June 25, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE Uncle Sam to Finance Frank Maine Is Taken j · Interstate Road System by Death at Home Here Construction work on the national system of interstate and transcontinental highway s is now financed for anot J1er t h ree years as the result of the recognition by Congress of the Federal Government's obligation to support financiallv the se recognized : . 111eans. 0 f COillll1U111Catlon and tran spo r· t t" tl Cl · ~· t a 1011, 1e. 11cago . 1 o or c1 u1 > announccd th1s week. Passage of the Do"·ell hill, authorizing appropriations of $165,000,000 for Federal aid highwa\'s for the two vcar period ending June. 30, 1929. ddin~tely assures the middle " ·es t the financial as~istance rwcessary to permit the continuation of the program of highway construction laid out. ~Ioney from previous appropriations is now available for u ~e of the stat es during the fi sea l ~·car ending June 30, 1927. "The ovend1elming support given the D(m·cll hill when it passed the ~en ate la ~t \\'eck with only six oppo:-.ing votes. definitely estahli.s hes the Federal aid principle in high\\·ay constr uction and is practical assurance that \\'hen th e funds now appropriated arc exhausted. Congress will continue appropriation . " until the Federal aid high"·ay sys tem is completed." according to ·a sta tellll'llt iss ued yesterday by Charks .\1. Hayes. president of the Chicago .\f otor cluh. The Oowt'II hill authorizes appropriations oi S75,000,000 · annually for Fednat aid highways inr each oi the fi~cal years, 1928 arHI 1929. and also provides appropriations (li $i,SOO.OOO annually ior each of these t\HJ years i(,r national forest roarl::-. and trails. Frank Maine whose home was at Ridge and Wiimette avenues, passed a·way Wednesday, J~ne 16. ~eath was caused hv pneumoma. Servtces were 1 ld t- 1 J 19 t th tt 1e a urc ay,· une . a e co Funeral chapel, Evanston, the Rev. Herman W. Meyer, officiating. Burial was at Memorial Park. ~1 r. I Ma inc is survived the t I B . hv - d v·widow, .. wo t aug lters, ern1ce an trgmta, and a so n Claude. ' s s ....., , OPEN GARDENS SATURDf.Y Lovers of ftowers and beautiful landscaped gardens, who motor to Lake Fore st Saturday, June 26, will find the gardens of Mrs. J . Ogden Ar111our, ~1 r s. Josep h M. Cudahy, Mrs. l.cwrett Thompson and Mrs. George A. ~fcKinlock open to the public from 11 in the morning until 7 at night. · -o}. f r~. E. \\'. Hicharclson and ).£ r ~. joseph Howard of \Vilmette entertain cd at bridge Monday evening in honor oi ).f r s. Douglas Palmer of Scat,le, \\'ho is a guest at the home of \Irs. \ \ ·. H. Palmer, 1132 Fores t avcnue. -------- Joseph \I ooday , ~on of ).fr. and ~fr s. H. \\' . ~fooda\· , 1235 Ashland aH'nue, ha s returned from \\'a shington-Jefferso n college to spe nd the summer .at his · hom e. \h. and ~fr s. Charles Ra,· ~fcCal- -o- --o- J ~T ·i lum, 030 Oak"·oml avenue, ·a nd tl1rir two sons, Charles Ray ~fcCallum, Jr., and \Vorden Locke, are leaving \\' itmette Tuesday to make their home in I ~1ih,·a ukcc. -o- and Mrs. T. \V. Betak h;n-e ~f r. and ~1 rs. Oscar Townsend haYC rented their home on Greenwood aYcr~:t urned fnm1 California and ha,·e hern nue. and with their son, John, are liYthe Orrington hotel for a ing at ()23 North Allen street, South ~f r . Fine Car Quality U at New Low Prices Fine car prices, at last, that strike rock bouom! $300 to $500 teductions, without sact.nce or change in a single detail! Roadster now, $2700; Gray Goose Traveler, $2700; 5-Passenger Sedan, $3150; 7-passenger Sedan, $3250. So rakishly designed and expertly perfect in coach-craft that they stand brilliandy out in any company. Lovejoy Shock Absorbers, .W interfronts, Spe· . cial Bi-Flex Bumpers, front and rear, and many other de luxe features, standard equipment. BC'nd. Ind. A Series on the Economy Qf Lit.·ing at The Georgian ,. ' I HINMAN AVENUE AT DAVIS STREET READY OCTOBER THE FIRST And a power plant with power-with more power than you will ever need, eve? in mountain driving. FLEXIBLE power, wtth a flashing response, that makes city driving a pride and delight. DRIVE one of these cars for yourself, without obligation. We are here for that purpose. And performance spea~s louder than words! All prices f. o. b. Marywille, Michigan, tax extra. .Ideal for Children Your child -young or old-will like The Georgian. On the roof, playgrounds fitted with teeter-tauters, velocipedes. merry-go - round, sand -piles- playthings of every description - off far enough never to disturbtrained nurses in charge. Live at The Georgian- where your child will always have a place to play. It 1s economical to live where your child is safest and happiest. · Visit the Model Suite furnished as m completion. You are invited- 5 22 Davis Street- convenient and near. WILLS SAINTE CLAIRE of NORTH SHORE R. N. BOEHMER 5250 Broadway , Chicago Edgewater 2900 TELEPHONE GREENLEAF 1363 JI'he Gleor.gian Qotel Gorp oration Model Suite Exhibit Rooms-522 Davis Stn:et EVANSTON, ILLINOIS. WillS SAINTE ClAIRE eMotor ears