42 WILMETTE LIFE REAL ESTATE 4 June 25, 1926 FOR RENT-ROOMS Glencoe- inclusive whose names appear In the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE i:lFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. · ' Jt.t.s-15 cents a line ln one paper. 25 cents a line ln any two papers. 30 cents a line In all three papers. MINIJilJJI CHARGE, SO Average of five words to the line. No bJack face type used. te% dlaeo·at oa all ea·h with order advertlsemeat· wile· CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ~-....,rt"l ~lOI;~.. ~Classlfted adv~rtlsements will be charged only \.JI:""' .. .& ~· ..,.., ~to residents ot the district from Evanston to ee·t·· FOR RENT FRONT BEDROOM. Gent. prefe rred. Call Monday. Phone BEAUTIFUL OLD-FASHIONED 10 Winnetka 2669. 4LTN39-ltp room house with 5 bedrooms; 2 baths; on wooded and landscaped 93 ft. cor- FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. WINner lot ; beautiful open hall and large 4LT39-ltc netka 1333. porch; modern heating and plumbing. Atmosphere that only an old home FOR REN'l' NICELY FURNISHED has. If you like this type of place, room suitable for 1 or 2. Close to all you will be interested in investigating. tr·tnsportation. Wilmette 717-R. Price $28,000. ' 4LTN39-ltc Southeast Winnetka brot~aht J.JeadlJne '""'r I the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 p. m. WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 p. m. for the GLENCOE Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 200i;-20h. to ··r o·ee at 1222 Ceatral Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lbleola .A:ve., Wlaaetka. · .. ~classlfled advertisements wlll be acJ"., · 1 JV .II~ 10 ,..,- - cepted up to Wednesday , 5 p. m. tor ..,rt E. E. Stults Realty Co. 460 Winn e tka Ave. Winn. 1800 1LTN39-ltc tor REAL ESTATE IRoiW oJhO>lhnm~it(Q)ITU & ((:© (Q)~~~Ir 0 1039 LINDEN AVE. SUBSTANTIAL 9 rm. home: 5 good bedrooms on 2nd ftoor; large llv. rm. heated sun parlor; fine lot 54x200. A sacrifice at $14,500. Beautiful new 9 rm. brick home in Kenilworth ; 3 baths, 5 . bedrooms. Every convenience. Exceptional value. $47,500. FOR SALE-DELIGHTFUL WINNETka home. On side street near lake; 10 FOR RE:-.l'T - LARGE FRONT ROOM minutes' walk from Indian Hill North with ako\'e . Con\'enient lo(·ation. Tel. Wilmette 1!HO. 4LT3!l-ltC Shoce and North Western stations. Screened porch overlooking beautiful garden; garage; large living rm., with FOR Rl~N'T - 2 LARGE ROOMS, ON~ REAL ESTATE 1 with twin beds, to responsible bustfireplace ; 4 sleeping rms. ; Hart oil ness JWOple. 1046 Linden Ave. burner. See owner on premises at 341 . 4L39-tfc Woodland Ave. Phone Wlnn. 237 evenings. 1 LTN38-tfp I<'OR RE~T PLEARANT FURNMUST SELL BRICK STORE BUILDish ed room, near !'itation. Gentleman ing, 25x70, with moderate 6 rm. apartFOR SALE - REAL ESTATE preferrpd. Phone \Vinnetka 415. ment on 2nd floor. Water h e at, oak I HAVE A DECIDED BARGAIN IN A 4LTN39-lt and maple fioors an~ trim. In fine small piece of acreage just west of condition. Lot 25x195. Terms. Winnetka and am forming a syndicate to purchase this for resale at a profit. z; Jo'OR UE'XT-STORF.S A~D OFFICF.S If you care to invest $500 or more, 5 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wil. 640 11 7 please communicate with me evenings FOR RE~T - STORES AND SHOPS. at Greenleaf 1271. 