Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Jul 1926, p. 1

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WILMETTE A Weekly News-Magazine for Wilmette and Kenilworth VOL. XV. NO. 44 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS. JVL Y 30. 1926 PRICE FIVE CENTS E. B. KNUDTSON HEADS FIRST NATIONAL BANK Succeeds J. M. Appel as Administrator of Fast Growing Wilmette Financial House IHEAR Bapbst August NOTED DIVINES Pulpal to ~upply Wilmette Durang Month of Emine~t Preac~ers Chief Engineer IPARADE BIG FEATURE . OF OUR WILMETIE DAY Races and Other Competitive . For. the next six Sundays the pulEvents Also to Provide Diverptt of the vVilmette Baptist church sion for All Ages "·ill he occupied hv men of note who , · _ it is expected, will have a wide hearing-: As the start of the festivities on WilF.. R. Knudtson. a resident of \ \ 11 On .1\ugust 1 and 15 the preacher will mette day, to be held \Vednesday, mette for several years, has heen ht· Proi. Archibald G. Baker of the August 18, under the auspices of the e!~cted :· <~irector and Pre~id~nt of the ckpartment of mi~sions of the CniverChamber of Commerce, the parade will hrst I\attotlal hank of \Vtlmette t0 sit,· of Chic·1,r 0 l)r B··knt· ... I J ~I \ I I . I . c,.... · . " "as a he made one of the most attractive succee< · ·. · _! Pl~C-. ,,. 10 _rettres on 11 1is -..ionary in South America for matw features of the da,· it was announced acc~unt. (lf_l11s mah_tltty to ~tve. the lo- yl'ars and is not onh· an authorit,· 0 j1 by the parade cot;l~altnst ttuttOn_t1 H.' ~tme that t~s tncreas- the wider aspects ·of the Christian :nittee, of \Yhich 111g· YO ume ot ntsme :·-s reqUires. lllm·emt'llt hut has alread,· ,,·on the David ~elson · is t·ntlltlsia::;tir admiration of the local chairman. 0 ther ch urch for hi:-. compelling pulpit 1)0\\·er. members of the ( )n August R the pulpit will he occommittee are· John cu pied by Dr. \reorg-e A. Huntte,· ,,·ho Hoffman. J o ~ e ph 1 j ... lield rcpresentatin· of the Bn;trd of Kutten and John i ~I i..;.;ionary Co-opcrati()n oi ·the ~or !\1 illen. tlwrn Baptist onYcntion. Dr. lluntThe paracle lt·\· ,,·as a missionan· in China for traverse the _ resithirty-fin· yt:ars, ha\'i;1g built and opdential sectinns anfl t::·;ttc..·d a great hospital there ior manY the three business ~·c..·ars. J fi :; wide and long rxperienc.r di:-;tricts. and \\·ill Ernest Cazel \'1Htpkd with a prrsonalit,· in \\'llich fi nis h a t the .-\ 111 e r irharm and autlwrit,· arc . heautifuth· can Legion grove, Lake a\·enue just bh-n<kd makes him speaker of gre;tt ,,·est of Ridge avenue. The line of pO\rer. \ \·. \ \·. De Berard. \\"ilmette Village 111arch has not yet been announced, On .\u)..!"tht 22 and 20. the pulpit ""ill trustee and an engineer oi note. has hut the revie\Ying stand will be on the ht· occ upied hy the Rt·\·. E. T. Cha,·e. been :-;ecurcd as chief engineer for the west dri,·e of the ::\orth \\.estern staPh . D. (li the department of ~ducatinn Chicago Rc..>gional Plan association . tion. nf tilt.