Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Feb 1926, p. 40

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40 Gardens Subdivision, extended west across Gr elt>y Avenue; In Oxford Avenue from Lake Avenue to the north line of Xorth Shore Crest Subdivision; In Princeton Avenu' from Lake Avenue to the north line of ~orth Shore l'rest Subdivision; In ). .l.le Avenue from Lake AvPnue to the north line of Xorth Shore Crest Subdivision; In Melvin Avenue from Lake A\rt>nue to the north line of Xorth Shore Crest Subdivision; In Harvard Av<'nu from ;Lake Avenue to the north line of ~orth Bhore Crest Subdivision; In Cambridge Av<>nue from Lake Avenue to the north line of ~orth Bhore rest Subdivision; In Columbus Avenue from Lal< e .\venue to th north line of Xorth Bhot·e Crest Subdivision; In Oak Street from Central .-\.\' Pnue to Blum Street; In Brown Street from Blum Btn' et to Lake Avenue; The water main to be laitl in Lake. Aven\}e shall be twelve (12) inch e s in internal diameter. The water main to be laid in Ridge Avenue from Wilmette Avenue to North Avenue shall be twelve (12) inches in internal diameter and from North Avenue to Clove1· Road shall b<' ten (10) inches in internal diameter. The water main to be laid in Greeley Avenue from Lake Avenue to the north line of Kenilworth Gardens Subdivision, extended across said nreeley Avenue, shall b· eight ( ' ) inches in internal diamet r. The water main to he laid in Reinwald Avenue and Clover Hoad shall he eight (8) inches in int<'rnal diameter and the water main to he laid in Washington Avenue from Greeley Avenue to Reinwald Avenue shall be eight (8) inches in int('rnal diameter. The water main to be laid in Wilmette Avenue shall Le twelVt' <12) inches in internal d ianwter from Ridge Avenue to H.einwald .\v enue and ten (10) inches in internal (liameter from Reinwald Avt·nut> to the west limits of the Village. All other mains to be laid i 11 a 11 other streets as herein provi<IP<l and described, shall be six (li) in('he:-: in i·nternal diameter. The pipe used shall lH' of tht> ty JH: known to the trade as Bt>ll and Spigot pipe, made in twelve ( 12) foot leng-ths, straight cylindrical in fonn, free from cracks, sand bol es and othet· imtwrfections in casting· of more than superficial character and extent. Th pipe used shall be of the fit·st quality for the uses and purpost·s inten<lNl and shall avt·t·ag-e in wt>ight, per lin al foot, for a pipt· as follows: Six (6) in('h pipe, thirt~·-tht'Pt· and three-tenths (33.3) pounds; l·:ig·ht ( s) inch pipe forty-sevt:n and otH·-half (47%) pounds; Tt.'n 110) inch piJW, sixty-three and eig·ht-tenths <fi:! ~ . 10) pounds; and twelve <12) inch pi pt·, eighty-two and otw- t ~'11th < · 2.1) poun<ls. I~OCA'l'IO~S 1\~H ( ' H~'E( " I'I0:\!0' WILMETTE street and from said angle west to Locust Street, the center line shall be seven ( 7) feet north of the center line of said street. HYDRANTS One hundred twenty-two (122) cast iron fire hydrants of best quality, durability and fitness shall be set in place and connected with the mains herein provided to be laid by a six (6) inch cast iron water supply pipe, of the kind and quality herein specified. ::iaid hydrants shall have a five (5) inch opening or seat ring, and a six (6) inch hub connection to th main. They shall have two (2), two and onehalf (2%) inch hose nozzles, with thread and nut opening- to the left, of the size now used on the fire hy<lran ts in said Village of \Vilmette. Said hydrants shall ,be six (6) feet in length from the ground line to the bottom of connecting pipe, and the stand