1LTN38-2tc Tf'lt·phone Winn e tka 62. 5LT~2R-tf r the NEWS. l<'OR RENT - FRO'NT ROOl\1 CLOSE to trans. Suitn.hle for on e or two. 418 Park Ave. Phone 'Vilmette 2269. 4L39-ltp Owner Moving South F. Coleman Burroughs FOR SALE RESIDENCE, 7 RMS. ; FOR RF.'XT-GA R ,\GES h . w. heat; 4-car garage; lot 100x165; 6 shrubs, elm, maple, fruit trees; 1 blk. llriargate golf course ; 2 blocks depot. GA RA<iF. FOR RE~T 1138 SCOTT Also several exceptionally fine lots in $11,000. Phone Deerfield 115-M. mnAve ., Phone Winnf'tka 2!l21. east section of Kenilworth and Kenil- !\lOST EXCLUSIVE SECTION ON N. dahl. 1LTN38-4tp worth Beach at attractive prices. Shore. Highly r estricted for fine homes. JlJU,P WAXTED-1fALE II 340 Linden Ave. Phone Wil. 444-68 Pri ce mu c h lower than surrounding 1LTN39-ltc property. No dealers. Wilmette 1416. :\TAX BY 'VEEK J·~On ---------------1L'£N:19-ltp ;; A("RES OPPOSITE INDIA~ HILL \\'A~Tft;J) I k b d n.nrl w 'tg£·~ Estat es. Submit offer. Phone Wing-... nr ra wor : oar · room, ' ' ·· n etka 1801. 1LTN39-ltc WilmHtr :~!l47. l1L'f~ 3 !l- 1t e ATTRACTIVE 6 Rl\f. STUCCO, NEAR DH.ESS:\L\KER 1:'-l' "L" and Lake. H. W. heat. Fine land- O!';LY 50 :\!ILF.S NORTH ON LAKE \'L·\XTED -A HO:\H~ JN NICE NEIGH- WA~'T'EI> - :\ pri\'ak family, mw who will :tltl'r Tomheau, ·wis. Perfect 18 hol e golf scaped lot. A bargain, $14,500, quick borhood for ~7,500 to $10,000. Moderate. g-owns. Tt·l. \Yi lnwttP 2ri:1. 11 L:1!)-lt <' lourse-9 hole putting green. Fin e action. $500 to $1,000 cash payment. Address bathing, remarkabl e fishing, tennis. \Vilm e ttt' Life A-!:127 . 1L'l'X:l9-ltc 12 In:I.P 'L\'XTED-FE1lALE Lots facing golf course $760; lge. ri·w e n built 6 rm . bungalow , hot water parian right lot~ $2,000. Let us show FOR SALE heat; garage, fine location n e ar schools 1~ WIL:\lE'T'TE; LOTS \YAXT~D _ :\ITT>DLF. ;\(;F.[) ('0:\1and transportation. A snap $12,500.00. them to you. on C'IH'!'itnut, Ashland, 7th n.vf'nue and pl't Pnt maid for gPtwral houst ·worl< . in r·lnrlil·g- "· a~hing- . 2 in family. $1:i.ftll Sht·t·idn.n with rip. rights and piers; Handsome 7 rm. brick residence located little down: long- tinw . John 1'. Gag-P, JH·r wt·t·l<. ~lust ha\·,. r f'fr· r r n<'f'S. 'T't' l. in finest N. E. section; 2 til e baths· Yinland, X e w J ersey. 1L38-tfc Kt·nilworth 5:10. 12LT~:1!l-1tr beautifully landscaped lot 70x180 ft. Ph. "·inn. 254 real home. $40,000.00. · 720 Elm St., Winn etka 1LT~3!.1-lt c FOR R.\LE (i R.\L BUXGALOW, \\·.\ N'T'ED- YOT'Xf;. r nr:.L 'T'O ARSf~T with houst·work Full or part titn(·. -----------------n l'ar transportation : 2-ca.r garagt>. Cash $1,000, l htl~uwt· $100.00 )>t'r mo., in cludFamil;-· of ·L \\·inn. 1205. \L\1'E:I"! FROXT LOTS ON BE.\UT. S) 0 ing intt·rl'st. Phone \Vii. 1;)8:?. 12LT~3 ~ -1 t·! Lak e "·hee ler (Wis.) 265 miles north 1L3~-ltc mid Yirgin fort>l'ts can be had for *-150 120 Elm St., Winnetka Ph. Winn. 254 W .