July 16, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 9 New Manager ~laced in Midsummer Frolic 'Interested Groups Will Charge of McLain Office for Children Will Inspect Harrison Hall David R. Thompson, who recently Be Held in Glencoe garten Members of the National Kinderand Elementary college staff returned from Florida where he has . 1 Vacation Time Is your wardrobe complete for vacationing? We have a beautiful assortment of Svorts Clothes, Sum· mer Dresses, Coats, Hats, and accessories of all kinds. It will be well worth your while to come in and look them over. A midsummer frolic for children will \ of the Mary Crane Nursery £chool, be given at Craigie Lea, the home of Hull House, and representatives of Mrs. Andrew MacLeish, 459 Longwood other organizations v.·hich are co-opeavenue, Glencoe, Tuesday afternoon, rating in the work there, will visit July 27, under the auspices of the Na- ·· Harris.on hall on Tue sday afternoon, tional Kindergarten and Elementary July 20. An opportunity to inspect the building, inclu.ding the nurse.ry college. The beautiful grounds of Craigie schpol rc:oms _ a nd psycho_logy laboraLea, high on the bluffs overlooking ~ones, will be followe~ w1th the servLake Michigan, afford an ideal loca·. mg of rcfreshmcn ts 111 the Alumnae tion for the frolic, which \vill include room. stories by Miss Grace Heming\\'ay, and During the pa st year the National several delightful plays for children. Kindergarten and Elementary college "The Musicians of Bremen," the "Tar ha s been conducting a demon stration Baby" and the "Old Woman and the Xursrry, and the affiliation of the · Pig" are included in the program, and fnfaut \Vclfare society, the Illinois with elves and brownies tor stage In stitute of Jm·enile Re search, the hands and all out-doors for scenery, L·nitcd Charities and the colh:ge in the aft~.:rnoon promises a delightful en- this undertaking has made possib·c tertainment for childr~.:n of all ag<.:s. ~he W(Jrk ing out of a splendid program The plays will be given under the lor health, education, re search and ~irection of Miss Margaret Farrar and :-oCial ser vice. ).t iss \ \.illmina 'l'o\\'ne s, t<.:achers of rhythm and dramatic play at the col1Irs. Scott S. Smith, 605 Sixth street, lege. hrts as her guest, Mi ss Elizabeth Ul.\1 rs . ).lacLeish, a nH:mber of the mer. Mr. Smith and son, Norman board of trustees of the c(,Jicge, ha !tave just returned from ' a fi shing trip contributed htr grounds ior the frolic, :n the northern part ni \\'is cons in. which is hting spon:-.ored by the alumnae of the college and the equipment cmnmittce of the gu\'crning board. The proceeds of th<' entertainment \\·ill he applied on the equipment and furnishing of the auditorium and gyJ}l na:-iunl of 1 farrison hall. ' been during the past year, is now in charge of the office of McLain Real Estate company at 525 Fourth street, vVihnette. This office has been closed for some time, Mr. McLain being associated \\'ith a large real estate company in the sub-dividing business as. expert and buyer of acreage tracts. This busine ss occupies most of his time and the \Vilmette office has been closed a great deal as a result. UNIQUE STYLE SHOP B. COPLAN. Prop. 111.6 Central Awnue Pbc.ne Wil. 1.403 AFFAIRS FOR RECENT BRIDE Two affairs given for 1vliss Helen Agnes Fouts, daughter of Mr. and 1virs. George F.chvin Fouts, of 530 Greenleaf avenue, during the week preceding her marriage on July 10, to H uhert Henley Gary of Wheaton, IlL, were the bridge-,luncheon and shower g-iven by Mrs. Albert ]. Nystrom and the lun cheon in Winnetka at which Mrs. \Vhipple Jacobs was hostess. 160 N. Michigan Avt. -oMrs. George Butler has returned to Wacker Drive at Bridge Chicago, Illinois. INTERIOR DECORATING PAINTINGS - BRONZE'i her home at 1016 Ashland avenue, af. tcr spending a month in \\ ashington and Pittsburgh. I' CALLED TO MOBILE non I I. \\\· st. 1JHJ Grl'l'lllcai an: tJue,· ha s been called to ).[ ob ile, :\laballla, tu acl\'i:-.e that city on a million d,.JJar l>lllHI i:> :-.ue for IJtt1Jlic improYellll'llts. lie ha s been rctain~.:d b\' the city uf ~fobilc as city plan con:-.~t!tant i or a pniod <J l years. ~1 r. \Vest is a member ui th<.: Chi cago RL·gional Plan commis ~ ion ).f ll llllllllli!lfllllilllllllllllllllllil,lllllllllll.lilllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllll. \11111111.1111111 ' llllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllll ll ll llllllll lllllllllllll llll lll ll ~AcREAMco. l? DOES EXCEL~ "EXCEL Why EXCEL Ice Cream Is served in the Best Homes and Clubs Because it is made of the very richest, fresh, tubercu· lar-tested, pure cream and fresh fruits. In fact, every· thin~ that goes into the making of EXCEL Ice Cream must be the very best the market affords. Better ice cream cannot be made in your home. True, EXCEL Ice Cream is more expensive than any other make, but, quality considered it is by far the least ex· . pensrve. There are no anxious momenrs, worries or disappointments when you use Excel Service. Every order has our personal s'upervision, every care i.s tal-en in packing and we guarantee prompt delivery. . All orders large or small, are delivered to your door properly packed in ice. Free delivery in Wtlmette, Kenilworth, Winneth and Glencoe. Remember, there is only one Excel Ice Cream Co. on the North Shore making the very highest quality of lee Creams and Fruit Ices. JULY Clearance Sale 33V3 to 50% Reduction on all - Frocks, Coats Gowns Excel Ice Cream Co., Inc. ------- - -~ 1566 Elmwood Avenue, Evanston Wilmette 3160 Phones University 3087 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111