Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jun 1926, p. 44

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WILMETTE LIFE June 4, 1926 were resigned to their fate, though the\' had offered up a pig to the goddes-s Pete on the edge of the advancint.:" lava and had thrown coins in. in att endeavor to buy the lad y otT: I>til evidently their price was unsatt slactorv for she \\'as still coming. \\'e had jttst' a few buns, and san<J,,·iche:- atHI oranges left in the crowd to cat; -o \\'C divided up, an<l I got a bun attd a quarter nf an orange out oi · thL' <kill. Few oi the rest fared better . "In the aiternoon some of th congregate([ ju st abo\'c the to\\'n, ithidt· the rock wall that keeps out the wild IIHHtntain goats. and sat tht're <llld watched the lava advancing very ,Jnw h·. It didn't look so impres-.,in·. ju..,t streak oi black d0\\'11 thl' 111<)1111\;tin side, narrower above ancl about -tOO feet ,,·ide belen,·. About then it bt·g:tll ..,p rcading out. getting widt·r and ,,·idn . \\.t· :-at inside t.hc wall front 2 p. 111 until 5 ancl during that tintt· it didtt't rnllll' i·)n\·anl 111on· than .Hl it·t·t ,,r . . 0 . \Yc'd lllade up our nti11d., ,,.,. '. \'l'rt' t.:"Oing to stay and Sl'l' i't hit tiH· ncean. and tltottL:"h we had ttrl :h ... ur atH'L' 11i finding ..,onH:thing t,, ,·:tt that night and thnl' \\·a.., no si~11 ,,j :t tht "uriarL' t., sit or lit· upon tw;trt·r tlt :tlt ;1 mik and a ltali a nd it J,~~,kt·d a . . ii the )a,·a tnigltt not tra\'d tlte rt·,t ()i the distance that ni gh t or mayb,· i11 t cl ay c,r ..,t> InnL:"l'r, \\T decitkcl to ,1;,·\, it nttt. Keep Long Vigil "\\·1· iound ~fllllt' board, ,,, put an 11 ... .., the j:u..:-t.:"t'd n.H·k.., t() . . it li\IIJlt :t1 1ol \\t' :--,tt an d \\';ttcltt·d ;tncl \\'.ttrht·<l. TlH· ~ky up ttt·ar tilL' CtllH' at tllt' tnp. ott nf ,,·hirh tlh· Ja,·a had conH·. ,..a, a!l lit up. :-o \\L' h:td :t ltttrH·lt ""1t1l't 1i tt;..; \'. ll\lld happen . " i didn't lll l' 11 t iot1, did I. that (1\t r galll~ \\'as the Erst hun ch ,,j Itikn . . t 11 arri\'t' dt,\\'11 tltcn·? Tlwn· \\'t'fl' . . 011\t ' ,, J1 (1 lt:td dri\·l·n cl 1,,,·11 iro111 tltt· 1\: t~n : t siat', :tnd Dr. Ja~~er and hi . . ·1. jj,. lnd riddt'n n n ho r-.t'"· " .\ t 11 :30 p. 111. \\'L' \\Trt· prl'\ t , · drtJ\\ ...,,.; lllO~t · 0 i tlte rrnwrl ktd t.:" 1, 11 , . haL·k to tltL· IH· ach to rest. httt \\'t' itt ..,i . . tl·d t'>ll sticking it ont. \\'t· \\'t·r,· . , 1tt :n..; ttt·ar the fre~h la\':t t11 kt·t·p \\·arlll. dnzin~ rdT once in a \\'hilt-. \\'ltt·n [)r. J:tt.:"ger. hl'ad ()f the Ceograpltir. tl -.:.urn·,·. rr 1dl' do\\'n to wh('rt· " l' wn· · an d ,,:arncd th that wl"d'r IH· ltik int.:". .\ irl'.;;lt flow wa.;; ('()lllit1~ """ 11 the mo untain . \\'<· gtlt awa~· .,, a -a1,· di . . tanrt· ;1nrl \\'atch<"d it rolltl'. "f~i .~ht )1 n,· f'lll !!()i~g· to t.:"i,· ~· , ..,11 :t Jittlt' Jt-.; . : 0 11 ' in <.,:l·,dot! \·. TIH·rt· art· \'- '" kin d oi J ; 1 ,· c~. aa and palt()t'hiH'. tit, · j 1 ,rnll'l' \t·n· j:u..[gt'd and irn · ~tthr i11 ,h;q 1t· ;111 t) in pit·cc·..;. an(l tlH· l:tttl'r 1111 ,1'l' ... 111 q()th and liquid in Ct'n'i'tt·n,·'. ,,.ltt·11 it n~,,,. , _ ( lnt· point hn,·. L:--·tpah< 1 c·hnt'. i.... ;1..; tlw n:tmt· . . )'""·.... 