Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 May 1926, p. 1

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~ . WILMETTE LIFE A Weekly News-Magazine for Wilmette and Kenilworth WILMETTE, ILLINOIS. MAY 21, 1926 VOL. XV, NO. 33 PRICE FIVE CENTS POPPY SALES 3-FOLD Grammar School BENEFIT TO VETERANS Lad Wins Music Sale of Little Soldier-made Flowers to be Held Here on May 28 and 29 BY J. B. STANTON Plat h i<,r thi~ yc·ar's Poppy Da~· han l><·tn inll~- rotnpltted. and the forcl'~ of till' .\mtrican LtgiCJn .-\nxiliar~· are pr('p:trl'd for tht.· zero hour. It is rxpected that more than fiitv women and girl~ ,,·ill he ~~n h;111d ~~a~2R and 2<) to \fOrk f c1r t hi-., gnod cause. This ytar it j.., hop(·d that hospital ma<h· poppie . . \\·ill ht· n~tcl exclu~iHh· . The~e pnppie . . ar(' made in the vario;1-. Vt'trrans' Burt'an ho~pitab throughout the cotmtr~· . h.\· \\'orld \Yar v<·teran.., \\'ho an· incapacitated irom doing anY mor<" 'trenuous \\'Ork. The \'Ctc·ran·s rrctin· ,; n ·nt for <'ach poppy maclr. which i.;; fn·qtH·ntl~- · tht'ir <·ntire in rome. In Concert Tonight IJOHN C. BAKER HEADS NEW RECREATION BOARD Ccnnmission of Five Members Appointed at Trustee Meet .. ing· Tuesday Memory Contest . Ceorge Eton, eighth grade pupil of thl' 1fowar<l school. \Yilmette. \\'O il the fir~t prize in the local music memorv contest staged at the Village thea tr.e la ~ t ·Friday. ~fay 14, and will rcprc '<'ttt the north shore at tht· national ront('~t to' he held at Atlantic Cit\· heginning June 3. under thC' au-.,pic·t~ of the ~ational Federation of \\·oman's clubs. ~1 r~. ~f arion E. Cotton. mmic ~upenisor of New Trier high ~clwol. has hten cl10sen hY the Federation t<1 111anagc this first ·national contr~t. The winner of the ~ccond prize wa~ Alice ~hirinian, also of \Vilmettc. a freshman at Ne\\. Trier high school. I kr award was a Brunswick phonograph. The contest was open to both · hig-h ~chool and grammar school pupils, and was conducted with the cooperation of Frank ]. Seng, owner of the Village theatre.]. B. Koppel, manager. and ?\f ilton Hoskins, organist. ~I r. Hoskins arranged a special pro~ram ~f music ,,·hich was played during the picture on the occasion mentinned. Entrants in the contest were n·quire<l to recognize the number and the composer. Moving pictures all OYer the country played a part in the preliminarit.·s of this first national contest. In addition to the ·trip to At)antic City, George Eton was a\\'arded a one yenr sclwl~rship at the Chicago ~I u..;iral college a:-; a prize. Mai~tain Chicago Office Tht· pnppy in it" -.,ccond ~1 age abo dot'" its part tn\\'arc\ . . helping nut the unfortttnatr <· -~ t· n·in· maiL Th(' lo cal auxiliary unit purrha~rs it!' poppie s from thr ~tate department of the Legion at fin· Cl'llh t·ach . Tht.· profit ma<ll' on tlH· pnppi'c , h~· the StatC' departm<"nt i . . -.,uftirit·nt t(l maintain the -.,er\'ire oftirt· at Chirag<, ic 1 r thl' entire Yt'ar . Thi .; t.ffin· take.;; carr of all thr (. letail.; of '-'t"r\'irt' \\·ork for the Chi ragn district. pre 1\·iditH.!' iood. clothing and jc.hs for tht· IH'(' d~· \ t·te ran. pre · . . entinl! his claim, to tht· go\'nnment :tncl .a· host .of (l tltl'r l'qtlall~.- nrc('~sar~·l IReceives Postal Appointment of Wilmette's new Playground and Recreation commission was confirm~d hy the Vitlage hoard Tuesday evening of this week. Tn accordance with the action of the hoard, John Clark Baker, Village trustee and chairman of the Finance committee of the Village board, was named chairman of the new commission for a term of two · years. Other members v.:ere appointed as ·f ollows : Henry J. Haa_ Q<, four year term: Enoch Steen. five year term: Mrs. ]. R. Brown. three year term; E. A. Zimmerman·, one year term. Mr. Baker's appointment as chairman of the commission was made in consideration of his familiarity with the handling of public funds, gained by \Vihnt'tte music patrons arc prom- his experience as chairman of -t he Fiised a program of unusual excellence nance committee of the Village board. this e\'ening when ~1rs. Theonora Civic Groups Represented Clepp of \Vilmettc gives the second Mr. Haack represents the Park "Concerte des Artiste" in the Byron Stolp auditorium. The concert is for hoard on the new commission. His the benefit of the Epworth league of term as commissioner extends over the the \Vilmette Parish Methodist church period of his term as Park hoard memand will begin at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Clepp )er. He is thoroughly familiar widl will be assisted by the noted French playground development work. Presitenor. Fernen du Gueldre. Tickets may dent Orner explained in announcing the appointment. he obtained at the door. Mr. Steen. is the representative of , the School hoard. He is credited with c:rrvtrrs. The Third Stage Board Refuses to Stop I Realty License Charge The question of revoking the liceml' ftts charged all real estate concerns hy the Yillage, under consideration for some time by the \ 'illagc board. was ckfiniteh· settled TuesdaY of this \Ycek when tl~e trustees Yotecl to retain the licen se fee for that type of business. Re\'Ocation of the reaJt,- liceme fee. the hoard members held_- would he in the nature of establishing a poor precedent. since such action would justif~· Clthrr kinds of business to ~uhmit a ,imilar request \\'ith reference to their particular line s. lt was also pointed out that license fees provided the Village \\'ith a large portion of jb needed revenue. Representatives of the real estate interests hacl explained. it \\"as stated at the Tuesday meeting, that that busine ss is by law under state regula t ion and that· the Village license fee \\·as SUJH:rftuou:-; and unnecessary. card Mailed From A relic Long A go :\n<l in it-. third ~t;w<'. th(· JH·Jlll~ again dot·~ it . . 