WILMETTE LIFE ( Cl ulc olve ottr Fttt 1: roblen1? ~mcq~cnc;L:s \\·iII ~l T lll"j ll()~ll"j ()\\'. ·Jjl{ \\ho t·cuult·cs loan t·' finance impron:mcnts or to mcl:l find r·caJy and cout·teous assistance ·a t this l~ank. 'T'hc l\Ynct· of husi ness propcrt y \Yho contetnp late:'! e. ·pansion o~ his interests a.nd needs additional fullt 1". finds us p r cpa r· c d to aid hi n 1 '"it h funds on t h c sec u ,~ i l : of his holdings. t.~et your \Viln1cttc propcrt y so lYe your financial \\'C prohlen1 arc anxious to accord you friendly and favorable aid at any titne. WILMETTE STATE BA treet K Central A venue at Twelfth "Your i-Ion1e Ba11k" .__----------------.......----- ... ---·----~·-------------