1. ,ll'h 1ll' . :tnd t1u\\'('d cl(l\\11 a' :t liqu id ,11 \1; 11111 :t K 1·; 1 llt'fnrt· th:tt rr:ttt·r ,'Ctlllt' t'xtinrt . Till' aa Ja,·a tr:t':,·J.., qtH·nl~· : it i' cnn 1 p11 ., 1·rl (l'i -.tnn, ·., and <· linkt ·r.; , \\ hit·lr , 1·t·nt t11 l>t' ('11!1 -t.trttl, · inrrt·d fr 11111 IH·hinrl. :tn d kt't"P' 1111 ptt-.lting up, httildi 11 ~ and th<·n i:tllinl! 1. ~nttlt' 11i tJt,· 1,'-·er anrl r 1 .tlin~ fiu\\'1 r·linkvr" arc n ·d-lH1t. Ttt a frc-;h tln\\. in tltl' tlliddk ckttllll'l nf the nnl.\" tht ' \' ;trl' all red -IJ()t . and whl'll the~· pik 1111 ;ttHl rnle rlo\\'n f:ht th<'y gin' tlw im Pr<·s-.inn 1,f ~t 111 ()1t<'tl metal puuritl l! do\\'n. "\Vt'll, thi..; a,t flm,· at 11 :-lOp. 111. wa~ ,illlph· tearing clm\'n the 1nntmt,,:n O\Tr !Itt· c~oler otw. looked a-; if notl1i1t :~ in 1tw worlcl conld stop it in it s n1t1r' t'. rt \\'as perfectly fascinating. \Ve rnul:l -;ee a stretrh of the How miles ltlnl!. \\·ith the middle channel traYrlin~· at ;. rate of about 25 miles 111 !t our. \\.(' watched it grt rlo! an(l r!o'<'r t.' the edge ancl then start adYanrin.! to ward the wall at tl 1at point. T (lidn't tPt.·ntion hefort' that inside tlv' \\':til, about 10 feet awav, was a \\'hi:e tomb .'tone. \\'hich we- could \\'atch fro111 some distance with Mr. Bol e~ · ileld p·Jasses. Tt was the oddest tltinl.!·. \VIten the seconcl flow came tn rr11~ force the fir!>t. instead of pushi1H~ tt oYer the town as we'd expectrcl. it Dear Farnilv: turcla~:. :\pril li. tht· annin·r~:try I ,,r."Sa tht· daY [left honw. I -;p~.: nt \\ltat \\·as undottbt eclly tltL' wcirckst cl ay lli ttn· life. ·.. Frida,· nwrnirl).~·. durin g "rhnnl, \\'l' heard tl~a t the lav a Aow. \\'hirh had iaill'd t o materialize the week hdorl'. d,,wn wh ere we touri sts could set' it. !tad appcart·<l ~m el \\·a;; . tcadily apt>rnaching th e goYcrnml'nt roa d < IH'r hd\\TC'll Katt and K ona. l"ndau11ted ll\· our prn·iou s cli-;appnint ttlt'tlt, four oi th clL·rided that \\T ,,·crt· ~nin~· tn .,;·t· it: "o we put up a lunrlt. ;tnd nnt· ltt1ttr after th e time· sr)l()o' ·;1 ... 1111 \\'C \\t·rc on our \\':t\' hY \\a\· (li llil tl . \\.l' kit here at 2 :.~0. ~n·ll . ..;upplit·d " ·itlt '.nap~. cushions. hlanh·h. food ancl t·n·rything ,,.e C<,tt!d po.., . . ihl~· llt't'cl for a night out, and arrin·d Otl tlH' -.,ntH' ni t h<: fl n\\' at R Jl. Ill. Tlwr t· \\Tr~· rnnb... Repair Department of Wilmette Motor Sales ni rars therr: . o \H' had !·1 park qttitr· a ,,.a\' do\\'n tlt e rn;HI, a ntilt' r,r . . r,, and 5 15 4th Street hik,· .the rest or' the ,,a,·. \\·,, tttnll·rl Phone Wil. 636 :t ht·tHI in tlw ro:1d and ~a,,· tilt· rltH't'rt· . . t ..,iL~ht. a bl:t ck tt l:t ...... ;tlHHtt I~ it·l't , hi~..dt · hlnrkadin~ tht· r(lad, " ·ith · . . pltJtcltt·, oi red and \'t·llo,,· firt· \'.l~t· r,· tltt' rvd - h,,t rock "·a.., ,.i,ihlt· . Inspect Lava Flow "Til t· tll ;t..; .. ; S<'l'lllcd to ht· :-;tationary, hut if ,.(1 \1 ,,·atrlted ltarrl t·n· JllL:" h Hltl ,,-,,u ld ~t't' that it monrl a !,it. ~·~pl'rialh- in the rent('r. .\t the road it . . ,·pnie d to he aho ttt ·30 1)r -W ft'l't ,,·irk, tlttH1\.d1 then · \\·a.; 110 " ·a,· nf mea-,ttrirt~ it. :\l t111L:' tht cd~~·,· 1,f tlw Ilia, . . ,,·hnt· it tt1ttcl wd ..;Jtnthhvn·. l,!u,· 1-;:t" Now is just the time to eat plenty fbtnt·, \\'t'rt· pJa,·itH..". Tt ,,.a . . intcn ~eof fresh fruit. We have an abun],· !ttl!. :t..; \\'l' ~-mtldn't "l:tncl it ,.l·n· j,,lll!. ~n. ch:tttint.:" \\·ith all 1111r fril'ncl..; djnce-·- Imperial Valley canta · \\'t' \\'t·nt hack \11 tilt' c:tr. dron· a tnilc lou pes, red