pipe or hydrant barrel shall be not less than six and one-half ( 6%) inches. Said hydrants shall be set in the ground to a depth of six (6) feet and shall be set on a footing of onethird (1/3) of a cubic yard of crushed limestone of the size known as medium. Each hydrant shall be fitted with a six (6) inch auxiliary double gate valve with cast iron valve box. Said hydrants shall be located as follows: In Ridge Avenue: On a line twenty (20) feet west of the center line of s Ridge Avenue, at the following points: 300 feet north of Kenilworth Avenue; 10 feet south of Kenilworth Avenue; 10 f et north of each of the following streets: Clover Road, Washington Averme, Hollywood Avenue, and :~orth Avenue; 300 feet south of \Vilm ette Ave nul'; 600 feet south of Wilmette Avenue; 40 feet not·th of the south limits of the Village of \Vilmette. In Reinwald Avenue: On a line 20 feet northerly and northeasterly of the center line of Reinwald Avenue at the following points: EaRt line of Locust Street; eas t line of Grant Btreet; 70 feet south of the north line of Washington Avenue at each of the followinr: point::;: 400, ~00, 1150, 1500, and 1 XtiO fl'Ct, respectively, southeastt>l'l~· from . said hydt·ant, to be lo-.· cated 70 feet south of tht· north line of Washington Avenue; at a poi11t !'>ix (6) feet south of the south line of Lake Avenue; ab.;o at. t'ach of the following point~: -tOO. XOO, 1200, 1600 2000, 2400, 2SOO and 3200 feet, r !';pectively, southea!'lt of the south line of Lake Avenue; al~o at a point six ( 6) fl·et north of the north line uf \Vilmette Avenue. In Greeley Avenue: On a line 13 feet west of th· · t·ast linL' of said Gn·eley Avt·nuP, at the following· points: At tlw north lim· of Kt>nilworth Drive, north; at the north lin ' of K nil worth Drive, south; at the south line of C'ach of the inllowing ~tn·ets: Clover Hoad, \Va shington Avenue, Hollywood Avt·nue and Xorth Avenue and onC' at a point 350 feet south of North A \'t.'nUL', and one at a point 400 ft·t·t north of Lake A vc·nue. [n Kenilworth Driv ·, north: Kenilworth Dl'ive, south: <'lover H.oa<l; \\'ashing·ton A n·n Ul!; Hollywood Avenut:', and l\'orth .\n·nut·, on litH'S 20 feet north of tlw C't·llter line of t.·ach of said stt't·t·b, at the following points: At poinh -tOO f et and ~00 ft.·et, rl!S)>ecti\·t·ly, t·ast of (;n· 'ley Avenut·; at the Wt·st line of :l\felviu Avenut·: and at points 300 and uOO fet't l:a.·t of .\lt'IYill Avenue on of said st! t·t ·ts. 111 Alles AvellUt·: On a litw 1 :~ f,·t·t ""'"t of the t·ast line tlwrt.·of, at th· · twrth lin > of Franz Hoa.d. 111 Franz l{oad : On a line 20 ft·t·t tll>l'th of the center litH· thert·of, at a point mtdway betwel'll .-\lit·,.; .\v~.·nu~_· and Greeley Av ·nue. In Elmwood .\n·nue: 011 a lint.· 13 feet ;-;()uti! of the north linP tlwn·of: at a point I) feet east of Alh·s An·nut· and at a point mid\\a~· hetWt..!t·n Allt·s .\venue anu Crl't·ll'y Avt·nue. 111 l>xford Avt.>nue: l'rinL·t·ton A\'t.·nut.·, Yale Avenue, .\Lt ·lvin Avenue. Harvard Avenue and <'anth.idg·t· AvPnu~:. in eac h of said sll't'I'LS on a lint· 10 fct.·t south of tht- north litw of :-.:orth Bhore Crest Suhdi\·i:·don, and at points 15 feet ~'as t of tht· l'enter liue of each of said stn·t>ts and in Columbus Avenue on a line 10 fl·t.>t Routh of the north I i ne of Not·th :::;hore Ct·est SubdiYisi()ll, at a point 1G feet east of the Wt-st line of said street. In Lakt.