Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Jul 1926, p. 38

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38 WILMBT ·TB 1 LIFE BEAL ESTATE 3 Jtdy 16, 1926 FOR BENT-APARTMENTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS · Classified advertisements will be charged only to G eneral N OhCeS-rcsid e nts of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the · t e lephone directory or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. 15 cents a lin in one paper. 25 cents a line in any two papers. t 30 cents a lino in a ll ' three papers. l\IINUlUI\1 CHARGE, 50 cents. Average of fi\'e words to the line. :!': o black face type used . 10 '7o discount on nil cash nlth ortlcr n£h..crtJscmcnts when brought to our office at 1222 Central An., Wilmette, or litH Lincoln A,·e., "'nnnetkn. )1ETTE LIFE o r all three pa,pcrs; Thursday 5 p. m. for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 p. m. for the GLENCOE NEWS. TelephonC>s: Wilmette 1920-1921 or \Vinnetka 2000-2001. Ra es- Deadline for Insertions-~ 1~a~~ifi~eg~~~e~·~~~e~1 ~~t~11~vii~rb~h~cc~;~~ FOR SALE 20 ACRES OX RAXD HOA1>, DIRECTly arro!';s from Holling Green Golf club, terms. $11,000.00 ---------------------------- -------------------------------AT 1,~ CHAR~l. REAl, ESTA'fE REA.L }:S 'f.\ ' l'E 12 AcrE'!'>, Triangh', H:tnd Road adjoining golf club, good huy, t<·rms. $11,000.00 80 .Acres in \Vh eC'llng 'l'ownship, ncn.r Dundt>t:' Road Yery good terms at $450.00 per acre. $36,000.00 REPRODUCTION COST 9 JDL COL.; 3 BATHS; H . W . ht. ; lgc. sun and · slp. pchs.; billiard l'!ll. ; 1 ,2 acre superbly wded.-landsc. g-round:-;; ~-car gar.; $27,000, terms, 1 ss for cash. 7211 Elm !:-'L ., \\'inndka 4:21 4lh !::>t., \Vilm ·ttl' Ph. \Vinn. 2:>-t Ph. Wi I. 7u0 1LTX42-Jtc FOR SALE-DELIGHTFUL WINNET· FOR RENT ka home. On side street near lake : 10 7 ROOM FRAME RESIDENCE, ACROSS minutes' walk from Indian Hill North from Sunset Ridge Golf Club, Poss. Shore and North Western stations. August 1st, 1926 .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. $35.00 Screened porch overlooking beautiful 5 Room Flat on Ridge Ave., Stove garden; garage: large living rm .· with heat $25.00 fireplac~ ; 4 sleeping rms. : Hart oU ·Ph~~~· ·wi·,~~it~ burn er. See owner · on premises at 341 3LTN42-ltc Woodland Ave. Phone Winn. 237 evenings. 1L'l'N42-tfp FOR RENT 2-RM. KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat. and _Janlt~r FOR SJ\LE --N'E\V MODERN SHINGLE service; n ear transportatiOn . Call Wtlhou se, a,ll large light rooms, H. W. mette 1800. 