October 22, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE Frigidaire has. a new h·ome on the North Shore lq order that better sales and servtce facilities tnight be offered residents of the 1\ orth Shore. a ne\v Frigidaire salesroon1 has just been opened in Evanston at 1629 Shern1an A venue. You are cordially invited to visit the ne,,· salesrootn and see the n1odels no\v on dis- . play. There are con1plete cabinet tnodels in sizes to n1eet the requiretnents of e\·ery hotne. 'fhere are n1odels for use in converting present ice-boxes into Frigidaire. There is a model for your home-a Frigiclaire that \vill give you the convenience, economy and satisfaction of proven electric refrigeration at a ne\v lo\\. price. Quantity production and the"great buying po\ver of General lVIotors have resulted. in greatly reduced prices-the lowest in the history of electric. refrigeration. Long the leader in value as '~ell as in number of users, Frigidaire now offers even greater Yalue th~n ever before. Model for model an9 size for size, Frigidaire offers more and co~ts less than any other electric refrigerator. Only in Frigidaire can you g~t all the features of Frigidaire construction, Frigidaire design, and Frigidaire economy. And only in Frigidaire can you get the large food storage space, the greater ice-making capacity, the finer finish, the quieter opera" tion and · the tnore precise engineering and tnanufacturing standards of General Motors. If you \Yant true Frigidaire value, be sure that the electric refrigerator you buy is a genuine Frigidaire. Call at our display room, telephone or mail the coupon for complete information. SPECIAL DESSERTS FROZEN IN FRIGIDAIRE WILL BE SERVED DURING OUR OPENING STOVER 313 N. Michigan Ave. (Display Room) co. 445 E. Erie St. {Geaeral 08icea) 1629 Sherman Ave., Evanston, Ill. Phone: Greenleaf 3926 Telephone: Superior 5528 PllODVCT--~ · 1