Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Apr 1926, p. 23

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April 9. 1926 I ' WI I.. ME T ·T E LIFE 2.1 I) · COMMITTEE 0 F 700! Representative Citizens who endorse the Penfield.,Busse Country Towns Ticket. . Jr . :tlld .l. . I ·!r. aJJci :\I"r~ . 'Ilar·r.r :\T. .:\ln:. Ll<l\'d C. _\yer:::; J~a ' hutan · ! )I < : nd l\; r::1. :\It·. :\J 1'. J d'. :tnd l\1rs, D. :U. Brower l\Ir-. and :\lr.-;.r 1t·. D . . Uurtn e r I :\. ·I I l . .>.Jr. '"\V. G. Colvin · . . D:·. Nathan P. · ColwP.lJ 1 .~I:·. atvl ·:i\ln;. Adams \\'. ·era w ~onl l\J r·. a.1tl Mrs. F. B. Cross!ey !\l.r. and Mrs ..Jas. C. Cross:ev · 1\tr. anc.l Mrl.:i. Wilfvi'd W. l>~.;'neranl .:\l!', anc.l \In,. Hector Dodds Mr. n.nd :i\lrs. M. E. Duff Mr. n.nd l'YL·s. Frank R. Eager Mr. an<l .:\Irs. U. C. Eastman M1·. and Mrs. vVr.1. H. Ellit; Mr. Anton EngeL:; 1\lr. C. I". Evans .:\lr. ar.d Mrs. r.. G. Everson .:\lr. anti 1\ln;. Arthur L. Fulle·· :.1 r: :\Jr . ~.Jr . ::\I ~ .· Mr. :\I r. :\11'. ::\1r. :\lr. :\i.·. .\1 1' . :\Jr. .\lr. .\lr . :\I 1' . · Don~ld l\L Gallie Leslie :r_.~. Gates ~}rite~t Ginter \V. F. Goodhue and Mrs. Leslie .d(l.nawalt a11d l\Jrs . . Gco. H. Hn.rbaugh a nil 1\lrs. Vlm . H. Hayp and Mr!';. Clyde T. Hays and 1\lr:;. Harry Hillman ancl 1\lrs. Frank C. Huffman and .\1rs. Jlcwt King an<! \Jr~. l {arry C. Kinne and !\Irs. E. Patth;on Kline and l\1rs. A . E. Klunller a!1'1 :\Irs . \\.alt<·r ]) Lawrence' n.ncl :\Irs. U. F. Lewis, Jr. and l\Irs. Chas. A. Lundberg .J. ~he ?.facalister a rrd ~[rs. Hoy H. Mal quardt Committee for Wilmette l\lr. Mr. Mr. 0-lr. and l\lrs. \V. A. :\lelchiur and Mrs. Leslie W. Millar and Mrs. Frederick J. NewE-y and Mrs. Neal Newman Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Newto~ Mr. and Mrs. \V. B. P?lmer 1\lr. and Mrs. \V. Kevin l ·'onH·roy Mr. Ralph F. Potter ' 1\lr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Reinboth and 1\'lrs. C. N. Roberts Mr. Joe Schneider l\1;-, Arthur B. Seibold l\Jr. and Mrs. Shelby M. Sing?.e on ).[r. and Mrs. H. K. Snider Hev. and 1\lrs. Gilbert Stn.nse .\lr and :\Irs. Eno<·h ~te '· n :\Ir. and l'\lrs. Robert Stodtl. rd ~lr . \V . 1\J. 'Sturtev::o.nt .\lr. a11<l .\lr~. H. Cl:>.ir Tnt't .\lr. a11d .\11'~. Hobert ,V. Tansill :.VIr. ;nHI Mrs. Arthur J. Taylor Mr. Robert B. Taylor ~1r. and :'II rs. Willard H .Thayer· l\lr. <CHl :\Trs. Lincoln C. Torrey Dr. Alice I>. Tuttle Dr. Arthur H. Tuttle Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Van Gunten :\1t·. and :\lrs. C has. L. Wachs :'llr. and Mrs. G. E. Walk :\fr. a nrl !VfrR. Thomas H . \Vest ::\lr. and Mrs. Harry P. \Vilkins )fr. and .:\Irs. Harrv B. vVilson Mr. and 1\lrs. Uordon Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Whittingham l\1r. and Mrs. J. G. Wray Mr. and Mrs. r.. ,V. Young ~'lr . and :\{rs. l\lax Zabel : ., ,I . ! " Committee for Kenilworth :M r. and .:\11'. un<l !11 r. and .:\Ir. and :\1 r . :tnd !llr. :tnd :\Jr. and ::\1 r. and l\1 I'. and :\Tr. and ·\T:'. and .