11:1rt . The prnftt' de. rin·d h\' the lnr;d 11nit uf thr Auxilian· ar-c use d t1· r:-trn· (111 its work at thr · \ .(' tl·rarb' Rurl':ttt .hmpital at Great Lake s. " ·hrrr the unit h;t..; charg-e of c1nr ward . Tlw littll' · romiorh nf lwnH·. n~t furni ~h t · cl h}· the gcwernrnent. :-trr supplit.·d ln· till' unit, and are mo-..t \\·ek()lllC'. Thnc litth- attentions include ~uch itc·lll~ a-, rnrn·nt magazine ; , phot1ograph n·cn rd~. rmtains at the \\'indcnn. l'tC. The little popp~- doc:-; it~ th~n·- iold share in the fight for :h<' " ·eliarc· of the disabled veteran. \faY 2R ancl 29. the annual poppy days. t h.e public will have its chance to do its shan. Th<'se dan. hy the way. are tlw (1nl~· public solicitation for funds made In· Thr American Legion and Auxiliary. Wilmette Resident Saves Man From Death in Lake Carl Peterson. 144 ~fa_nk rescued a man who had Jlii11J'Cd mto the l;:~ke in an attempt to c0mmit suiride late last MondaY ev<·ning. The rescue occurred on Sheridan road. at Calvarv cemeterY, F.van,ton. Peter~OI) ;-.,:as retttrni;ll-! to hi-; home and had stopped to repair a punrturccl tire on his car. when he heard rrirs from the lake. He ran to the water and pulled out a man who ga\'e his name as Watts, Alberta, '"ris. \Yatts said that he was wanted h,- the Milwaukee police and had decided to end his life. J StankY G. Swanberg. 110 Fiith .;trect. r~ceivecl a postal rant recently \\'ltich had been ·mailed 13 years ago in the Arctic. It was mailed Deccm her 4. 1913. 011 Capt. Roald Amund sen's ship. the Fram. with which he ,,·as making explorations at the titne. The card arrin.' d in Chira!!o. in a Fin nish mail ~ack just about the time th a t Capt. Anmncben was making his flight O\'er the North pole la st \n.·ek. An explanation of the card was oiiered h~· Swanberg. He said that the po~t cards had been provided for visitors to the ship. on its way north. to ..;end tlH:ir friends. The cards were to he ra rrie<l into the Arctic circle and then put in the mails when the ship returned to civilization. Tt is thought that in some manner theY became lost and that they have pro-bably been knocking about the seas on the Fram all these years. The front side of the card carried a pic. nrc of the Pram ice-bound and the ·Wilmette Women Voters .;tamps hear the cancellation mark Meet to Elect Officers "Polhavet." of which postal authorities 1'ave no record. The friend who sent Annual reports will he read and the t l1e card has he en dead eight years, election of officers will be held at the ~\\'anhng- said. annual meeting of the Wilmette League of \Vomen Voters. schechtled GIVE LAST DANCE for Fr:_iday, ?\lay 21. beginning at 10 :30 Tickets arc now on sale for the NC\\' o'clock in the morning. The meeting will he held at the \Vilmettc \Voman's Trier Boy Builders' closing dance of cluh, the business meeting coming the season. to be h~ld Friday evenin~. first, followed by a breakfast at 12 1 une 4. The music is to be furnished o'clock, noon, and a program. Reser- by the College Crew and the largest vattons can he made with Miss Helen ;:~ttendance of the seasion is expected. Ev~ns, 616 Gregory avenue, telephone Further details of the dance arc to he announced later. \Vilmette 974- J. having had much to do with the formulation of the recreation program presented to the Villag-e board by a special cnmmiftee several weeks ago and which preceded the submission of the State Playground Tax law for favorable vote i1.1 the recent village election-a law which provides that one and one-third 111ill~ of the general tax mav hr utilized for playground and recreation purnn~es in the community. Women Have Repre11entative \fr-;. Bro\\'n i:-; the Woman's cluh representative on the commission. She· is said to have had a wealth of experience in playground v·ork and is re-· ·!a rded hv the trustees as a particularlY fortun.ate choice for the new work. · F.. A. Zimmerman is a lawyer and' lt:>a<ler in civic affairs. He is said to he keenlv interested in the development of ·more adequate play facilities in the communitv. The new con.1mtsston is expected soon to launch uoon its program of work which includes the improvement of nresent play centers and the est;:~hli-;hment. of additional recreation districts. Tuesday evening's appointm~nts foJ ~ lowed the acceptance of the r~signa tions of the three playground trustees \.\·ho served nrior to the ;toontion of the new recreation program-John Steffens. ]. C. Ganen. and Enoch Stet"n. Of these, it will he noted that the. latter was reappointerl. BUYS VILLAGE EQUIPMENT Village Man aver C. C. Schultz was authorized hv the Villag-e board this week to pur~hase ;~. two-ton truck for the department of puhlic works, as well as a Dodge touring car and a motorcycle for the police department.

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