August 20, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE IS but you GET MORE ... You get greater food storage capacit}-more ice cube capacityand more downright quality in a Cabinet Kelvinator than in any other electrically equipped refrigerator at or near its price. But that's not all. You get a wider choice of models; the Kelvinator line being the world's largest. You get such beauty of design and finish that · women choose them for appearance-and that's not all. You get a Kelvinator; 'the same system that has been serviru?: others since 1914, and is acknowledged to be the system of lon2"est proved life . The Oldest Domes tic Electric ev1 _:.{fll, U/1 JA., · R.efrigera tion Goon HousE 15 6 5 Sheiman A venue Fountain Square ING ~1.. f,p/111;" SHop, Inc - 0 niversi~;-i 13 2 Greenleaf 23 90--1 1 WcUh ~v w. L. 3 Good Housekeeping Shop, Inc., 1565 Sherman Ave., Evanston. K.llUW lll· l · . EVANSTON about Kelvinator an~.: "hy Kelvinator often . / rreater values Alllrl·-----Address _ _ _ _ __ ,