· Di,·init,· schnol nf the l"nin·r- ~l r. De Berard \\"ill gi\'e practically all Cars Must Be Decorated hi~ time t() hi:-- nc\\' task ha\'ing- secur~~ r. 1\.nudtson ,,·as Yice-president oi :--it_,. ni Chicago. All cars entering the parade must absence from his post It is cxpeckd that on Septetnher 5. ing a lea ,-e the l'en t ury Trust and Sa ,·ings hank han~ some form of decoration, it was oi l'hirago until its consolidation \\"ith tlw pastor, Rn·. Francis C. ~tiller. as \\"l'Stcrn editor of the Engineering announced. There ,\"ill be three groups the l 'hirago Tntq cotnpany, and he \rill han· the plea:-.ure of presenting to :\ l' \b- Record . oi prizes. one for .business men's h as h L'l'n at the Iat t t' r n a Ill ed hank hi~ congregation on his return frntn plea sure cars. one for residents' pleas..,inct that time. His l)anking career hi:-- ,·acatinn his hrother-in-la\\", the ure cars and one for trucks or floats. extends O\'cr a pL·ric.d oi more than l~n·. Emory \Y. Luccock \\'ho is just Carl E. Sterner. chairman of the comt\\"l'nty yt·ars. including l>nth rountr~· nr1\\. spt.'tHiing a ~· car in this countn· mittee on decorations. says that every atHl city \\"nrk. Ht· is (Int.· r>i the prin- nn iurlough irom his work as a Pn<turn in the line. of march of the parShanghai. cipal ~tockltoldcrs of t\\"O prosperom h\"teria 11 . mtsswnar~· in ade \Yilt he decorated. and business banb in \\' isc C) nsin and a director and China. ~ix · nr se\'en years ago ~f r. Tc..>rrence Forester Duncan-Clark. h uses in the ..-arious districts will also · a meml>er of the..· l·xecuti,·t' committee Luccock was the guest of the Baptist he in holiday g-arh. of the Progrts~iH· ~tate Bank of Chi- church when the congregation ,,-;1" aged 20 years. eldest Sf)n ni ~Ir. and Among the hig featitres of the day, tlH.' t' tinl! in Bro\\'n's hall and man,· ""ill ~Irs. ~- John Duncan-Clark. 22~ \\"ood cago. ahra,·s. are the races and contests. l\n1rt. diL·d Frida,· enninl!. JulY 23. retnc..·nJhtr his gripping dl'lin: rance on "Tht· ~teacly gT(I\\·th ni \Vilmettc and at \·ictory ~len1nr~al ho~pital ;ts ·a re- This· year they are to better than ever, adj11inin~r tl'rritory affC~rds an attrac- that ncca~ion. under the direction of Ernest Cazel, \\"illiam H. Barnes \\'ill he the ()r- sult of injuries sustained when he fell tiH~ tield for linancial sen-ict·." sa,·s chairman of the race committee. One fr{Hll a tree. The sen·ices were held Prt.·~idtnt 1\.nmlt son. The First :(a- (Y "1 11 is t at t 11 r church throug-h nut t 11 i~ ot the ne,,· and unique e\'ents planned ti cmal Bank of \\'ilmctte is shari ng- in t in1e and ~fa dame GildrO\· Scott and on ~fonday at the Christ Episcoi)al is a dog- and \\·agon race. All boys church. \\"aukegan. the Rn·. Ho\\'ard the ren1arkal>k gTO\\'th of outlying and ~I i~s Crace Parmele "·ill he the soloor girls in the village \\·ho ha \'e a dog !:->Uhurban hanks in the Chicago terri- i-.ts. The ser\'ice will begin each Sun- E. (~an · tt.·r officiating. and the youth :tre elig-ible to participate. They must \ra:-; buried at Lake Yilla. tor~· a~ is e\'idenced hy the' present <h~· tnnrning promptly at 11 n'cl()ck Thr accident occurred at Lake \ ·ilia ha,·e a little ,,·a.goti of some kind for Y o lum~· _of hu:-.ines~, \\·hich has passed and clnse at 12. it i~ announced . the <log to pull, and that is the only when TerrenCL', \\·ho ""as 011 top of a tlw mtllton mark. fhe hank "·as orother reQuirement. 11r. Cazel retrt.·e ·t rying to put up a radio aerial for ganized in 1~}(> h~· ~1 r. J. :\1. Appel Health Nurse Leaves a iriencl. steppl'<l on a branch ,,·hich QUests those who intend to enter this and_ the late :\1 r. l· rank J. Baker. and I rl' wa:; rendert.·cl unconscinu:-; race to communicate with him at the dunng the ten ye<~r pt·riod ha s been Wilmette to East broke..