\tr. <ll1<1 .:\fr. and :, r r. and 1\lrs. Oliver R. Barrt)t\. Mrs. Hobert l\1 . l3eckler Mrs. Hol·t. 0. Berge.· 1\lrs. Edwin 13ulthardt Mrs. Chas. n. Bull 1\lrs. Fred Bulley l\1J'S, F. E. 1\1. Cole Mrs. Hussell Y. Cooke Mrs. Mark \V. Cres::ti· 1\1 rs. Har··y v. Crooks Mrs. ilurt A. Crowe 1vl rs. Ira c. Darlingl\I rs. Freel H. Deacon .:\Irs. :.Ierritt H. Dem ent Mr. a lllJ :\In;. \Vm. F. Freu!tcnreich :\Jr. <LIHl :\Irs. \Valter N. Gil~ett ;\I,.. and l\1 rs. \Vm. D. GlennoP .:\Ir. E. n. Glennon -./ .\I 1'. and ~Irs. Edgar s. Harlan :\It·. :tlld :\Irs. Eaward F. .\lr. and J.\lrs. Hal ph R Hawxhurst ::\1 r. a111l :\1r~. II. c. Ilintzpeter :'Ill', and :\lr:-;. ~ S. Holtlen .\Jr. and :\lr:-; . 1 'harlc-s n . HOW(> :\lr. and .\lr~. Carl :\I. Huck :\11', and :\f rs . 1\ov II. Jarrett .\l r . :111<1 :\11 :-:. A l~·x S. .Joshn :\lr. and .:\I I'. and 1\lr. and 1\lr. and l\J r. and l\It. and 11 r. and 1\lr. and l\Ir. and ::\lr. and :\I r. and ,... .. · l\ll'. and .:\I r . and ::\Irs. Cilbert w. K ~ lly :\Irs. Cnug H. Ketcham 1\lrs. ·walter A. Knoop Mr ... Karl B. Korrady 1\lr<;. Frank L . Millington Mrs. Harry \V. Mons 1\Irs. Geo. G. Moody Mrs ..Theo. E. l\loritz l\[rs . .Jam0s c. Murray l\Irs. J. H. Newvort l\Trs. rohn v . Hat~ bone l\1rs. <:eo . c. Hichards :\Irs. Arthur \V, Ruf l\lr. 1\lr. ?\tr. 1\Ir. :i\lr. l\1r. l\lr. Mr. .:\'lr. .:\Ir. :\Ir. .:\Jr.· .\Ir . and :Mrs. Edgar A. Stevens and Mrs. F. L. Streed and l\Irs. E. M. Sweet and Mrs. C. C. Tatham Clive Taylor and Mrs. Harold B. Watson and Mrs. Frank Watt and Mrs. Harry E. Weese and Mrs. vVm. \V. Wheelock and l\1rs. Thomas C. \Vkite and 1\lrs. John L. Wilds and Mrs. Fred L. \Vorkman ancl ~Irs. Frank R. Young I l " I r. and :l\lrs. Charles A. Aldrich .\I r. antl :i.\lrs. Alfred s. Alschulcr l. I .\ ~ r. .\Jr . :\lr. .:\fr. .\1 r. 1 ) I'. .\I 1'. :\1~' . and l\frs. 'Edward A. Andet·so n antl an<l and and a·n<l and l\1 rs. 1'\ K. And{'rson MI-. )[r. :\Jr. .:\1 r. ~Ir. ~rr. :\It·. ~\lr. .:\Jr. .\1 r. l .\lr. ;\lr l\1 I'. .:\1}'. · ~11'. ~lr. .. J. I .. l l\L·. :\Jr. :\Jr. :\1 r . .Mr. :'11r.' l\1 1'. l\:r. :\lr. .:\1 iS. Ceorg e ,V. Atl\.in ~Irs. L. h... Baker · Ill'S . Ernest s. Ballard .:\Irs . H. c. Ball · ngcr .\Irs . Gr orgc J. Barbery (IJld ::\lrs. J. 11. . narnes and ~Irs. Lair<l H1' 1l .-. nrl 1\frs. \Valter L . Benson a nc 1 :i\Irs. ~\yres Dual and l\Irs. 'J'll\'odore 11ocngt·r and l\lr:;. Hal ph ·r. nracket t anc! '.