16 WILMETTE LIFE July 30, 1926 seeking to prove or verify facts and takes nothing for granted. This attitude of open minded seeking would put us in the state of mind to do three things-to find facts, to interpret these facts in the light of the facts them se lve s and not to color the interpretation with o~r pr~con~eiv~d ideas and to proceed tn actton tn accord~nce with the facts as we have interpreted them. Need Constant Improvement Tn answer to the question ·'Is the scientific method needed in education?" Dr. Stout said that most people who have been engaged in educational work for some time are vcrv conscious of their limitations because of the lack of information concerning the needs and interests of those thcv arc trying to teach. " \Ve are no Jess keenly aware of our ignorance of the requirements of our societv on the modern individual." said Dr. Stout. "The only hope for civilization is that our homes ancl schools mav he able to turn ont a generation of boys and girls who will he able to do better than " ·e ha,·c done." · "The ignorant tl:acher is a dangerous teacher." Ko one has a nwra1 right in this day to enter upon the teaching profession without adequate preparation. Secure as much of the scientific outlook and as much of the technique as possible. and then go cn:t in search of the facts and apply th1s kno\vledge with all diligence and a<ld to ~t. and feel that you're one of the great company of teachers \\'ho arc undertaking to discover more facts and to find out better \\'ays of carrying out methods of education. Ken·r has there been a greater challenge to teachers! r.==:::::==========::::;·' MODERN EDUCATION IS c· HALLENGE TO TEACHER FOU~T AIN SQUARE-EVANSTON University Authority Cites Methods· of Realizing Purposes of Modem Training "The Purpose of Modern Education" and "Methods of Realizing the Purpose of Modern Education" were the subjects of t\\'0 lectures given la st week hv Dr. John Stout. director of the school of education, Northwestern university, before the summer school students of the National Kindergarten . and Elementary college. According to Dr. Stout, the fundamental things "·hich education should undertake to give the individual are : 1-An opportunity for the fullest possible development for better living, including physical development, a good digestion, knowledge of good food, the proper .development of the nervous sntem and its nourishment. · 2-An opportunity for the fullest rlcvelopment of all his mental powers,. thr~ t his mind mav he come the best that nature has g[ven him. In order to accomplish this we should have, if we need them, la\YS to protect the child, to control the parent, or against the incompetent teacher. Cites Three Methods In considering methods of realizing the purpose of modern education. Dr. Stout said that there are only three methods from \vhich to choose in trying to accomplish this-the traditional method. the trial and error method and the scientific method. The advantage of the traditional m ethod is that it gives us somethii1g that has been tried out and presumahlv has been found to meet certain needs or it \\'OLtld not have persisted. "T n these modern da\'S," said Dr. Stout, ""·e should take into account th;s fact-that certain wan of doing things have been found sa.tisfactor~·." The danger lies in the tendency to cease to examine these mean s and methods. \\'e accept them as a matter of fact and refuse to take a critical attitude toward them and inquire "·hether there is a better waY in which things might be done. · The trial and error method, or the method of undirected exprrience. has resulted in discoveries and inventions "·hich could never ha,·e been made if some one had not hccn willing to try out new ideas. The disadvantage of this method is that it is a tcrr.ihlv \\·astdul procedure, for people wh~, without skill and experience. undertake to do new things, commit many errors and make manv mistakes. The scientific method is the new one which has · come into the world in comparatively recent times. It invol \'CS open-mindedness. or a "·illingness to surrender a belief if the facts seem to \\·arrent surrender, it involves a Three Floors - Elevator Service l T For Those Who .Love Sports CHANDLER'S affords the most complete, upto-the-minute line of Athletic Supplies and Sporting Goods North of the "Loop." TENNIS FISHING GOLF SWIMMING CAMPING Entire Second Floor Rev. W. E. McCormack to Give Sermon This Sunday . Rev. \V. F.. :McCormack, minister of religions education in the First Congregational church. will gin· the :';ermon at church Sunda,· morning, August 1. at the 11 o'cl~lck sen·icc. His sermon thrmc \viii he "Faitl1's Manifesto." )Jr. ~f cCormack will have charge of the church actiYitie-; during the month of August while Dr. Stephen A. Lloyd is enjoyin .~ his stlln mcr Yacation. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Small. 411 ~{aple avenue, returned ~londay from SOMETHING NEW We have recently added to our ambulance equipment an Emergency Carrier. This is in ad:lition to the regular cot. It is used in carrying the patient up and down stairs where the cot cannot be used without discomforting the patient. It is especially useful in carrying patients to and from trains. the carrier being passed through the car window. Thus, 'the patient is not disturbed from the time he leaves his bed at home until he is. placed upon the bed in the Pu1lman. . We have recently added to our personnel Mr. Ray Green who has charge of our Ambulance. Mr. Green is an experienced Ambulance man, having taken a special course in Ambulance Service. We are constantly striving to perfect our Ambulance Service. Our attendants are uniiormed. Moline, Ill., where tl1ey spent the week-end \vith their son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ~1crlc C. Xutt. While there, they \\·ere the guests oi honor at a dinner party given Saturday evening by their hoste ss . -oBilly Sellery, son of Roy Sellery of 908 Ashland avenue, is expected to return to his home the e nd of this week after a month's outing at the Evanston Boy Scout camp ncar ~1 uskegon, Mich. -North Shore people know what they want -they shop in Evanston because · UNDERTAKER 20 11 Yecrr1 on the North Shore The House of Personal Service" Phone Wilmette 654 WILMETTE Residence, 719 Ninth St., Wilmette 1124 Centra) Avenue EVANSTON . CHAMBER OF COMMERCE