WILMETTE ·LIFE August 20, 1926 Partners business is almost always a corporauon or .l partnership. It is run by a board of directors. fo:many heads are wi9er than one. Yet most men do their planning and deciding alone. The professional man and the man who works for a \V age or a salary-these men roo often hesitate to go to others fot counsel. They h;ave no partners: they work alone. Yet the Officers of this Bank~ experienced~ competent. helpful. are here to be partners for all such men in the bus,iness of real, permanent progress. They are very much inter ested in you and in your work. For they kno\v that this Bank's success is bound up in yours. They arc here to help yoo. A BIG THE WILMETTE STATE BANK ·Central Avenue at Twelfth . Street t~y our Home Bank"