\XTEP - F.XP. 'nrrTE <iiRL FnR and up. Lake i8 all sand bottom. Won1L:l9-ltc t·ooldng· anrl 1st floor wk.: no ln.undn· : F-IOFHE FOR SALE - BRIC'K. ADd e rful fil'ihing, bathing and hunting. rln·s:-; Wi Inwt t c Life A -92:t. l T/rN39-1 tp no h Nl. v~· clf'a,ning- ;. g-oorl wn.g- rs: rd . l't'(J.; Ph01W (;Jt-ncrw Iii ·!. 12L ~!1-1tr· FO It Ul: ~'1'-liOT'SF.S 6. ROOM S'£UCCO BUNGALO\V CORW.\XTED - :\f.\ Tn FOR <iF.~R..\ L nt.'r lot 50xJ59, hot water h ea t , 'garage, Exelusin' Agents FOR REXT-XE'V 5 R:\1. CO:\TP. FURhoUSI'\\'t> rk; two in familY . Phon e \\.ilattic and basement, ~ 120 Elm St., Winne tka Ph. Winn. 254 nislwd t'Otta).!.'l'; all l'Oil\' . ; for season nwtt l' ~ .t ~I-H, (IT ('all 71!!. P:u·l{ A Yr . 00 · , 17, 0.00 1LTN3~t-lte or p:trt ~t · :tSOlt. 'l'\\·in L::tkl·S, \Vis. 1~LT;\':1!\-1 tr' \Yrite S. P . Bon· nt~on, Twin Ln.kf's, 7 Room Stucco Colonial ; hot wate r h~::at, 2LTX:lH-ltp \\' .\;\'TEll WHTTI': \\Tis. 4 bedrooms, cOPtler screens, m e tal maid for ~i·twra I hnust·\\'ork, no wnsh wt.·ather stripH, lot 50xl76t~, FOH REXT Fl'ltXISHED 7 lDL in~ . Famil~· of thl't··· adults. T t·l. ~l:i,OOO.OO hoUSl'; :1 poreh es; lkst location. \Vil\\.inndka ~r.fi. 12LT~39-1 t·· G HOO~£ COLOXIAL HO"'IE \VITH H01' mf'tt e 1615. 2LTN:\9-1tc 7 Room Stu<·<·o R esidL' n<'t'. hot watt·t· \\';tlt-r lwat; oil burner, Pittsburg- wat e r W :\;\'TEO · RE~POX~TI~LE \YIHTE h eat, 4 i)l'drooms, 2 til e baths, l111o'h t·nte r: g·al·ag-t·: lwautifully lauds('aped :' FOlt RF.X'l'-.\ PAJtT)lF.NTS woman to tal<r· ehan:~;t· of children anti leum, garagt', lot 50x176, lot , in \\. innetka c hoice location. Price do sonw lig-ht houst·\\'ork . Phon e \\'il$1 ~.500.00 FOH RE::'\T - :1 TI:\T. HOUSEKKI~PI~G $18,500. m ett· · 1;;:L 12LTX-1k suitL· with h,·in l!t·ds and pri\·. bath. ~rhornas 8 Room Bri ck R es idt· ncl' ; hot watL·r lwat, Entpl··~·l'd couplt' apply. Four hlocks KI ·~ ;\'TL\\.OHTll E :\f PI. 0 Y :\1 EX 1' Jut 50x200, to SL{'am and L"IP<'tl·i<'. · Wilnwttt' 3529. ;\g" t ' lli ' ~·. n .. Jialdt' dt)!llt'~tie lwlp sup$1:),5011.00 SLT3!}-1tc pli··<l. Ph. Kl'nilwnrth 1847. 12LTX :1 4-tf· · 1-'0P.. I! EST-- 2 R:\L A PA HT\TE~T. U~ \tVILME~rTE: :JfJ FOOT LOTS, SO.\£E !-3IIADED, WITHfuJ·II. I on\·l·nit·nt to all transportation. WANTED -WHIT~ :\fATn FOR ca~;-.:. in 4 blocks or less of Kenilworth staRoom Brick Semi-Bungalow, C'nrner \Vinn. 1878 . 3LT~:W-ltc hsewk.: 4 in family: pri \·atr rm . and t ion. lmpro\'em e nts going in soon. lot l 10x200, tile roof, hot water h ea t bath: nrar transportation. Tt·l. "'\Yin*1,:?iJO. TlH-'Rt> lots are within one block FOR RE~'T _ 2-R:\L KITCHE:-.l'ETTE 2 l'ar garage ; all modL·rn impt·o\·e~ apartments, stC'am heat and' janitor netka 18R 4. 12LT:"\~~1-1tp ot' l11ts whic-h so ld for :S!l,OOO.OO and lllt:'nt::.-:. on·t·. Ea~y tL' rms. Call \Vilnwtte 3~76. $25,000.00 ~"nif'P; n e ar transportation. Call Wil- \YA:'>J'TED _ CO:\TPETE~T :\f.\ ID FnJ! 1LT~:3!.1-1tc nwttC' lSOO. 3LT~38-tfc gen eral housework. 2 in family . :\lust have references. Phone \Vii. 1 fifli M EAST SIDE FOJt RF.