237 Greenleaf ave- physicians living on. the north shore 1 tv on weather condition". it wa" said. panied by Mrs. :M cGuire, has gone to Doland, Fla., to spend the remainder nuf" is leaving for Detroit Sunday to and at the present ttme has 72 mcm- . There will he r<~ces . fancy skating and open a new Juvenile Bootery there. hers. . j various other events. of ,the winter. . 'f_hc fir st C?f. five orga!l recitals to be number of enthusia tic men and women I Two Alley Paving Projects D ie as f ()itizens Object c ·. I I

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