34 Miss Edith Moore has returned to her home in New York City after a visit with her aunt, Mrs. Frank ]. Pfahler of 204 Sixth street. Miss Moore has been the guest of her aunt ever since the close of the spring term at Northwestern university, where she attended the graduat ion of her cousin. WILMETTE LIFE August 6, 1926 1 I !" ~= Mrs. _Ch~r~e.s L. M~rgan~ 1401 Hill I Cite Indiana License street, ts v1s1tmg relattves m Urbana, · Law for Non-Residents Ill., for a few '"'·eeks. A f · Ch' M t 1e 0 or -ottorneys or t 1 lcago club in Indiana report within the past · Mrs. ]. H. Dyon, 1310 Ashland few weeks a number of Illinois moavenue, has as her guest, Mrs. E. M. torists have been arrested for failure Vance of Torontg.J Canada. to display state license plates. In , each ca e, the attor· ys report, thr motor< ..- . - - -.- - . - - - - - - -·- ·-·- ·- - -·- ··- ·---·:- is t had purch: c1 his car a f ew days I before the arr\.:st, and had made ap·~;· plication for plates in the way prescribed hv the law in Illinois. This, ho\\'ever, ·is not sufficient in Indiana . !,~ 'The Indiana legislature in 1925 passed a ne\\' act regulating automobiles, in ""hi ch it is provided that "a ·nonre sident shall not he dccnH: d to have complied ,,·ith the la\\' of the state of which he is a resident unles s r egulation metal licen se plates issued hy the proper authorities of the state arc proper ly display ed." t' _ "Tn other \\'Orcls." sav the club at615 DAVIS ST. tnrneYs. '·unless a motorist displays a Hoybttrn Bttilding metal lic ense plate in Indiana, he is EVANSTON = li ah k to be picked up. A bill of sale P .h one University 2238 or 'licen se applied for' sign is not ~ ! s uffici:nt." I RECREATION -- CENTER North Shore Men Interested in . Elaborate Recreation Cente11 on Main Street, Evanston I - ··:·-------· -· - · - -u -··- --· -· --·1 '1 I __ I Summer Special a i · 'Beautl·£u 1 SlX Photographs I I $5.00 I I 1 f I i i I I II (·-.---· -· -· - -.. l 1 ' ·!· -~~-· - ·· -u-·· -~ -· - ·- -~~ -~~ -~~ -"-·' -·~···-- ·-~~-· ·:· -·-··-··-u-·-·-·-~~-~~-·-·-~~--··- . I i . -· -· -·· Conquering Limitations Evanston is to have a model public recreation establishment in the form oi bovding alleys and billiards.. This announcement ha s just been made by officials of the newlv formed companv to he kno\\'n as ·the Main Recreation. Center, located at 825 Chicago avenue, opposite the ~fain street "L" station, and adjoining the Park theatre. Identified JHominrn.tly \Yith the ne"· venture " ·i ll he t\\'O \Yell kno\\'n \\' ilmettc men, ] ohn G. Anton, O\\'ner of the "Cottage," \\'ell kno\\'n Sheridan road refreshment and dance place.. and Korton Hammett, formerly manager of the Goodwin Allevs in \Vilmette and lat er of the lio\\~ard Street Bowling AlleYs. Anton is to he general manager of the rccrcati.on center and Hammett \Yill be in charge of tl1e howling alleys. The ne\\' enterprise will occupy the 1f rs. G. R. Garretson atHl her chil- entire second flo or of the Leffingwell dren, 507 Linden a,·entte. left \Ved- building. from street to alley, an area j _!lcscla~- aftcrno?n _for a month's outing of oYer 11,000 sq uare feet. The billiarrl room is separated from the bmding l tn northern 11 !Clttgan. allen bY double \Yalls designed to pro~·idc ·q ui et surr oundings for the billiard pbyer. An exceptional feature of the h(m·ling and hilliard room~ is the light and \'Cntilati on. The htter room alone l1as t\\·enty-three \\'indows. The ho\\·ling room contains ten regulation aile~· =- equipped \rith the late.-t apparat us. steel lockers for privately mn1ecl balk rest room~ and a spectator's gallery . \\.ith the exception of a ~ing l c post th · entire room is in the clear. The hillianl room i..; equipped ,,-ith Bruns\\' ick- Balke-Collen dar company·=latest and hc .~t :'ix-leg mahogany regulation tables. There is an icelcs:' iountain and lun cheo nette counter ill connection \Yith this roolll. B,· the end of this week all \rork. "·hich '"as comn1cncccl senral mnnth:' ago. \\·ill han? been fi nishcd and nn ~fonda, · . August 0. l·~,·an.;ton's newe.;t pla~·room \\'ill h(' open fm hu . in css. The (late of a grand opening \\'ill he <Ulno unced later. Thr 'flL·al " ·here!)\· tl1e ).fain Rl'creation Center acqui.red a t\\'cnt~· - fiye \·car lease on it:-~ location frnm R. L. LdTing\n~ll " ·as consunJnJated rL'CC'nth ·. Genn?..L' T. Cntt..; "·a..; the broker (nr l>nth ·tht·-lcssor and the lessee~. ~ -· ------------ J OHN l\1ERCEREAU'S ~tage coach lun1bered its creaking \va y fro1n New York to Philadelphia in a day and a half, in 1771, and \vas considered so fast that it \vas called "The Flying l\Iachine." \Vhen stean1 c,une into use, there \vere the "Cotnet," the "Thunderbolt" and sitnilar natnes, suggesting the attaintnen t of the age-old need speedy tnessengers. l\fan's effort to overcome the limitations of ti1ne and distance finally put electricity t :) vvork, and it became his swiftest tnessage bearer. H alf a century ago Bell invented the telephone. It is n1ore than a 1nessenger, for it has · been developed to carry man's spoken \vords for greater distances with the swiftness of light. Through its wizardry space is conquered \Vi th the · speed of thought itself. Rotarians . and Optimists to Hold Joint Luncheon The \\'ilm ette Rotar~· and Optimi . . t clubs arc to hnld a join ' lunrbcon \\'ednesday noon. AttQ"u..;t 11. at the Rotan· hc~tdquartl'rs in the Ouilmetil' Country club. Rc,·. Rernanl Rra<h-, rector of St . Francis Xa,·ier cllllrck has been secured as the speaker at thi s mectin ~· and a spec ial program has been arranged hy the Rotary club. Charles S. Parker, son of '\f r. and : Mrs. Jackson V. Parker. 435 Tenth street, has just returned from a six \Yceks' trip to Alaska and the Canadian Rockies. He accompanied hi s aunt. '!\'fiss Frances Parker of ~l'\\- port, 11 inn . They included among their stops, Skagway, Banff and Lake Louise. Dr. ~[au de B. Sands, 1024 Central avPnue. who left Wilmette th e latter nart of June oti a camping trip in tht> Redwood country of California, is now in San Francisco, but will sail from Seattle August 28, on the steamship Alaska. for a five weeks' trip to Alaska. She will not return to Wilmette until October. ' ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM -o- One Policy "' One System "' UniveTsal SeT.dce YEAR-1926 TELEPHONE's F I F T ·y E T H