WILMETTE LIFE July 9, 1926 TWO SHOPS 633 North Frankli11 Runs 100 Miles in Low Gear 12 Michigan Ave. Chicago Market Square Lake Forest, Ill. JULY CLEAR-AWAY SALE Sports Clothes-Coats-Evening Gowns nduced to ridiculously low prices Hats formerly up to S35.oo Now $ s .oo, $7. 50 and $1 o.oo Special sale at temptivt nductions of French Hand Made lingeriechiffon and service hose- wash suede gloves--children's sweaters-babies' dresses, also Iulian potteries-vases-lamps--etc. · Photo by Lehle This Franklin sedan was run 100 miles in )ow gear on the streets of Evanston one day last week to demonstrate the value of the air-cooling systen.1. No other kind of automobile, it is said by Franklin's makers, can make tht:i sort of test. B. W. Kellogg, manager of the Evanston branch of .the Fran~ lin-Butler Motors company, who drove the car most of the way, ts shown m the above group second from the right. H_ is assistant , H. A. Jasper, is to t~e left of him. The others in the group are newspaper observers, at the left Mt ss Joe Skidmore of the Evanston News-Index, and W . S. Lovelace of the Evanston Review, and at the extreme right Norman. John son of the New sIndex. The car made the 100 mile run in 7 hours, 23 minutes, at an average speed of 13% miles per hour. One quart of oil and 160 gallons of gasoline were consumed. The motor was not stopped at any time during the run. A speed of 15 miles an hour and over was attained much of the time. At the end of the run observation showed the car not affected in any way. The demonstration was a part of the Franklin's nation-wide celebration of its twentyfifth anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Cook of 1017 Greenleaf avenue , th eir daughter, Catherine, and a friend of hers, Mis s Marian Page, spent the past holiday season at Riverside, Mich. . Approximately 212 miles of tete phone wire were required to "link " the radio stations in Chicago broadcasting the various event s of the Eucharistic Congress. THE SPORT SHOP OF LAKE FOREST Good Food Good Surroundings Good Locations Y OU Secure all three at The Library Plaza Cafeteria in Evanston. Every meal is a good meal! EXPERIENCE, FACILITIES AND SERVICE These are important things in measuring the worth of a funeral director and should be borne in mind when you have occasion to choose one. We are proud that the passing years have won us an enviable position in the minds of the people of this community. Our Limousine Hearse is the newest thought in Funeral Equipment. De Luxe Ambulance Service. From breakfast at 6 a. m. until dinner as late as 7:4 5 p. m. you can be certain always of delicious things to eat at The Plaza, with the big advantages of dean, cheery surroundings and convenient loca.:. tion. Many families dine with us regularly and find both economy and good health in the ·w holesome, well cooked food. For the Very Best Things to Eat, Dine at the U BRARY PLAZA . CAP-T IIAIA Orrington Ave. at Church St. Open 6 a. m. to 7:45 p. m. . (Sundays at 7 a. m.) · UNDERTAKER zo Yean on the North Shore "The House of Personal Service" 1124 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 654 WILMETTE Residencet 719 Ninth St., Wilmette