20 WILMETTE LIFE . July 30, 1926 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111·1 llllllll llllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll . Local Players to Enter Golf Tourney llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllll lll lllilll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ll llllllllllllllllllllllllll ll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllll'lillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Local Golf Clubs to Be Represented at Woman's Match Fairways unusually fresh for this time of season and elusively fragrant here and there with the new-cut clover and greens of velvet smoothness send forth their allure to so many feminine residents of our north shore. In hr~ght. sport togs they swing forth datly 111 that popular summer pastime, golf, .a game always aggravatingly uncertam enough, even to champions, we haYe been told by no less an authority than a well known golf star herself to lend fascination. ' It is no longer "fresh" news to comment upon. the p~rt the nearby golf clubs play 111 the hfe of societv in our vicinity with the varietv of diversion they o~er. But as the -weeks slip by, we reahze that the climax of the golf season comes with midsummer, and that the eyes of both women players at:d those who arc only enthusiasts, w!ll turn toward the biggest event in their golf world, the annual tournament of the \iVomen's Western Golf association. Already it is being talked about and planned for. so "·e hastened to inform ourselves where and when it is to he played and who from our midst will participate. Olympia Fields is the cour se chosen this year for the contest. August 23 to August 28 is the time allotted, and the north shore entrants-their names f~rm a list at the present partly defimte. partly tentative and subject to change in the few weeks remaining before the entry Jist is final. But each of our local clubs ""ill have at least one player among the contestants. Beginning at the south. the first club of our group is the North Shore we st of \Vilmettc on the Glenvie,,: road: :\f rs. H. H. Harrison. Mrs. R. C. Boozer. :\{ rs. J. E. Barron and Mrs. A. D. Collins will prohablv enter from this club. A little to tlie north and cast. lies the \Vilmette Golf club. a .YOt~ngster. still in the golf cluh family. whtch \nil undouiJtedly have Mrs. John A.rends an entrant. althongh this report ts not yet confirmed. In \\'innetka. at its south and west boundary. i. Indian Hill. from which :\fi~s Dorothy Klotz and :\1 rs. A. Fletcher :\Iarsh \Yilt enter. with Mrs. Charles J:Ciotz and :\f rs. Grant Ridgwa~· poss thle entrants. Next is Sunset Ri~ge. ~lso one of the younger clubs, whtch hes farthest west of all whom :\fiss Virginia Ingram will rep'resent. !\orthmost of the group and in Glencoe. is Skokie. one of the oldest clubs on the north shore. from which Mrs. Edgar Stevens. Mrs. Paul Chace, Mrs. Burt C. Hardenbrook and Miss Eva :\fay I ohnson will probably enter the \\·oman's \\Testern tournev. In connection with the \V. \V. G. A., another event takes place prior to the annual tournament. MondaY. August 2. commencing at 10 o'clock, at each of the north shore clubs. as well as those in the cltv. a club team match against par is scheduled. 11111111 ComPetes in Annual Tournament Military fVedding in K en. i lworth to Be August Event Im·itations have heen issued by ).[r. and Mrs. Jonathan Trumbull Backu s of Kenilworth for the marriage of their daughter.' Margaret Washi.ngton, to Hamilton \\.ilcox Ho,,·e, en 1gn U. S. N., son of :\Jr. and :\[rs. Charles D. Howe of Kenilworth, on. Tue sday C\"Cning. August 17, at 8:30 o'clock at the Kcnihrorth ·c nion church, Dr. Herbert L. vVillett officiating. A recept~on. will he held at the Backus ·home. 2·b l mn~ nor road, immediat ely after the cere· mony. · Tl~c bride e teet ha~ chosen to at t l' nrf her, her sister, :\1 is s Teresa .Bac k~ts, as maid of honor, and her consm. ).It s:; ).fartha Jone s o f Chicago, ).[i ~s Elizabeth \\.atcrhurv of \Yaterloo. Jo\\·a. a cousin of 11r. ·Ho,,·e, and ~li ss J eannette Cherry .of Kenilworth, as hc.r bridesmaids. Betty Backus and JarK Howe, sister and brother of th~ bride and ()'room will stretch the nbhon !', and ~Ir. H'owc's little sister, Virginia Ho\\'c, will he flo\\'cr g-irl. Franci s F. ~foore, of \Vinhetka, ,,·ill be th e organist. The groomsmen arc all of. the an,11y and nav\·. The hc st man ,,.,11 he 1-.nsign \\.