New Police Chief Ch.~rl,·\ W . Lq~gL'll. former Wtlm r ttL' -.uprrtnt,·nJcnt of police chief of police .lt E\'Jnston . \\'JS appoint-:J by Pre idenr Earl E. Orner Tu~sday of la~t wc\'k.. Chid Ll'ggl'tt din·cted the Evanston department for tm years. Prior to that ltmc h,· w.1~ a~~ociated with Armour and companY in an officiJ! opactty . He i~ rcgaHh·d .1\ .tn .o:put at orgJnintion and po~~c,~r' the gift of handlin g men . Frida,. 1\tfa'\' ~ ' . 1-t , 19 26