WILMETTE LIFE ·- JulY 23, 1926 ---, Yesterday's Safeguards Won't Do Today ·JN THIS DAY of ntoto r cars and fast express trains \'OU · wouldn't think of trJv eling by stage coJch. But if you leave for your vacation v1 i th yo t; ·: valuables left behind in some desk dra\ver. you arc going back to the \vays of stage coach days so far as protection is conce rned. When you can have a Safe Depo~it Box in our modern. secure, fireproof vault. you wouldn't put important papers and other valuables in a desk dr~nvcr during your absence- if you stopped to think about the risk. For the cost is so neg]igible. safety so certain. service so convenient and courteous that it isn't worth while to "take a chance." It will take just a few minutes to arrange for a Safe Deposit Box before you leave on vour vacation. THE WILMETTE STATE BANK Central Avenue at Twelfth Street Hyottr Home Bank"