-illiam C. Sprenger. C. S. X, and the ushers arc to he Ensign Robcrt C. Arlllstrong, C. S. ~.. En:i~n James A. ).1 orri son. C. S. -:\., En:-.ign Donald \ \' . Alexander. l'. S. ~ .. En~ign l olm O'Shea. Jr.. L S. ~.. En:-.ign :Robert 11. Hollenherk .. C. S. ~ .. Ensign G. Godin:y Cri:-.sman. l·. S. ~ .. Ensign Frank 0. Bicrnc. C. S. ~ .. and Lieut. \\'illiam 0. Hamh:r. C. S. :\ . R 11 11111 1 llllllllllllllllllllll llli II 111111'1 Children's Programs Offer Varied Appeal \1 iss rsahcl Cline. ,,·ho is in rhargr of the Thursdav aitcrnoon rhildn·n\ · programs at Ra~· inia. has di sc ln:--ed th e plans for the remaining Thur sday:-- he fore the· season close s the fir ~t wtl'k in September. HcniT Rocthig, magician. " -ill furnish a;1 afternoon of entertainment next Thur:-day. August 3. Thr inllo\\'ing \\'Ctk. Amm. t 12. h\'O per'iorm(·rs ,,·ill ~hare thr · honor ni amusing their ~·o tmg spectators with thl'ir \·auclt>\'illc. Loui s Tops. arrobatic cln\\'11, \\'ho will han· ,,·ith him a traint(l 1log and monkt~· . and Claude Austin. jugglrr. The nrogram on August 19 " ·ill he -of a different nature from tl1e h\·o preceding it. for it ,,·ill he child arti~ts' daY . Conductor Eric DcLamartcr i=making arranQ'CillentS for a Yiolinist. a pianist. a cellist. and perhaps a hoy ~.;oprano. As plans for this da\· are not yet fullv made. the complete· program cannot he given until later. On the afternoon of August 2o. the "Doll" enisode from the "Tales of Hoffman" will hr presented. with ).fi~s Helf'n Freund sing-ing the part of the Doll. and thf' rest in pantomime. all directed b~· Miss Bf'rtha Ilcs. under \\·hosr direction the Carnival was nresentNl last week. A program ginn · h,, Japanese tumhlrrs on September 2 will enrl th<> Thursday afternoon programs for the season. 11111111 Miss Dorothy Klotz of \Vinnetka, noted north shore golfer, will he one of those entering the annual Woman's Western G91f association tournament taking place the last of August. She is a member of Indian Hill club. Arrange Garden Party August has always seemed a time for garden affairs, and with the approach of the new month comes an announcement that Tuesday, August, 3, will occasion a 1 o'clock luncheon and garden card party given jointly by the Southern \Voman's club and the Southern \Vomcn's Alliance on the lawn of Mrs. Edgar Foster Alden's home. 352 Linden street, \Vinnetka . The affair .will he a benefit, and to those who take an interest in the activities of these two organizations, an invitation is extended. Mrs. Alden and Mrs. E. ]. Buffington, 1140 Forest avenue, Evanston. arc in charge of reservations on the north shore. Plan Economy Shop Tea One of the first · large social events of this autumn will be the Economy Shop tea to be .given at the \Voman's club, \V edncsday, October 13. "A Tra vesty on Club Conference," featuring some of our best home talent, will precede the tea. Club members and their friends are asked to jot down this date on their calendar pads as the occasion for an afternoon of fun. 11111111 11111111111111111111111111111 11111111 11111111111111111111111111111 11111111 Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCue of \Vilmette announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret, to Perry \iV. Lieber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber of Winnetka. Miss McCue, who has lived in Wilmette all her life, will be one of the early autumn brides although the ·exact day of her marriage has not been decided upon. The Threshold Players of Glencoe will meet Tuesday evening, August 3, at the home of Miss Rutheda L. Pret11111111 IIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111111 zel, 1035 Bluff road. The group will Another }n the serit;s of social a£- · read and discuss several plavs. Guests ternoons g1ven by Wtlmette chapter, ~ Order of Eastern Star, takes place are welcome to come, upon payment Wednesday, August 4, at 2 o'clock, at of a small guest fee. the home of Mrs. Eva Saxer, 1315 Beginning with the fall meetings, Ashland avenue. Refreshments will which occur on the first Tuesday of be served at the conclusion of games each month, there will be lectures by of bridge, five hundred and bunco. prominent people in the drama world, Prizes will be given. The affair will and walking rehearsals. Work also be open to all Eastern Star members will be started on a play to be preand their friends, it is announced. sented this season. IJJIIIIIJIIIIIIIJJIJJIJJIJJJJ · JIIIIJJI Janet Byrnes of Wilmettf·. a member of the North Shore Golf club, will enter the junior western chrtmpionship tnurnament at Westmoreland cluh, August 30 to September 2..