October 22, 1926 W·J:.LM E 'J' T 2 L I F:ll_ Men's English Imported Hose, $1.25 Very snappy patterns-woven in fine imported Australian yarns! Tans, blues, grays-and dashes of bright color. Others at $1.75. First Floor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--- Effective ,, HATS -by GOOD NEWS ' from the Main Floor Meadowbrook EAST ROOM Wagner Cast-Iron Skillets ( Aladdin Crushed Violet · Chanel Red Mother Goose Number~ J and l 2 1 for $1 ) Bassinets for baby dolls to sleep in, twu u~eful ~izes that the housewife will appreciate ! $12.50 and $15.00 The most ravishing -..implicit;- characterizes tl1ese ~l eatlnwbr< 1< ,k 11 ats . Tail- High-Frame Waffle Irons Frum the :-;a me good maker. . $1.79 ~t ored, of course- 1Jut exquisite!~ ~ Pleat ing; velvet "feather:-,," gro:--g-rain:-;, rutont stencilwork-and yen· \,rid brim~~ -----It Isn't Too Early to Think About DOLL FURNITURE! 1 table and t\VO rhair!:-1 make a set $6.25. Capaciuu~ $2.75. Doll High Chairs. nicely l.ittle . ewi11g cabinets are made, $5 ..?5 . $2.75. All the~e p1cces m 1\'0r);. blue or pink enamel finish. Notilns Important Trifles Taffeta binding ;~tl colors, 7 yd. bolt, v Patterns 'll'ill ,,.,,, c. (' II Ill,· (/}1/tllt'll/ maL· lo~ d.\ ,·/ol/1,'.\ ! /(1 .32-Piece Sets of Domestic. Semi-Porcelain tap~. ·· 4c. $5.50 1\\ o delio·htfnl l)attern~ - the colorful "Bungalow"1'-o and the loYely "Floral." Lawn bias tape; black 4r white, 20c to SOc: colors, 35c bolt. 12 yd~. Corticclli Darning Silk. all colors, lOc a bail. Corticelli Mending Silk, taped on a card, vari- U' ashable Mingtoy Crepe $2.75 All lm t·Jy rulor.., which retain ihcir origina 1 beaUt\· 32 Piece Sets in Birdette Design $13.40 Cream-colored ware with a yellow, black and orange border. $4.75 Daisy Goblets, $3.95 Doz. Or hig·h-stemmed sherbet glasses. colored, card yds., lOc. of 52 I a mHferi 11 g ~. through man) Lord's- First Fluor /.onl's- First Floor Lord's-Fiq·t Floor CHINAWARr ·