· AVl'llUl!: <>n a lint> 20 feet north of the cenlL'l' I i 111· vf said Lake Avenue, at the LIFE Februa,ry 19, 1926 Of the eight ( 8) inch mains f 11herein provided to be laid 'at the o owing . pcints: One in Clover Road at the west 1me of Ridge Avenue, and one in Clover Road at the east line of Greeley Avenue; one in Washington Avenue at th west line of Greeley Avenue and one in Washington Avenue at the easterly line of Reinwald Avenue; one in Greeley Avenue at the north line of Lake Avenue, one in Greeley A v nue at tht> south line of Washington AV('nue to the west of Ut·t'eley Avenu , and one in Greel~y A,· , nue on the south line of Kentlwot·th Avenue; and seven (7) in H.(· inwal(l Avenue as follows: On at the north line of Wilmette Avenue, otw at a })Oint thirty-three .<33) ft·t·t east and one at a point thirtythrl' (33) fe ' t west of the section line bew · en SeC'tions 32 and 33, Township 42 North, Range 13. East of the Thit·d Principal Meridian; otll' at the south line and one at the north li· ·~ of Lake Avenue; one at a point si y-six (66) f':et south of the north ·line of Washmgton Avenue, and one at the ast line of Lot.:usl Btreet. . Forty-four (44), Rix (6) mch g-ate yalves :shall b installed on the line of the six (6) inch mains herein provide<l to be laid · as follows: 011 the west line of Ridge Av n ue; one each at Kenilworth Drive, \Vashington Avenue, Hollywood .\venue, North Avenue, Bchiller, ~eg{!l' and Blum Streets, Highland Avenue and Central Avenue; on th., east line of Gr('eley A venue; otw t·a<:h at Kenilworth })rive, north Kenilworth Drive, south, \Vashing-ton, Hollywoo(l and North Avenu~s: In K nilworth Avenue: · >ne at the west lint:> of Greelt·y Avenue and one at thP east line of Hancock Avenue and one at th1· ea.~-;t lin · of IJocust Street. In Franz Road: Une at the west line of Gr··;·ley Avenuf>. In Elmwood Avenue: At the west litH> of nt·e ·ley Avt·nu" · · >n the north line of Lakt· Avenue: One each at xford, l't·inceton, Yal·'. .:\11'1 vin, Harvard, <'am bridge anu Columbus Avt>nut::s. [n l:rown Street; One at the south lint' 1f Lake AYenue and one at tlw north line of l~lum Stt·eet. In ~chiller Str<'l't: At the west line of Drown Str····l . In .... ~ eger Htred: At the west line of r:rown Stn~1 · t . 111 I llum Stret>t: At the east line of ()al~ Btrcet. ln li i g· h 1an(] A v l' nul' : One at thl' f'a~t line of Oak Rtre··t. Tn <'1·n tral Avenue: t>ne at the east lin·· .,f t>ak Rtrt'et. ln Hi<lg-t· .Avt>nU(·: One at tht· south lin · of \Vilm<>tte .\vt·nu · and one at :t point thirty~ tlnee <:33) fe ·t nol'th of the south boutHlai~Y line uf the \'illag-e of \\'ituwtte. j II (~len\" i w n 0 ad : () ll e a t t h r> sou t h I i n t · o f \V i lm e t to Avenue, and onl· at a point thirtyt h r e e ( 3 3 ) '[ t.· t· t (·a~ t o f the w I'-.; t boundary lin· of the Villag-e of 'Vtl111 ,. t te. On the Korth line of '\' a.shington .Avt.~nu · west of <;n·(:lt..·\· Avt·nue: < >ne ea(·h at For ·st, · \Vl·ntworth, Alles. Hancock, Clt.·\'eland and Shl!l'man Avenues. Ln U ran t Ave 11 u ~' : <)Ill! on th · north lint..! ·If Hdnwal·l Av nu1·. In Allt.-s .A venu : On· at the ~outh line of \\·ashit,gton .Avenue. ~aiel valves shall a uod\· of the best quality of cast iron witli bronze nwuntings and the stern of said valve sll:tll ht> of th1' lH'St quality of hronzt;. ~aid valves shall !) of the type known as double gate va.'lv{·s, with two cast iron hubs or sockets and shall be tt.