WILMETTE LIF.E July 23, 1926 TIRES and TUBES " Reduced 12% to 15% Let us care for all your Tire Troubles New Tires-Vulcanizing-Repairing Gasoline-Dils-Car Greasing · Wilmette Wilmette Ave. and Ridge Phone Wil. 290 . BRAUN BROS. . Winnetka 723 Oak St. Phone Winn. 15 65 ... _ . Fireproof Storage SCULLY BAGGAGE AND .TRANS FER Moving WILMETTE 410 - Packing PHONES - Shipping WINNETI<A 232 HOME MANAGEMENT: A BUSINESS where business principles count! H TelePhone OME -MAKING is the biggest business in the world . Home management has come in for much attention during the past few years. It's a subject that deserves all consideration it can receive . The "lady -of-the bouse" is the executive of household affairs . She achieves the greatest success when she appl ies the principles of. industrial efficiency. She gives as much of her time as possible to planning and directing- not to things that others can do for her better and more economically ·- not to needless drudgery. The careful planner doesn · t do her own laundering. She doesn't "fuss" with having th~ work done at home. She calls on specialized effort by having the weekly washing taken away from the home- to the laundry- where it's done better. at less cost, and with absence of annoyance and worry! W iln1ette 1800 Greenieaf 2180 · Glencoe 100 Highland Park 1500 2.0% Discount on work brought in and aalled lor NELSON LAUNDRY 1210 Central A.ve. Wilmette