3LTN40-ttc h eat, firt>J)Jac<', Jot 75x185, garage, close to n ew S!col.;:ie Vallev trains and bus. FOR RENT 3 RM. APARTMENT, 10 min. ride t o \Vil~1 ette. 'Viii trade · unfurnished. Convenient to all transfor \Vilmette or '\Vinnetka house. Adportation. 851 Spruce St., Winn. 1878. dress \Vilm ettc .\-9::11. · 3LTN40-tfc ll.A2-ltc I'OR JU~l\T-:-U NFURNISHEJ), ~: OR 6 FORCED TO SELL WOODLAND room. apts. month to month ha~ts. J~ ~nt PARK, DEERFIELD. Lot 2-S ec. 9, rt' a.·onahlt: . 1005 Grecn le:tf A \'t' ., f <'I. east front on Stratford road. 67% x Wilm c· tte :1290. :n. . T-12-ltc 1761h ; sewers, streets and water in, and all due taxes and assessments l'OR nEX'r--uoo:ns paid. Mus t sell at once, $2,000 cash, ·I or easy terms to suit. Address Life - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A-!)(11. 1LTN37-tfp FOl~ RE:'\T 1 on 2 FIJl{:'\lSIIEI> rooms, priYat e hath. Hh · St. nNtr "L" Jo'OP.. SALE IK \VIL~IET'l'E 0~ t erminal. Phon e \\'ilmt.:ttv l ·tRl. <'Ion~r Rd., South of Indi:-tn llill CoH ·I LTX ·12-llt' c·lub, hNtutiful 5 t"Oom hri ·k huug·:tlow. Li\·ing room 15x25, stT(·t·n(·d dining CE:'\'l'fL\T... HOTEL- LTC liT Ol ' TSfl >t·: porch; oil hPat; Oil-o-::\fatic·; hot watt·r rooms for trnnsit ·nts an<l rE<sidc ·nts. lwah't'; 2-<"al' brick g-:u·ag,· . For ap6~ ::\Iain !:-'t. Phon e \\'ilm..tte lMill. 4 r ,'!':in- t rc p~tintm··nl ('<111 !:-'heldral~e l8t1-!, Bu<'kl'tt. ·· ·364 · · · · - 44 Acn·s, ~TodPrn 7 room rt'sidPnee, all ---------~-------------------------Imp. largt· barn~. et(·., on .\lain Hoad, ::\l<:L(·an 13oulentrd, . Elgin. 11 1. Tt·rms. $30,000.00 l!A:.!-llc NORTH vVOODS LAI<E FRON'l'AGE 821 Ridge A \'l'. PhOJ\t' \\.ilnwlte. :1G4 \\·iJmett , Illinois. 1L'1'~4~-1tc BEt\ r·TIFlJL \V 0 0 I> ED on <.'uttish L;tk ·, tht' l' l':tcl{ lnke of th·! Eag-h· \V<'\.tl'l'S chain. For rurlht·l' informa.tion write: l f ,\ Y E fr~tntag-l' FOR REN'T- XIC8 FHOX'I' H00:\1 suitable for one r>r 1wo. N ea r trans . 1.:\ ~<WTff\VEST OLEXCOE, CO~Y 6 ·118 Park . \\·t· .. l'hmH· 221~~HA2-ltp room Dutr·h ('oloni. ·1; open porc ·h : g':trag·,.: lwaYily \\'OOd< ·d lot, GOxHO; c·on\'. J..."\ nr; E. LICHT, \\'ELL to 11t·\\' svhnoL \\-ill ~acrilkt · for FOR TIE:-\1' furnisht.>d room, prh·atP bath: .n ··ar ~1 ;),llfHJ, Phnnt· "\\'inndl.;:a Hill:!. lnke, nnd tran s portation . \\'in.nPtk:t 1L'l':'\ 1:!-1t l' ::\1 UST Sl;;T...T... 154~. 