24 ' WIJ,.METTE LIFE October 15, 1926 Cozy Sleepingwear for Youngsters Mothers everywhere like Dr. Denton's- a light, warm, knit sleeping garment with feet - comfortably built for perfect freedom. Sizes 1 fo 12 years-$1.25 to $2.75. Flannelette Sleepers with and without feet come in sizes 2 to 14 at $1.10 to $1.65. These are of firm, warm .flannelette, in pink and blue stripes. Unusually good values, the se! Lord's-Children's Shop- Second Floor Cunning Little Jersey Frocks with Bloomers Sizes 2 to 6 Jersey dresses with applique arid yarn embroidery~ $7.95. Jersey dresses with contrast ing collars, embroidered in wool, $5.95. White Jersey dresses with short sle eve s and red button s, $5.95. ! . · Jersey with pongee collars · and cuffs and blanket stitch ing . in contrasting colors, $5.95. Note, Please - our impressive hand-wrought riugs ·with semi-precious.ston es- lapis, carnel-ian, topaz, t11osaic, intaglio, jade, am eth yst and tigereye. $.6.5_ 0 to $15. -our ambrosial ((Gold Coast Toffee ·' '~ ~!led ·witlt 1rufs and coated 'with rich milk chocolate. T V ell U'orth $1 a poln·zd. - our 'l i~a.ry, creamy gardenia buds that are an rxquisite accent on the da_rk coat or dress or suit. l11ra.gin r buying thc·m at 10c raclt. Shagmoor . \ tailo. ~ d ~ First Flo or ~< t1 > ly t!J.' I ll ; t Lord's- Cizildreu!s Slzop- S econd Floor I · · Fo~~Boys Woolen Dresses For Miss 8 to 16 $11.95 Two-piece jerseys with n1ilitary collar!:! and novelty knit bands, cuffs and saddle shoulders. R~p sheen s, stitched in yarn, with linen collars. .\r ater Is a fi ll l'. :ig-h . \11 d th: " a · ~· li med 1 Four-Piece Suits With kuickers and long trousers or two pairs of knickers or two pairs of longics I Two-piece jerseys with smocked blouses and pleated skirts with ..bodice tops. Other jerseys and wool crepes and twill s of excellent quality $5.95 to $23.50. Lord's- Children's Shop- SecoHd Floo,. tnoder te In ' f. 1 Well-Tailored Linene Smocks Cassimeres-tan, gray, light and dark-fine blue cheviots. You'11 know by the way they -hang and fit and we·a r and hold their shape that they're really tailo~ed-and of materials ·that you'd · choose if you had them to select yourself! Some even cravenetted -making them showerproof ! $1.95 Two-pocket smocks, cut with all-enveloping fullness to really protect one's clothes. Smocked Je·s $1 '9 . r Charn1ingly youthful frocks - · weight jersey o f a soft, stnooth i d -aud they're just as practical for lrou.sewives as they are for office workers and artists! Tan Russet Beige R st ' 16 : 38, I Lavender, Rose, Green, Blue, Natural and Orange Lord's-Fashion.s Foor-thc Second Sn1ocked at waistline and shoul. ~r, a nicety, these dresses are quite ". derf Lord's-Fas hi Lord's-First Floor