\lrs. L . H. G. Bouscarcn and l\Irs. l'e rcy \V. Bradstreet ancl .:\Irs. John Brady ·and :\Irs. Alfred Lrittain a11c! }Irs. Etlwin E. Brown and :\Irs. .John \V . Brown and ;\I I' H. Hush C. nutler and ~Trs. Charles L. Byron :nul l\lrs. Georg·e Campbell and I1l rs. \Villi am J. Carey and Mrs. J. Chancellor, Sr. and Mrs. .J. Chancellor, Jr. and Mrs. Melville c. Chat ten and Mrs. c. Howell.· Coffin <tncl Mrs. E. R. Cogswell and Mrs. Arlan \V. Converse ar.d Mrs. Barret Conway ·tn£1 Mrs . Har~y A. Craig an<l Mrs. Co ran ·r. Davis and Mrs. Frederick Di .:!kinson .\Jr. and :\Irs . J)Uttean Dietrich :\1!', :t 11 cl l\Irs. c;, H. Do\'enmuhle .\I 1'. and !\Irs. Hn.ymond E. Durham ,\Jr. and l\Jrs . Carl En.sterberg :\lr·. and l\Irs. Charles c. Elliott .\lr. <UH1 1\I ,·s . \Villiam s. Elliott .\l J' . ancl l\Irs . Yictor l·:ilting 1 q · . a tHl l\lrs. Jamcs Ely .\11' . and !\Irs . Edward P. Farwell :\1 r . and Mrs. Stanl ey 1' . . Farwell :\II'. and l\lrs. Lloyd Faxon ;\II'. and l\Irs. A. Montague Ferry .:\1 r. and 1\lrs . Frank F. Ferry .\Jr. and l\lrs . Throdore Flynn .\])', antl Mrs. :\eil H. Gates :'II i:-:s Elizab lh Gemmell ~I iss l\lartha. Ge mmell :\Jr . rtnd l\1 rs. ~herman Goble ).Jr. :t II tl :\Irs. < ieorg-e \\'. Gordon .\!,·. ;tild :\Irs. :\f. (;. Goss .\Jr. a nrl !\lrs . Hn rr,· :\ . Gottlieb .\Jr. antl :'llrs . ::\Ion·is L. Greeley :\I r . <l nrl :l\frs. \Vxn. A. Hadley :\I r . Sanborn Hale i\1 r. and l\1r~ . J ohn L . Hamil ton !\lr. an<l ~Irs. l\fyron 'f. Harshaw :\Jr. an ·t :'IIrR . A. G. Henning :\Irs. \\' 111. G. Hibbard ::\1 r. a ncl :\[rs. Alfred V. · Horsman :\Jr. and l\lrs. Ge tald Hoyt ::\1 r. and :\Irs. \Viler J . Huddle :\lr. and 1\lrs. AuRtin D. Jenkins ::\rr. and Mrs. Charles F. Karnopp :\It·. :tn d l\I rs. Howard Kennington :\I r. s. l: owles King Committee for Winnetka .\ll', <Ill(] .\lr<; . \\'t n . H . hin~· . Jr. :'llr. ancl ).[rs. A. :O.l. Kursnw l\1r. l\Ir. l\I r . 1\Ir. :i.\Ir. ~Ir. l\lr. l\Tr. l\lr. ::\[!', l\lr. l\lr. :\fr. :\Jr. i\[ I'. :\lr. :\Ir. .:\[ r. .:\lr. .:\lt. :l\lr. Mr. 1\11'. l\Ir. 1\It·. .:\Ir. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Louis 13. K uppe n l1L·i mer an'd 1\Irs. Hobert ~ . Laird John H. L e onanl and i\Irs. Edward H. Lewis and :i.\Irs. Frederick A. Lippert and l\trs. Frederick Loco and 1\1 I' s. Albert s. Long anu .:\frs. .:\ferritt Lum and l\lrs. George B. 1\Iassey and 1\lrs. Harry :i\I. l\Iess ::\L K. Meyer Owen .:\liddleton and 1\I l'S. John s. .:\Iill e r, Jr. and ::\I l's. William 8. l\liller UlHl Mrs. Charles T. Moon antl ).J l'R. William B. Moulton and :\Irs. J'aul 0. illacqueene and .:\Irs. Samuel ,V, ::..rccaulley n.n<l .:\Irs. George :\L l\lcConnell and 1\1 rs. \V. P. McCracken, Jr. and i\lrs. w. D. :\IeKenzie and Mrs. D. F. McPherson and 1\Irs. Gustaf Nelson an<l l\It s. .J. Frank ~elson and !