4T:J':-..: ·1~1tl' E. Y. WHI1'SE'l"lEagle River, Wis. -------------------------------GLENCOE HOMES 2· STORY FRAME, G ROO)IS, IIOT watet· hen.t; garag-e; 50x1ll0. $12,500.60 2 Story Colonial, 7 Rooms, 4 bedrooms, hot water lH'n.t; 2-cnr garage; lot 66x 210. $19,000.00 New 2 Story · ~hingle Cuttagl', G Rooms; h ot water heat; g·a,rage; bcaullful grounds, 66x210. $21,000.00. ------------------------------Lot Bargain :) I:LOCTR l"ROl\r RAVINIA, STEAl\£ aml <'ll'<'t ric ~lations; attractiYe eor .. n,·. r lot, 5 ~x130. Strt'C·t paved to propt·rty line·, all oth ·r improVCilll' llt · in. !:-'pll'ndid homesite or investment at *:!,500. 1L'l'40-4tc '-;( !Ll I> Hl1H'l..:: lni ::-:< ::\LOW .T:-\ WJLmdh·. !'\E·ar all tra.nsp. and schools. r 1!<IllS, 1 1 'l'l · ,I I'OOil'l_S, :l SUII J)Ort ' l. ~ · l_IS hnus·· Js brand JJt'W :1nd on a .111 It. lot. Buill b\' fl\\'11(·!', Addl't'SS ·tt· J'f· \~'lrG li'I"""'-IIJ) JJ)t ( 4 1n.J..::s. FI1.0.:\T KJ·~Xlf·,,,.OT1.'rrr Im:·oT ;)flxl i:J F't. For quid{ salt· at ~1;0. a f11ot. \\·nr lh $100. Pholll' \Vi I. ::::1 ~1. lLT~~-lt· ..ol ·'~------------------------------! · 1 1.. ot ])are:cun t · 'i) , J \\·il·i FOP.. TIE:'\1' RT':'\CiLE HOO:\f XI·~.\ 1~ tra.n~p., conY. to l1ath . '\Yil. 3~01:. .tL'J' ·I~-Jtr ~ FOl! o) 1 J furn. rm . : 1 or _ ac u t s. HE::-..:'1-L .\lJ,f·, · .' ' . ' . ' ,.. , .· ( (>:\!Hll.l. ,J., ~··t )I tJ ~l · 1 · \I' x· .. - \\'iltn· ·tt"· 1'011 111; H.TJ~ - :!11· '1'\\'Cl <:1 · : :-\TLE:\TEX <' .\:' l·tt:tnl, if d·· Sin ·d . 11.\\. 1 ·: :"1<'1 ·: l'llon " \\'il- 111\' t tt · ~ 1 0. 1 t , I~- II p -------------------------------R ,\ ni . . XTPPEH.!:-'1 :"J K: 1:-\<'0~TPA l-~ 332 Pn.rk A VC' . G Iencoe 702 lligh la.nd Park Office 17 X Sheridan Rd. Highland Park ~Gl 1LTN42-ltc -------------------------------- $720 nun~ liO FT. LO'I' F.\CT:'\<:· PERf<'ct 18 hole golf course at Kippersinlt Ludg·p ; also bathing, thhing. dancing; :;.;urpar-;sing· cubsinP; UtH' qualil'll ··11\'ironnlt·nt for young and old. Unly 50 mih·s fro111 \Yinndka; 1 hr. 22 min. by 1 ail ft·om C h il'ag-o. I~ooms in hntl'l or cott:tg('S, lllt ·a ls at Lodge only ~::~. Jll:l' "'l'(·l~ !)L'l' ]>L"r~on. 720 Elm ~t., \\' inndli::t 4:!l· ·lth !:-'t., \\'tlnwttc I'll. \ \' i llti. :2;; I J 'll. \\'i I. :2ilill J 1:1':-\ 1~-1 te Big·gest Sacrilice 1n \ Vjhnette 7 R:\L S'lT<'C'O llO.:\lE. SJ,l ·~E l'l:'\C .\XD r-;un }Jut·dtt·s. J [. \\·. !tl':tl, fir,·tJlart', g-ar;~g·t·, pri\ atv dt·h··'. l !··:t r 'L" !;tl.;:··. Op1·11 S.tturtLlY antl ~lilltl:t~· rur in;-;pl'Ctil·n. 1:211 1th ;-;t, ( 1\\'tl· ·r· in Florida. ('ui!H· htok it O\'t·l' Ill' s t' : f:L)TS .