·stl·d and proved tig-ht at one hundrt·ll and fifty (1~0) pounds water pt·essure. All valves shall open to the left. Fja('h of said twelve inch valvt-s shall he set within a brick valve chamber. Said chamber shall be cylindrica l in form auu forty-two < 42) inches in internal diameter at th<· bottom and upward to the lowest head er coursl', being- drawn to two (2) fPt't internal diameter at the top by means of twelve (12) header courses, the (liameter b ing- decreased one and one-half (1%) inches for each course. The walls of the chamber shall be eight (,) inches thick, and six anu Oll{·-half (6%) feet in depth. Said valve chambers shall be constructed of best quality of sewer brick laid in American nat,Hal h>·dntulic ~ement mot·tax. 4 The walls of the valve chamber shall start six (6) inches below the bottom of the main. Each of said valve chambers shall be equipped and fitted with a cast iron The nwin wa.t~:r supply pipt·s ht>rt>in providt.·d to he laid in I{ idg·,. A vt.·n ue, shall he l'<lnne<:tl'<l with tlw main water ~UJ)ply t>iJH' tlO\\ laitl in Lakt· AvenU('. It shall also ht · l'llllnPeted to the JH' ~H·nt watt.·r sy~tt · lll of \Vilmett~.· at 'Vilrnettt.· Avt· nut ·, t't·lltral Avt>nut·, Hig-hland An·nut·, l'ast uf !Ud gt.· Avt.·nut:·, "-ashingtun .-\.\'t'llllt·, Fort:st Avt·nut.·, 'Yal nut .c\n·nue and l·~lmwood Avenut:. At all intersP<:ting· points of tht· mains lwrein proYitl· ·tl to ht.· laid, th<·\· shall ht· <·onnectt ·d 1)\· tlw neCt.'ssat·~- <Tos~t· s tt·t·s ot· spt~cial fit ting·s r('quirt·<l. J n all north and south sll't·t·ts and :t\' t·nut·s. tlw t.'t.·ntt·l· litlt.' of tht· :-:hall bt· laid t\\'t ' llt~ · -six (:!!i) feet Wt·st of tht· t·ast lint· of till' stl't·et or an· nut.· wht·r(· laid, t.' ·t···Pt ill Hi<lg-e A\·enut.·, atl\1 tht·n· it shall hi.' lai(l eleven !J 1) ft·t·t \\'t·Sl H( till' ('t:lltt:'l' line of said Hitlgt· A\'t ' llllt ·, antl t·xcept in Columbus A \' t·nut> and tht·n· the main shall ht· laid twt·nt~ -:-:ix l~fi) f··et east of th<' east litH· of Hlovk two in Xot·th ~hon· < 'n·st Suh<li\·ision producc·d south to I...akt· .\venu.·. In all east and Wt·st stt't···ts and av(::nu<.·~ the C't.: ntt-r Jinl' of thv lllilill shall b twenty-!-dx < :!ti) f··t·t :-:outh of th north lilll' of till· str· ·t·t <~r avt·nut> where laid, <·xc·t.·pt in Lak·· .\n·nul! it ~; h a 1l lJ e t \\'t·n t y- two 1 :! :! J f ,. ·· t south of the north lint· of s;~id :-:tt···t·t ot· avt·nue atJd in " .ilnwttv .\ \'t' lltll' ft·onl Ritlgt· Av<·tttH· to <;l,·n\· il'\\' .\vt·nut.·, tht· <'(·nu· r litH· of th·· 1nait1 :-;hall IH' laid t·lt>\'t:ll Ill} ft·d IIOI'th of tht· l'<:'lllt·J' lint.' of ~aid strt·t.·t. In (;lt·n\'it·\\" l~oad th·· l'··nt,·r lin (Jf th·· main shall lw laid t·l· · n·n ( 11) ft·t-t northwt·slt·rh· of tht· ('l'ntt·t· litlt of said stn: l't. · In H.<.·i nwald A \'t·ll U·· ft·om \\.i I me ttl' A\'<·nue to th· anglt· in said Hcinwald An·nut·, imtn· ·<li<.ltt ·ly north of \\'ashing-ton A\'l·llUt·, thl' ('t'llti··r line of the \\ at(·r lll:t in shall be svv··n ( 7) fPet w,J·th· ·:t:->t of th·· <'t-llt··r lint> of saiu en following points: 6 feet east of Greeley Avenue; at the east line of each of the followingstreets: Oxford Avenue, Princeton Avenue, Yale Avenue, Melvin Avenue, Harvard Avenue anrl Cambridge Avenue, and one at a point 60 feet east of the west lin of Columbus Avenue and one ('ach at 360 feet and 720 feet, respectiYely, ast of Reinwald Av ·nue. I:-.: Schiller Street: On a line 20 feet north of the center line of Schiller ~tr ·et at the following points: At the east line of lark Rtn~ f>t: at a point 400 feet west of JJrown Btreet. In Seger BtrN>t: 1 >n a line 20 ft.·t-t north of tlw center line of Beg·er Btl'e t, at the t·a~t line of Clark Str et and at a point 400 feet west of Drown Street. lll J;Jum Htre<.