18 WILMETTE LIFE May 7, 19Lo " . I · "" · · Have You Tried 011 a Wide-brimmed Hat? T ilE BRil\1' becomes more important as summer approaches and well-dressed w.omen are beginning to wear the wide-brimmed Hat. Come in and try one on ... you will be delighted with the smart effect it gi vcs and you will also enjoy a change if you have been \\'Caring only the small hats of late. You'll find all the newer large brimmed hats in both dressy and tailored styles; in the fav-orite viscas, ballibuntls, Bangkoks, hairbriads, leghorns, lace and malinc combinations. $5.50 to $20. ' ... You'll always find the newer hats at Lord's - those just peeping over the fashion hori- · zon- as well as the more conservative styles. And usually just a little lower priced than you expected to find them. =I ~ I ~I I I I " .... /rats just pcrp,ing O'l'Cr tlze fashion lrori:Jtm ." I =· ~ ; - ,:' llllll'll lllt'lllln·r ... , hot 11 g1 ,] f pl<t.\'l'l'". <,j tt-. pa~t t\\11 -.l'a . ll tt -.. and pro--JH'rtl\'t' I pla~· t·r.;, ", ior111ulatt: plan-. i1 ,r t lit' 1\t'\"l'a . . on'.., pr"~ra111 ;111<1 t(l app1·itt! :t _ L :oh rhair111a 11 and t'lllll ltlittt·l' . ~I r~ . _l, ,lJ tt H . :.rc:\at n:tr.t j.., rhair111an pr11 tt·11l. GO L F CLU B LU N CH EON Tilt· \\.il111dtl' c~~lf rlul> i-. !Ja,·iiiL: :t 1 l!. t' t t 1, ~ t' t 11 t' r Iun r he o 11 t II( l:t · ' i 1, r i t ~ .. . " ~ - · ·~ :=;llllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllll lollllll lllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllll lll llllllllli': 1 \\'. t.'. ::-hurtk t'i. \\ lw ha" IJt ·t· 1 Spl'nding tlw \\in tn in ~t. Pvtn .;hur~. Fla ...h ;h ht't'll \·i-.itint.>. hi., daughtn . Ur-. . <..'. Dt':i l l Klahr. at ht·r hlllllt' i11 Eric, Pa. §'llllllllllllllllllllllllllli l:l· III IJJIIIIIIIIIIIIII III IIIIIlllllllllll lllllllllll lllllllllllllll llllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllil lllllllllllllillllllllllllllililllllllllll llllll'llill lll ll lll iii'II JJI: Io" I '! 1 1111111 I 'II 111111 IIIIo o!'ll!l li l!lll 1'11111 oTnllll~ · I E 'I ·~ E lg g l i: !; . t= ~ TRIANGLE . MOTORS, Inc. Presenttng LINCOLN MOTOR CARS IN PROPER SURROUNDINGS ;. 'CHICAGO 2229 So. Michigan Ave. EVANSTON BRANCH 1824. Ridge Avenue HIGHLAND PARK Park Ave. and St. Johns .. ·. " ... ... , f.IIIIIIII III II IIIIIIIIIJ 1111 · 1111 I·, I, 1i l I i 1 1ol: II ol lll llllllllll llllllll llllll lll\111 1111 111\11\ Iiiii II Iill IIIIII\IIIIIIII II \11 11 11111111 11 111 11111111111 11111 111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111HIIIIIIIII1 111 1111111111\IIIII II IIIIIi 111111111111 11 11111111 1111\ Ill II Ill lllll \l li ll lll lll llllllllll\\\llllllllllll . IIIII I II I III IIIIII\111111111111\ 1\ II\111 \III \III II \II IIII,C ~