\Xl> 1 on 11 ~··\rHE WITII f'ruit tt~·< ·s; adjaf·t>nt to hig-h <'lass dt'\'t·J,,pnwnts in Indinn Hill. For !HmH· ;; l'Oit ltf:"\T-STOHES . \~J) OFFHT~ lf.A~-1tc or 'inn·s t nw n t. I 'hom· \\' inn C't k a 1 ~ 01. ---------------------------------lLT:'\ 12-1 tc FOTI RE~T STORES .A~D ~ITClPS . Lec~ving \ T illage Tc·l··phon·· \Vint1f'tkn. ~~~~ L'r~~ . -U~ :\11."S'l' SELL S HOU~J' 110:\lE, JHUCK 11'C!:-'T SELL '.:\l Y XB\\' , 1100'\l Hnnn, < otnpldc· an<l n,ndc·rn in P\'(·J'\' cl··tail, 11n tilt·: :i llt'drooms; 2 haths: sun and W .\-"'l'E n TO HE Yl ' -HOO .,I~ lnl'atl·d in a lH·autiful S<'f'tinn nf t lw !I slt·t·pi ng· l'"r<'hl'S: \\'00<1d1 lnt S:)x 17:1 ; , . i 11 :\ gl'. 11: u·g \i 11. Ad tlrt ss \\. i lnt d t 1 · --------------------co-,-f-T--1--1-,-l-\-..l,-3 attd1··d g·arag·,,; Jlt ·a r J [ullhnrtl \\'oolls \\·.\XTF:l · 1'0 HE:'\T-- .~., .\ , , · .. . stat i1111 and !-Wiwols. , 2:~.500. Lif·· .\-!l:il. 1LT:-..: ·I::-ltc or 4 rooms aho\'t· ~ton· nr pri\· :tt ·· garagf', Can furni!'h lwst ro' i"r·:llr'P~. Stults Realty \\',\:\'TED 'I'IJE BI·;~T RB!:-' 11>1 ·~:-\<'E P!ton0 l'nh··· rsity :?0~1). ~tf,1~-ltf' I <·an purc·ha~c· nn East si<1· · \l!Hl··r t ·;xr lu~in· Ag-Pnts ~;~:..non. \\'ith good c·ash parrw·nt. .\<1·~I)IJ \\'innl'IJ.·a .\ve. \\inn. 1Rnn II 1-: Ll' W L\ T E H-11.\ I.E dn ·s~ \Yiitlll'tt e Lif· · ,\-~ · lfl . 1 L'l':'\ ~~-1tc li.T 1:!-1 tc S .\1 F~\T\':'\ ·\('Jo'l' \\·\~'f't.'ll \\'1 ·~ WILL FURNISH A LARGE 111: r ,· · (J; 1~ . \ 1-) ·.: · ·~~' f~l ·:s ~r~. \>.. '- .... · 1 ·'0 It ~.\ 1,1 ·~-TI fl~I·:h 111-.\f'T!.Jo: Tl~.\( 'T~ ~h:Hkll Jot \\'it hi n :~ ),Joel\:~ of r;q)id m;ll\·' ~111.11110 to ~~11.000 annu.ilJ~· ~··II· ntl ,,.,tz }1(1., upp11sit·· Suns··t 11icJg, t r;~ nsporla t ion ; l:'l!\\'t'l', \\'atcr st·n·iee ing- g"I'I·IIJlll in fi1w~t ..:\m··ri··<~n l:tntl· f:olf <'luh . . \ lJarg·;tin if pnompt :tl'!i,,n aJt<l pa\'!·d ~li'N·t:-; paid for. ~ 1:~ .00 a st·apt· g-nrd· ·ll c···mt·t<·ry. ],r)e at· r1 in is t ;tl-:t· ll. Tt·l. F. H. \\"anl, \\.i ltnl'lt· t'llt>l. '\\.ill huil<l n-room modc·rn !'t·si("JtiC':-tgo·s ri.·lwst suhttrhan rli:-trir·t. :llll1. 1 L 1:?-lt I (ll'nl"l', ~:?.000 l'a~h and $100 monthly. T .. rriton· ft'· ·Ill E\·:tnst!ln n· ·l't lt t ·· Jlig·hlall;l J';trk n"w ()!J· ·n. S·otn· · .. r Jo'(IJ~ ~ . \f.l-~-1 l':.OO.:\T lHWSB . LT\'tht· lllf· ~t influt·lllial farnilit·s in i1tif' ittt:' and slt·t·Jlill~-o;· porc·h; :2-(':tr g··tr:t!..:' ·· tl'tTiton· ill'·· 110\\' lr·l O\\'IH ·r s :111Cl · L11t 11111xlfiO. flnh· .,' 1:5 .000 . 