~T-R001\IS call n!l 9th St. 12LTX~!l-1t(· 6 Room Frame Residence : lot 50x177, S LUI. STP(Y'O ,lBR. SLP. PCH. WATER ht. : oi1 hurJwt·: m e tal weatht r strh)ped; FOR REXT garagt'. Easy terms, L.-\RGE FRO~T BED- \VANTED - WHITE GIRL FOR GE~ room in llL'W home; near trn.nsporta\\'t'll . e onstrudt>d; l~ e. wooded lot; 2*16,700.00 ti on. Tl'l. \Vilmette 27! 3. e ral housework and to assist '.\'ith 4r.., 39 _1tc <·ar ~ar. $~.GOO. Cash will haudle. small child. Phone Clencrw !\1 0. E. E. S'I'UL.TS RK\.LTY CO. 12LTN~9-ltr 4~4 Linden .\ w. \Vilmette ~450 1"011. REXT -- ROO~l FOR TWO OR rqom and hoard, or kitchen pri\'ileges. WAN'T'F.D-YOUNG WHITE GIRL TO 1LTN39-ltc :'-:t·ar t·h·ctric and steam transportatiOn. <'arf' fr,r children every day fmm ~~ to r.. s:n Tiidge A vt>nue Ph. \Vilmette 364 ,ll:l l:Hh St., Tt'l. \Villmtte 3no. Call GIPnC'OC 3!)1. 12LT~:{!l-1tt· \Vilmette, Illinois. 4L39-ltc 1LT~:39-ltc T\'YO YEAR OLD ENGLISH, SAND finish stue··o; 7 rooms; 2 baths: sew- C'E:'-:Tl'L\L HOTEL- LIGHT OUTSIDE W:\~'T'BD-WHTTF. XPR~E~IAID FOR J"(H>ms for tran::-;it>nts and r.esidents. ~ rhi ldrf' n to stav on pln.<'r. Tt>l. \Vilin~ room ; sun and sleeping- l)Orc hes; 6:?~1 :\fain St. Phone vVilmette 1080. mette ] 4111 . . 12LTN3!l-ltp ~and finish downstairs; Nokol burner; 5 R:\L BUXGALOW, WATER HEAT 4LT50-tfc :-:Y\~ \ ::-.:=-= ·· :=1'-:-:F'::-:. !:-)- -... -. 0-l.-).;:-. (:-,-n-.I_H_I_,_T_O_A_S_S-IS....:.T 7 r-:uttat'ht·d and heat ed g·ar:Lge; landmodern bath, large rms., and porch' !'t·aped lot 50xlil!:l. Rt·dul'ed to ~2:~.:>00. 1<-,-0-R--R-E-._-~-'I-,--I-J.--\.... R-r... E..-.-~. .-IG_H_T_,-W-E--LL in hswk . and can· of f'hildren. Ph. oak t1oors and trim. :Newly d ecorated: !'hone vYinn. 1802. 1 LTN:l9-llc furnished room, private bath: n ear (:Jf'nC'ot> El 20 · 12L'T'~~!}-1tC' Lot 50x150. Convenif'nt to X. W. Station. Reasonable. Terms. lakt' , and trans])Ortation. Winnetka WANTED _ 'MAin FOR f;.ENERAL ]54~. 4LTN39-ltc hom::ework. Glencoe 1166. l\lOST DESIRABLE 100 FT. LOT I::-1 12l.TN39-ltc l 157 \VIlmette Ave. Wilmette 6.0 the village; 3 blocks to main station; FOR RE~'T' - LARGE FRONT ROOM lll':tr tran~portation, $5. 215 Catalpa \\. \-:'\'f'J~T' 1\'FITTJi; nrnL FOR GBN. 2 blocks to beach ; 4 blocks to school Place. Phone Wilmette 732\-V. without crossing tracks; not on Sherihswk. 'T'f'l. Wil. 25~3. 91!l Ashland 1La!>-ltc dan road. $150 per foot . Ave., Wilmette. 12L'l'N39-ltc 8 R.\f. SOUTHERN COL.; 2 BATHS; H. W. ht. : 2-car gar. ; lge. and deep lot ; FOR RE!'\T - 1 OR 2 ROOl\IS FURN- ·wANTED - GENERAL OFFICE GIRL; 5 minutes to trans}). and lake. $24,000. 460 Winnetka Ave. \Vinn. 1800 ished; kitch. l)ri\·. Reasonable. Phone ~fu~t know ~tPnography. AddrPss Wil1LTN39-ltc Ph. Wmn. 1470. lt..T:'{39-ltc Wilmett.· Hi50. 4L:19-ltc rnette Lite A919. 12 LTN 39 _1tc 20 ACRES Beautifully Wooded Near Indian Hill Club .ACRES HONEST VALUES Nippersink Lodge A IH1®n I!il~®rrn & OCw©nn n rm ~ WILMETTE: WINNETKA BARGAIN SELD011 OFFERED Fred'k B. & Co. \VEST \Vondcrful Investment \VINNETKA: N orthvvest \Vinnetka $9,500.00 F. Coletnan Burroughs Et\ST GLENCOE BARGAIN E. E. Stults Realty Co.