~ugust Zl, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE has long been popular with Ravinia audiences will be given its only perd formance. of the se~son, have an the remamder of current the offermgs ~een .~hosen fr.om among thos~ .works m whtch the mterest of Ravmta patrons have been unusually keen. "Madame Sana Gene" The new week will begin Sunday afternoon, August 29, when an orchestra concert will be given under the direction of Mr. DeLamarter. All seats are free for these concerts. Sund·a y night will witness the second performance of "Madame Sans Gene," the Giordano opera of Napoleonic times which has been added to the Ravinia repertoire this season and which was received with such acclaim that another performance became imperative. Miss Alice Gentle will be heard as Catherine Huebscher, a part well fitted to her dramatic and vocal ability, while Giovanni Martinelli will again be cast as LeFebvre, the soldier who became marshal of France, a role which he makes decidedly outstanding both in singing and acting. Napoleon Bonaparte, a role in which Giuseppe Danise has added to his repertoire and which may be considered one of the masterpieces of this baritone, will agairi be sung by this great singer actor. Others in the cast are Mme. Bourskaya; 'Miss Ma~well, Miss Paggi, Miss Falfo, Mr. MoJtca, Mr. Defrere, Mr. DAngelo and Mr. Ananian. Mr. Papi will conduct. · So popular have been the Ravinia performances of "Lohengrin" this season, that an extra performance of this work-the third which has been given -has been scheduled for Monday night, August 30, in .place of the concert by the Chicago Symphony · Orchestra. Mme. Rethberg, whose fame as an interpreter of Wagnerian roles is international, will again be heard as Elsa. She has made the role so thoroughly human and it reveals her vocal beauty .to su.ch an advantap, that in it she has completeiy captivated her audiences. Edward Johnson, 'another of the world's great Wagnerians will have the title role for which he is especially endowed both as singer and actor and which he presents in so individual a man.ner as to give it many new . and rev~almg attributes. . Howard Preston 1s to be Telramund, Miss Gentl~ is cast as Ortrud, Louis D'Angelo as King H~nry and Desire Ddrere as the Kmg s Herald. Mr. Hasselmans will conduct~ "Manon Lescaut," Puccini's colorful ) . (Continued on page 36 GALA PERFORMANCES END RAVINIA OPERA Leading Stars to Be Seen · in Grand Finale of Fifteenth Season at Ravinia As the fifteenth season of Ravinia and concerts draws rapidly to a close the spirit of gala begins to manifest itself and Louis Eckstein in outlining the performances which will round out as brilliant a season · of opera as this country has ever witnessed, has scheduled a repertoire that will long remain in the memories of those who appreciate the best in music. Between Sunday night, August 29, and Monday night September 6, when the season will end, two elaborate gala performances, the first consisting of a triple bill, the second, a double in which the leading artists of the Ravinia forces will take part, ·are to be given. Popular demand has made it necessary to give an extra performance of "Lohengrin," this taking the place of the regular Monday night orchestra concert. "La Navarraise," that tensely dramatic French opera which op~ra I A New Day a Week for the enjoyment of more pleasant duties '- Did you ·ever stop to think that by sending your weekly washing to us, you could have a new day a week-52 holidays ~ year-for the enjoyment of more pleasant duttes. Time is what we sell. Time is what you need. A few words on the telephone or to Bill the Washington Laundry Man and washday would be removed from your calendar-yout mind-and your home. ""' . Prim Prest servtce All clothes, finished, ready to wear. Minimum bundle 1 o lbs. (for instance 5 lbs. flat, 5 lbs. wearing apparel) $2.25. Handkerchiefs, 2 cents extra. An Attractive Home for individuals or small families who want the same service rendered by the finest hotels but intermingled with a home atmosphere that adds to the comfort of a short or long stay. There are attractive terms for long leases. and enjoy our cafeteria. For Reservations Telephone University ·"" Come o ·· CALL IN BILL TODAYHE'S IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD TODAY-AND EVERY DAY 8000 20% Discount on work brof!-g ht in and called for Orrington Avenue, South of Church Street Evanst()n