'J', ·rrns lltl hon~tl · l' ~ Fro!' illll'l'\'it ·\\', writ·· \\'ill:.! I :l \\~ ilmL"tl e .\ , . '· Tel. \\'11. ~:.!5 C';tsh. PhotH' \\'inn . :,tG-.T . . 1 ·1~7 .\ smr·tt .. Lif··, .\-!1.1 'L 1 L'l'.:\ I :>~t·' 1 r:rx 1~-1 tc lou r~· .\ ,., .. , \\.inn. 1LT.:'\ 1:! -1 tr R. IVI. Johnston & Cotnpany PppoRit<' "L" Termina,J Phont· \\.ilm e tte 68 FOR ~. \LB FOH TIJ· ::"T - ., L.\ P.(;E TI()(J:\f~. < 1:" 1 ·: with t\\'in h· ·rl!', to rt·spo n!'ilil· · ltu~in ··~~ J'E'OJilf'. 1041) Lind··n "\ n·. 11.::!1-tf<· E. E. Co. -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------IDL HrtT<'K HSK \VTTfl ! ·'<>!~ ~. \1.1 ·.-7 Paul Schroeder & Co. 407 Litt<l\'ll . \ \ t ', --------------------------------------------------------------------'I'R . Yl:\G TO J)TSPOSE OF Honse on Almost One Acre ·youR I-IOrdE? WilY XO'I' EX't'IL\:-\<:1·~ \YIIA'r YOU ha\'e :tll(l <lo11't " ·:t nt for s··llwthing· you do want ·.· (Jur <·x··hang<' list nw~· anS\\'(·t· your proldt ·lll. If Y··U will trade for iJH'OI1lt · propo · rt~·. you should n ·gistc·r \\'ith u s for ··x<·hang·, .. L.\I~!~E lt.\~JBLIXCr Tl'l. \\' i I. t)!l) 1 L 1:!-1 te I·'I)Jt S. \ Ll·~ 1 :'\ '\\'TL.:\1ETTE ; u IT~ til·· r., .. r, ··n .·.o ft. \\'(;ntlul lot, lttt·at· ·d on ( 'h· · ~tnut. .\ sltlanrl, 7th a\'l·ltll·· :1111 :\ l·ll\s. llorth :ttHl ·) hlks. \\'!'. t of Huh~ 1" ·r i d " n " . i t h r i p . rig It t s a 11 r1 1 Jli ·· r s lia)'(1 \Y otJlls St;t. on tlw <'01'. uf \Voud]itlit· cl11\\'ll, Jong· tilllt·. ,jlllJl! 1'. (;;1~'1 l:t\\'11 at1d L~t1{t·. 'l'\\'o haths, 1 lav. ; Yi nlancl, · ·t' \\' .1 ('rs.·:o-·. 1T .::s-t ft la rg·,. JH·il . ; llrld'st. nook; frigidaire ··iv··. it··· !lox: i\'(ll'." int<'rior; panell ed FOR SALE - GOOD 7-ROOM HOPSF: \\ails; hv:tll'd g-ar:tgl'. 0\\'ne r anxious Indian IIill section. East ~ide. Con (tl St ·ll. \\'llUI ·l lil.;:t · on·l·J'. ()pen for invenient to transp. Phone Kenil. 182. :-Itt'l'(lUII ~at. or Su11. C'nll \VInnetka 1LTN~ ~-tt'c :.!11::~. 1LT~42-ltc \\·.\XTI-:11 -YOl·~r; ::'11.\:'\ r·r:l l \\'lll'k in ()uilm··ltf· T-'01~ f;J ·:X- !Ill ).fil'lti;..:·: tn .\\'t· . ( 'llilllt !'\' t'lllh . To ·l. \\'i1 1;~:; 11 I. 1~-1 t (' 1:! II 1: I. I' W .\:\ TE ll-FI: '1 .\ I, 1·: l< OR b· \n·Il built 9 r EXCEP'fTO~AL J(lfh trousc, s et w~ll 011. Flllt l lB:"l"J'-:\f( l I ll ·:n:-.; slt·t·ping- Jlllt'(·h, ho wat(·r Jw:~t. \\'inndl\a Jn07. 1T.1 : -. : 1~-t ft· 13ung-al11\'."~ ii rr"'m~. ~. \ Ll·~ \\' .