July 30, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 21 The Greater Store for Greater Evans ton At Fountain Square Evanston Some Real Values in Household Utilities Fostoria Glass $8.95 dozen Tall. temmcd, irridescent goblets and sherbet . Crystal Stemware $6.50 and $6.95 dozen Green or amber...~tem, crystal bowl, goblets, tumblers, sherbets and cocktail glasses to match. Goblets and Sherbets $2.75 dozen Tall ~temmed; ros~ cutting; formerly $3.95 a dozen. Blown .Glass Goblets $14.50 dozen Excellent quality with tall cut stem and fine etching. Glass Candy Jars $1.25 As dccoratiYe as they are useful. atnher. In green or Cut Glass Vases $1.95 Ten inches high, fine cut glass. $2.75. Formerly Beaded Flo\Yer Bo\Yls, An1ber ot Green, $1.25. Blue or . .Amber Cheese Cracker Dish, $2.95. and 13 in. 1\tnbcr Salad Plates: 79c; 8 in .. Salads to Match, Doz. ~3.95. Green Glass Berry Sets, one 8 .7'2 in. Nappy, Six 5 in. Nappies, $1.50. 11 in. Blue or An1ber Footed Bo,vls, $2.95. 12 0 in. Atnber or Blue Sand,vich 'fray, $2.50. + ++ \ ~OLLRATH .32 PIECE SET SETS $5.50 Choice of Three Patterus: Kitchenette, and Bungalow. Floral, $1.69 Three pi~ce sauce pan sets. \Vhite with hlue. LE~ION~~DE SE'rS for 51 PIECE SET $12.2 5 4 $1.50 Frosted blue. Sold originally Domestic ware, good value. semi-porcelain. A $2.95. WE.~R-EVER DRIP PAN-9%x13% ...... 98c WATER SET $2.50 Blue or amber, crackle glass, 2 quart covered jug, 6 tumblers. IMPORT£1) SET $21.25 32 piece set, Princess Rose Pattern. Good quality china. VERIGOLD CHINA $23.45 Imported, 32 piece set of gold banded china. ICE TEA SET $7.95 + + + Amber with blue handles, 2 ~uart footed jug. $15.50 value.