WILMETTE LIFE July 30, 1926 TIRES and TUBES Let us care for all your Tire Troubles New Tires-Vulcanizing-Repairing Gasoline~ils-Car Wilmett~ Greasing Winnetka 723 Oak St. Phone Winn. 1565 Wilmette Ave. and Ridgt Phone Wil. 290 l . BRAUN BROS. -. Fireproof Storage SCULLY B..-\GGAGE AND TRANSFER ~(ot'ing - Packing - Shippillg . WIL~fETTE 410 - PHONE . ~ WINNETI<A 23:! ·T HE MAGIC OF A NUMBER that adds (t neu· da~· to the tt'eek "HOUSEWORK routin~ ~>~com~s mighrv tircsG.mr Jl timrs ." rcm.trktd Mrs. A. " I oftc n w tsh l \...n~: \\' some m.1g1c \\ ord thar would g\'1 things done .1nd m.1kc difficult Llsk dts.lppeH ... "I hJvc .1 magic nu.rnbrr dur Jo?s just that with the. most troublesomt> work of the week." replied Mrs. B. ' 'It's rhe laundry telephone number. When I c.1ll up. the wel·kly wJshmg ts o,·er J far J I'm concerned Jnd I have a whole extrJ day co m yself. \Vhenever I drive down to shop. how evrr. I take my bundle to the laundr\' offic~ Jnd sJve one -fifth on the cosr econ omical .ts ir is under any circumstJnCt's:· No .1id to c.:tsy housekeepin g todJ y is as effective as low in cost ,1s rh,u of the l.ntndry. No other modern tnsritution contributes more .:tdvantJgrous co-operation in the expedirnl m.lnJge :nrnr of rhe home . Telebhone \lr il ntette 1800 Greenleaf 2180 Glencoe 100 Highland Park 1500 20 % Disaount oa work brought ia aad aalled lor NELSON LAUNDRY 1210 Central A.ve. Wilmettt