\:\'TEll -- \\'HIT! ·: CTI~L FO I ~ 1:1·::\"<'r:ll 11flll~t·\\'f!l'k. 1l· ·ft· l'1'1lt ' i·~ l'· ·qlli l'··rl. Small f:tmit~·. f:o·Hl \\':t~··s. );'., l:i lllldry. l'lt r·n·· (; l· ·n :uc 1~~:;. 12LTX12-1tf' \Y.\XTED EXPJ·,RTEX("J·. D for g-!·ll··J 01 I hnu~t · worl;: and ,·ooktn.r;. ( :oncl hnmt· , gon<l sa Ia ry. f"n 1I : \\.ilnwttP ~0~::. l ~I. ·I ~ -1 tc \L\X'I'EI> ).T.\ff>, \VJTf'l'l·~. EX1H·ric·tH'· ·<1 . Co·n··ral hou::-;P\\'Ork . B e~ t \\':l~t · ~. To ·l. \\'ii11Wtka· fi8. 1 ::!LT:-.; 12-lte I-CROLL & S~1I'ri-l b;u·k from stteel. 5 bedroms, 3 baths, ~ FOil ltE:\"1'-Il(HJSI':S 11 . \V. h<':tt, 2-car garnge, 3 fit eplaces. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <:round~ lwaviJ~· wooded and land- F11R HEN1'-SU~DTER C:OT T .\nJ ·J o::-.: Lak e Michigan. Running watc·r. fint' ~l':qwd. 'l'hn·c s hort hlo f' l-: ~ to train Six: hour r-; hc:tch, ideal for ehildrC'n. ~::!7,1lll0. Phone 'Winnetka 721. drive frqm Chicago. $25 1WI' \\'P(;lc 1LTg.J2-ltc Phone Dorchester 46~9. l\rrs . !'Parse·. 41[1 Fuurth Stn·..t End oC "L" Phone ·wilm t·lte :iOO 1LTX42-1 tc $3.000 CASH 5 T:.).T. BRIC'K BUNGALOW, E. SIDE; 2 hod ro o ms, ti Ie bath, II. \V. h en t, spn.ce in attic for additional room. Close to schools n.nd transportation. 7 UXll~lL\ L YAL'PE R.'.I. BRICK YEXEEn. SU~D1.1DH bungalow, 2 b:1ths, :,;tp·un h,,at, 2 car garage, 3 hlocl{s to C. & ~- W. sta,tion. This \'PrY racti \'I;' t)l'OPt·rty i!i l.Jein;; sacrifi ::ert at $17,000. Terms. E. E. Stults Realty Co. 42 1 Linden AYe. Wilmette 3450 1L42-ltc FOR SALE REDUCED TO $20,500 nC'w brick & stucco. 4 bPdrooms, 2 baths. Will trade for vacant. Phone ·winn. 235. 1L'l'N42-ltp F. Colcn1an Burroughs 1157 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wil. 640 1LT~42-ltc HELP \L\X'l'EO-<iH!L FOH CE~Pral hou ~t' '\' ~"rk, by thP clay. ~o conking-. Apply R!l~ Elm St., \Yinrwlka. FOR RENT 6-ROOM Br~G,\LOW Phmw Winn. 140.J. 121/1'~ ·12-ltp and 2-f'ar garage; $90.00 for 2-ycrtr leas e. Phone Wilmette· 1582. 2L42-Hn HELP \VAN'l'ED- WHITE CTRL FOR g'f't1C'ral housc· wnrk. 0erman lll'l'ff'ITPd. Phone \Yinn. 17. J 2LTN 42-ltc VOR RENT 6-ROOM BUNGALOW and 2-rar gara~e; $90.00 for- 2-year WANTED-YOP~rr OJRL FOR AFlease. Phone ·wilmette 1582. t<>rnoons to <'ar<> for childrPn. Phon<>: 2L41-1tp \Vimwtka 2~Sii. 12LTN42-Jtc F'OR RENT - l\'10DERN BUNGALOW, WANTED _ 1\fATD FOH. 5 rooms, sleeping porch, hot water heat. housework. white. GENERAL 540 Winnetka 1907. 2L'fNU-:tfo Glencoe 831 . Df2~ ~N ~-~~~ ~LTI\ ·1:}-lt e .. 4

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