.. WILMETTE VOL. XV. NO. 42 WIL~fETTE, LIFE PRICE FIVE CENTS· A: Weekly News-Magazine for Wilmette and Kenilworth ILLi )JOIS, JCLY 16, 1926 DOG RACE TO FEATURE WILMETTE DAY PROGRAM Expected to Be Most Amusing Event in Big Program of Sports, Contests Heads Big Picnic [ORNER WINS FIGHT ON HUGE APPROPRIATION · President and Hoffman Draft Own Ordinance; Smaller Than Last Year Items In Ordinance The Yarious items of the ordinance follow: ~· trC' e t~. Fir~t: PASS ALLEY ORDINANCES The \Vilrnette Board of Local ImprO\·ements at its last meeting passed ordinances for the paving- of the first alley we st of Broadway from Isabella street to Crescent place: the first alley west of Park avenue irom Washington avenue to Vattman Park; and the first alley south of Linden avenue from Fourth to Eighth streets. Public hearings had previously been held on the petitions to make the foregoing improvements. Fnr conRtnwtion and r('pairing all eys, sidewalks, and cross walks and leaning- stn'('ts and alleys, the sum or $30,000 iH h ereby appropriated. Second: For opening and repairing dntim; and r e pairin~ sewers and water maim; and th<'ir connections, the sum ot: $2,500 is h<'r('by appropriated. 1'hird: For heating and lighting Vil· lage officPs, for stationery and official sutmlies, court and legal expenses and cosb;, <'lection pxpenses and other necesS<1.ry incidental expenses, the sum of ~~0.000 is hereby appropriated. FQurth: For supplies and expenses of street lighting, and incidental expens('S in connection therewith, the sum of $20,000 is hereby appropriated. Fifth: For paying salaries of the (Continued on Page 36)