6 : ' I · ! Wilmette Beach ,, In ~pite of what is said to h.l\'e bcc1t the coolest Jun~ !n l'lJ nv years. Wilmette b.11hing beach has been \'rn· popul.tr so LH tht~ '>L'.l'ion espHiallv with the children . On matH dJ\'s when the \\'Cather is too cool to make bathing cnjov able the youngsters tlo cJ.. to the bea ch .lnd pb\' in thl' S.l nd . and on the .lppHJtus . Mrs . C. W . Hilron . be.1ch marron . cxpcn., J r~cord registration at th e beach thi~ vc..H. judgin~ bv the numbrr \\'ho h.1,.,, alr~JJ,· bought their bl.'a ch tickets . Much new equtpment Ius bl·cn added tht~ ,:,·ar