\Irs. G. T. r\ickel David F. Noble and Mrs. Shermnn Orwig and l\l rs. Gustaf Osten n ·tt .:\Irs. William A. Otis all(l l\Trs. Herbert W . Paulson and Mrs. Howard c. Phillips a11cl Mrs. Hymen L. Raclin :\Jr . Mr. .Mr. Ml'. i\Ir. :\I r. !\Tr. Mr. 1\Ir. l\1 r. ::\lr. Mr. :\[I'. and :\Ir. :\It·. ).[ 1'. iii r. .:\Tr. 1\Ir. :\Ir. :i\lr. :\[I'. .\It·. 1\Ir. l\I r. l\I r. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. and and and and and ancl and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and 1\Ir~. Mr. !\lr. l\lr. and P. ani! :ll1\l and ard and nnd and and and ~Irs. l'ahnc-r L. Randall Mrs. 'Vm. w. Raub 1\Irs. John Ritchie Mrs. Eugene A. Rummier 1\lrs. Alfred Runnfeldt l\lrs. \Villi am Sanford l\Irs. H. H. Schell Mrs. 'Frederick H. Scott 1\Irs. Roger Sherman Mrs. \Villiam 1'. Sidley Mrs. Orval Simpson 1\lrs. Perry D. Smith 1\lrs. w. Jon s Smith Mrs. Ralph l\f. Snyder .:\Ii·s. Charles v. Sommers l\1 rs. Edgar Stanton 1\ln;. Char!es s. Sweet :\Irs . E.clwin E. Vail 1\Irs. John N. Vander Vries ::\lrs. John Vennema Mrs. A. D. Walgren Mrs. Lee \Valker I l\lrs. Robert H. Wallac Mrs . Willoughby Walllng H. \Veil brenner illrs. Earl L. Weinstock Mrs. E. c. Weissenberg Mrs. Sydney Well beloved Mrs. \Villi am T. Wersted Mrs. Thomas N. Wheatley 1\lrs. James A. \Vhite Mrs. l\L D. White ~Ir s'. George D. Wolf Mrs. Carl Zeiss ~ ·1, - . ., :\lr. n. 11'. Abercrombie .l \lr. and Mrs. J. D. Austin Mr. and Mrs. Andrews Allen Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bablze Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Brigham Dr. and Mrs. vVilliam E. Buehler .:\{r. and Mrs. I. S. Blumenthal :\o!r. and Mrs. Francis A. Bonner Mr. and Mrs. Otto R. Barnett l\1r. ~nd Mrs. Frank X. Baumann Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Battey Mr·. and Mrs. Sherman Booth Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Boardman Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Brintnall Mr. and Mr~. W. Butler Mr·. a.nd Mrs. George C. Burge Mr. and Mrs. William T. Cresmer 'Mr. and Mrs. Warren A. Clough Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cunningham ::\lr. n.nd Mrs. C. C. Campbell 1\lr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Cassels Gen. and Mrs. John V. Clinnin l\lr. and Mrs. Horace H. Conway :\Tr. and l\frs. Paul G. Chace :\Ir. atHl 1\Trs. John M. Compton ::\1r. and ).Irs. H. M. Cunningham ;\[rs. Ce-lia Dubois <iPn. an<l 1\Irs. Abel Davis :'lfr. and Mrs . l\1nx Ekelmann Committee for Glencoe :\It·. .:\Ir. :\fr. l\lr. Mr. Mr. 11 r. Mr. M1·. Mr. Mt-. 1\Jr. Mr. 1\Ir. 1\Jr. Mr. Mt·. Mr. Mr. Mt·. · Mr. 1\11·. Mr. 