·t: ( >n a line 20 f ·· et north of the center line of Blum Btreet, at the east line of Clark Street, and at a point 170 feet west of Brown Btreet. In Highland Avenue: < 'n a line 20 feet north of the center line thereof, and at a point in the ast line of Pine Avenue. In Central Avenue: r )n a lint" 13 fet.>t SI)Uth of the north 1i ne of 'entral A venue at a point in the east line of Pine Avenue. I 11 Oak Btreet: on a line 13 fePt west of the east line of Oak Btret>t, at the north line of Central Avenue and at the north 1i ne of Hig-hland A venue. Ln Bt·own Btn·t·t: Un a. line 20 fed Past of thl! center lin ~ of Urown Btn· ·t, at the following· points: At a point 6 feet north of Blum :::;treet at th · north line of Seg r StrPet an<l at the north line of Schiller Stt·eet. Jn 'Vilmette Avenue: On a. lint> 20 fe('t north of tht· center line of \Vilnwtt l' .-\vt>nue at point,.; HO antl ·go feet, rl:'spectiv ly, Wl'St of ltidge An·nue, and at points 39, -tOO antl SOO ft·et, rt.>spectively, east of th ~ west limit:-: of the Villag·e of \Vilmt·tte. In Ul('nview H.oad: On a line 20 fed northwest of the e<·nter line of Ulenview Hoatl, at points -t2::i an<l S:ill feet respe('tivl'ly, southwest of \\'ilmettt> .A xenue an1l at a point 3!J fl't't east of the WbSt limits of the Villag-t> of 'Vilmettc-. and at a point 300 fed east of saitl wt.·st \ .illag-e limits . In Kt·n i I worth A ven Ut': <)n a litH' 20 f<·t't north of tlw e··nter I i n e o f K t· n i I wort h A v ,. n uP, At a point ti fet't Pastt·!'l~· of Locust ~tn: .-t and at the t·ast lin · of t·ach of tht.· following· :-:tret.'ts: (;rant ~tl·t·f't, ~ht·nuan A\'t:IIUl!, t'le\·eland AYt·nut.·, and at a !>Oint in tht- t·ast lint·, produt·t·d north of !L.tnt.:ol'l~ .\v enUl!, .\liPs A\'t..!llUe. "·,·ntworth A\'t ·nut· :tnd Forest A n·n UP. Ill 'vas hill g t 0 I! A \"I'll up I) II a I iII e t hi I'tt · e n 11 3 ) f l' d so u t h o f t h 1 · nor t h litH' tlwreof: A t tlH' east l i tlt · o f ··<H.: h o f t h t· f o l lov. ing <1.\"t'llUt·s: Sherman A\"t!n u ·, Cleve Ia nd .\ Vt·n Ut·, II atH'Oe I< .\venue, Allt·s .\\'t..!llUt·,' 'Vt.·ntworth .\YenuP, and Fon~~t .\.venue. \ ".\1,\' ES Four (-t) twt.·ln· <1:!) inch east iron gate YaJ\·.,s shall ht· installt·<l in Lakt' A v v n u 1' o 11 t he I i Ill' o f t lw twelve ( 12) inch main at th · following· voints: One at tlw Wt·st lint> of H.iclge Avenuv; otw at the Past lint' of H.einwal<l An·nue; Ollc at the east line of c;.t·eele~· An·nut~ and ont.· sixty-six (lif)) feet wt·st of the t·ast line of nt·t·t·lt·y .\ n·nuP. Thrve · <3) twl'lvt· 02) inch g-ate \·alves sha ll h<· in~tallecl in Rit.lgt.· Avenue on the line of the twelve (12) inch main, at tlw following points: Onl' at the north lint· of \Vilmett(' Avt·nUt' an1l one at the si>uth ·lint.· of Lake An·nut-, and one at the south line of Xorth Avt·nue. ' Two ( 2) twelve (12) inch gate valv('s shall he in~tallecl in '\Vilmt'tte .\venue on the litw of the twt:lve ( 12) inch main at tl!P following I>Oints: Ont~ at the west I i tlt. of Ridg-t> Avenut> an<l onl' at tlw t.'ast line of Glenview Hoad . Four (-l) ten \10) inch g-ate valves shall be install<>d on the litw of the ten ( 10) inC'h main h t>rein pt ovided to IJ.· laid a.t the following points: One in Avt·nue at the north 1ine of North A venue; one in Ridge Avt>nuc :~t tht· south line of Clover Hoa<l; one in \Vilml'tte Avenue thirty-three ( 33) feet east of th<: wt>st boundary line of tht· Village of Wilmett(' and oue in ~-ilmette Avenue on the !'outhwest line of H.einwald Avenue, pt·oduced southeast. Fourteen (14) t:ight tS) inch gate \alves shall be installeu on the line \ .. --( .. ' - r I .c ·· .. ' , "' : ·-. ) ' .. I ,

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