·. by the inq>act. and suffned a broken ~nider-C azel drug store. \ Yilmette and ttn<kr the direct tnanagment oi ~I r. Centra I avenues. as soon as possihle. ~fiss Helen \f. Xorcross. \\.ilnwttr hark \rhkh caused paral~·s is. .-\pp_d .. The capital and surplus at the nuhlir lwalth nur se. ldt last "·eek for Kiddie -Car Race He \ras takt·n to the \ "icton· ~f cmht·~tnu_tt~g \\'as $60,000. lt has since the Her home is in \\.elles ln· L)rial hn;pital \rhere an X-ra~· deter!_ 1atd cln' tdends to stockholders amoun~ Another racr wb:ch will he unusual Hills. ~fass .. and she is giYinQ" up hc..·r mined that his hack \\"a~ broken. and is to he a kiddie-car race for little lll!...!. to $27.000. and toda ,. the capit;tl \\"nrk here in order to spr nd some that a portion oi the broken hone " ·as tots four Year:-; old or less. The disand surplus is $96.000. · time \Yith her famih-. \fiss Xorcross ~~ r. :\ppcl is presi<ient of the St ·1t~ ""ill prohahly he i"n -;\fainc durin!:!· pressed against a nen·e center. caus- tance is to he 25 yards. and pleasing Bank !1f. H ighl<lllCI Park and Broad- mn-.t oi the summer and in the fall in g immediate paral~·sis. ln addition prizes ""ill be a\\'arclecl. The races are way. ~~ttwn~l J:ank of Chicago, both expect:- to travel abroad with se,·eral to thL' fracture. he suffered numerous to begin at 1 :30 o'clock and in addil)ody bruises and internal injuries . He tion to the races named above the folAo~ll_'lt'htng tnstttutions \\"hich arc re-· of ht·r relatin~s. died Friday night at the hospital. lowing are scheduled: qUJnng more of his time. He was re (iirls' 25 yard raee-6 to S yt>ars. ce~ltl~: elected ,·ice-president of the ~fj .;~ :\orrross was in charg-e of the Boys' 25 yard rat·t·-6 to 8 years. llltnots Bankers association. Gros-. Point health center. adminisSPRINKLING RULES Girls' 50 yard race-S to 10 years. ~- D. 1-lasters, \'icc-president of the terrd hy the Chicag-o Tuhrrculosis TnBoys' horse and ridt:>r relay, -tO yardsResidents nf \\"ilmcttc are reCincago Trust company, has also been stitute. and financed hy Christmas 8 to l 0 yearR. quested not to use their lawn Girls' 50 yard ra<:>E'-10 to 12 p·ar~. elected to the hoard of directors and seak sprinklers hct \\'een the hours of 4 Boys' 15 yard raee-11) to 12 years. n_1ade a \'ice-president of the First Nao'clock in the afternoon and 8 Boy:.:;' 100 yard ract>-<lpen . SCHULTZ ON VACATION Girls' 75 yard racE'-otHm . tiOnal Bank, it was anuounced this o'clock in the evening, in a · statel\Jarried men's racE', 75 yard~. '\'CC k. \-illag-e ~{anag-cr C. C. Schultz left ment issued ~y · Vill-age ~[ anager 1\Jarried women's race, 50 yardR. last Saturdav for a two weeks' yacaC. C. Schultz. During the extremeFat men's race <190 pnunds), 75 yards. Boys' thn·E' legged race, ;.o yards. 0. E. S. CARD PARTY tion at India-n Lakt>, Manistique, \[ich. ]\- bot weather. especialh·. the deYoung men's race (50 years or oYer). \\"il!nette Chapter, Order of Eastern ~r rs. Schultz accompanied him and the ttland for water is so heav,· in these )len's three-leggd race, 50 yards. Star ts to hold a card partv at the trip was made hv motor. He ""ill rehoun that the pressure ·drops alFather and son·~ race, 50 yards. home of Mrs. Eva Saxer, 1Jl5 Ash- turn to his duties a week from next BusinE'SS men's rae£'. most to zero. it was explained. Business girls' race. land an:·nue, \Vednesday, August 4. \1 on day. 1.. 1 1 '"ill a of Youth Dies From Injuries in Fall Fro1n Top of Tree Go

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