'l\Tr. :\T r . :\lr. ::\fr. :\Ir. and l\Jrs. William A. Fox and Mrs. Arthur B. Farwell ancl Mrs. Albert R. Gates an<l Mrs. Milton F. Goodman and Mrs. Edward L. Glaser and i\1rs. Henry E. Hedberg and Mrs. George I. Hicks and Mrs. Edward Haupt and Mrs. James M. Hobbs and Mrs. A. C. Billinger and Mrs. George R. Horton and Mrs. Homer F. Horton and Mrs. Harry C. Holloway and Mrs. Leo J. Hillman and Mrs. Frank J. Huebner and Mrs. H. C. Holloway W. R. Harper and Mrs. Arthur B. Jones and Mrs. Arnold Joerns and l\Jrs. John J. Jefrrey and Mrs. Edward R. Johnston an<l Mrs. B. M. Kohler Frn.nk 0. King and Mrs. Daniel Kissam a 11<1 Mrs. James Kent an·l Mrs. Harry F. Keator and Mrs. I... J. Klein and 1\lrs. Fred J. Luettig Mr. and Mrs. Jas. D. Lightbody Mr. and Mrs. Don E. Marsh , Mr. and Mrs. George H. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Walter J . McGuire Mr. and Mrs. William R. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. George J. Mullen Mr. and Mrs. George J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. An<lrew McLeish Mrs . Louis D. McDowell Mr. and Mrs. James McMillan Mt·. and Mrs. Maurice S. Miller Mr." and Mrs. Thomas G. McMahon Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Millward Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marshall Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Mussman Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Meyer Mr G. Willard McGuire Mr. J. P . .McGregor Mr. George ,V, Mieth Mr. Frank E. Miller Mr. John .J. Moore Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Nicholson ::\1r. and Mrs. Leland K. Neeves Mr. and l\frs. Markham B. Orde Miss Darcy Orde Mr. and l\1rs . \Villiarn J. Oman Dr. Dwight " Orcutt .:\ft·. and Mrs. Henry Patterson Pope Mrs. Che~ley R. Perry · Mr. and Mrs. Robert Page Mr. and Mrs. James Pennington Mr. S. W. Purdy Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Rowell Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Raemer Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. James A. Russell Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Ravenscroft Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Sperling Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sincere Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stoetzel Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Schneider Mr. and Mrs. A. J. H. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Stowell Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Sager Mr. William A. Schuster Mr. Harry W. Stannard Mr. Chas. A. Steele f'olonel ancl Mrs. Earl Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ustick Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Williams Mr. ancl MrR. Austin L. \Vyman l\Tr HE'nry WiPnecke Mt·. and Mrs. Merle B. 'Valtz Mr. and Mrs. Amos H. Watts Colonel Louis Waefela ·' t' Republican Primaries-April 13th ·----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·

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