raspberries, cherries, "' '" until , ..,. i11\111d a p;irkin~ ~p : tn· ·tt tht· ,idt· (li tlw rtJ:td. -prt·ar\ 11ttt 11\tr strawberries, honeydew melons, h!.tnkch and tri,·rl tfl "kvp. T 11l:tll:tL'l'rl plums, lpricot~. peaches, ptnetn lllll in :tlll,ttt i11l1r lt()ur..;, T ht·lit'\.t'. i11 . . pitt- (li tiH· hard grt1tltH1 ;tnrl thl' .1pples. . . Extra fine ginger ale! l'tlt'k-; . . tirkin~ int 1' 111\' ktck. rTi T'd l.: tl·)\\'11 \\-IH·n: T \\'a . . tn. "lll'tld tltl' llt'Xt 11i~· ltt T "ll r l' l~· \\'nttl cl h:!\'t' ;tppro ·ciat,·d th· . . 1!\id flat ~T()ttnd :tnrl hl :tnkt·h.) "\\'l' \\ ' l'rt' up :tt cl:t\hrv:tk :lttrl dll\\11 :11 tht· flrHr In -.c·t· " ltal \\a . . d nin~. ft 'l'l'lllt'd ,,, hl' actint.:" tl~t· . . :1\llt'. nta,·h,· tra\· t·lin~ :t liltl<- fa,t· ·r inlht· l'l'lltn. hut :tt'limr a-; ;t \\"t·ll-hr('rl la\·:t nt)\\' . . 111·\llrl 'l'ltt 'l l '\lr nnJt.,, tlw · l11ll"l'intcndcnt nf Tra\\-~t ii :\atinn;tl park. <":till(' alntl£!' an<l . : ul!t.:'t"ll'rl tklt ,,.,, hikc dll\\'11 tn tltf' ncra11 to src the flo\\· wht'll it !tit tlw nrean. ~o v e ·did. ahnut thirlt'en nf u~ . \Ve ldt thr main road at R J() a. nt. and started clmn1 a trail. fir..,t ···················································· ... thrntwh a \\·no(1, then through a thic-k Est"ablishtd 1854 scratc-h\· shrtth ralle{l lantana. thrnu!!h cartns . . and finall)· along a sand brarh \\'ith lot s of cnroanut palms-fnur mile-; in all. T sufTered just nne ra-.;ualt~' along thr ,,·a~'. heside" thr scratch on m\· hands. T ran a ractu.: Funtral Dirtctors for 72 Years spine in and. under my scalp. and it Jordan Funeral Service plan reduces the cost , o f funerals staYed there until T returned homr \Yhrre it could he operated on . considerably Offer Burnt Sacrifice 612 Davis St. Phone University 449 "At 10:30 wr <~rrivecl at a littlf" Wilmette Office Phone Wilmette 3354 Hawaiian villagr callecl Hoonualoa, and the lav::~ was hra(led straight for it CHICAGO ahout 200 feet away. Vv e investigated Phone Superior 7709-7710 200 E. Erie St. until noon and saw that the natives Loss of power, knocks, heated motors, sticky valves and foul sparks are very often caused by carbon. Drive your car to us, let us look it over and we wiJl tell you whether or not it has carbon· . There is no charge made for the examination. I_ f it has carbon, we will remove it while you wait. Our method is absolutely harm· less to the engine. We do not overheat. Get Our Prices First! CARBON · ' DESCRIBES ERUPTION OF HAWAIIAN VOLCANO Eliz.abeth Singleton, Wilmette Girl Teaching on Islands I Pictures Lava Flow I \\'as H 11 exp<'rit nee mn.dc- posst ble for Miss Eli.-.abeth Singleton, daughter of Mr. and :.\[rs. Shelby l\1. Singleton of Wilmette, who is t>ngaged in the teaching profes!->ion in Hawaii. ~'!iss Singleton, in the follo\ving- Jetter writtt>n ~o her parents in .-\ pri I, d<'scrlues graphic:ally the m?st n ' {'l·nt t·ruption of Mauna Loa thrPat<"tH'd thf' destruction of an e nttr ~ f·~ditor's note: \Vatching the swift progTf·ss of a hug-e river of . molten lava a 'ilia~··· I Laupahoehoe. I la\\·aii ~[onday ,~~,>ril J<), t<>.?r, ', I Miller & Miller Hlfquiprnent equals Maintenance" .' .. Fruits Fresh and Delicious! Telephone Wilmette 15.4 or 1361 Lulias Brothers IIJS Central Ave. C. H. JORDAN & CO. 1 ·---------------------------------------------------· I

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